As someone who lives in South Africa, I read this article with a proper sense of humour.
I do like your sense of irony Riley and you do write very well.
What I can tell is our Prez Squirrel Ramafuck ain't no stupid fucker.
What he's done is align a meagre USD 500BN economy with rich partners who have a collective economic GDP value of say USD 25TN.
Now with six other Arabic, African and Latin American partners that USD 25TN can go to probably over USD 35TN.
Smart move.
If all his rich partners can help solve South Africa's electricity supply problem and assist with other socioeconomic problems - then good on you Ramafuck.
Ramafuck never made covid injections compulsory.
He could never control the will of South Africans.
South Africa is the freeest nation on earth - just as long as you can pay.
He lifted lockdown quicker than most other nations.
He's a better leader than every white fuck in the first world.
So yes, he talks the "globalist" talk - all African leaders do - just show us the money.
So all your theoretical quibbling about the globalist agenda is really horseshit.
It's time for the global South to row its own boat against the crap tide of the USA, Canada, the UK, EU and all aligned vassal states.
If Ramafuck has to wear a loincloth and run round a bonfire with fellow Africans chasing teenage girls; or drink vodka shots wearing a bikini with Bad Vlad; or ride horses on the Pampas and snort pure Buenos Aires cocaine; or learn Mandarin like Cristina did in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, then he will.
The last laugh is on all of you - banging on with the same tired nomenclature.
Thank you BRICS+ as it's now called.
Now show us the money you fuckers.
It's getting cold out here in the Vladivostok snow.
As someone who lives in South Africa, I read this article with a proper sense of humour.
I do like your sense of irony Riley and you do write very well.
What I can tell is our Prez Squirrel Ramafuck ain't no stupid fucker.
What he's done is align a meagre USD 500BN economy with rich partners who have a collective economic GDP value of say USD 25TN.
Now with six other Arabic, African and Latin American partners that USD 25TN can go to probably over USD 35TN.
Smart move.
If all his rich partners can help solve South Africa's electricity supply problem and assist with other socioeconomic problems - then good on you Ramafuck.
Ramafuck never made covid injections compulsory.
He could never control the will of South Africans.
South Africa is the freeest nation on earth - just as long as you can pay.
He lifted lockdown quicker than most other nations.
He's a better leader than every white fuck in the first world.
So yes, he talks the "globalist" talk - all African leaders do - just show us the money.
So all your theoretical quibbling about the globalist agenda is really horseshit.
It's time for the global South to row its own boat against the crap tide of the USA, Canada, the UK, EU and all aligned vassal states.
If Ramafuck has to wear a loincloth and run round a bonfire with fellow Africans chasing teenage girls; or drink vodka shots wearing a bikini with Bad Vlad; or ride horses on the Pampas and snort pure Buenos Aires cocaine; or learn Mandarin like Cristina did in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, then he will.
The last laugh is on all of you - banging on with the same tired nomenclature.
Thank you BRICS+ as it's now called.
Now show us the money you fuckers.
It's getting cold out here in the Vladivostok snow.