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Hi Ivan,

I can follow your logic and narrative – to a degree. I agree that altogether human history gives us no reason to believe that we will ever learn from it. Basically, it seems humans only know two positions: either their neck under somebody´s boot or their boot on somebody´s neck. Sad, but true, I think.

However, does that fact now demand to give up all hope for the future, or abandon all our dreams for true justice and a peaceful co-existence of all nations and earthlings? Yes, agree, BRICS is not perfect, possibly even driven by the same suspects, but if I had the choice to throw my weight behind the proven criminals from the Western combine or the not proven yet BRICS clique – I´d go BRICS, for the lack of another viable alternative presently. Or do you know of any?

Anyway, I can always withdraw my consent, as I am now doing as far as the usual suspects are concerned. As I journey down this path, I will always look over my shoulder, ready to make a U or 90 degree turn at any time.

Let´s also not forget that we owe our current living status to the global turbo capitalism scheme (which is currently withdrawing its blessings), our personal wealth and prosperity has grown out of their seed corn. Not that I long to live in China, but to be fair, they have succeed in lifting hundreds of millions out of miserable poverty in an unprecedented short amount of time. So, they´re actually doing just the opposite than the current western “wealth extraction and poverty generating machine”. Let´s at least give them credit for that. I was recently in China and while I could see the imprimatur of the global usual suspects everywhere, I also couldn´t deny the incredible dynamic that engulfs that country and the optimism prevailing. Again, I´m not fooled by idealism and that coin has a huge backside as well, but I have to admit that a developmental miracle has happened in that country.

If and when that benevolence and win-win mentality turns into total, uncontrolled authoritarianism, again, churning out evil and breathing out slaughter and destruction, like the current hegemon, than it´s time to drop out and rudder back. I just can´t do it before that happens, I´m afraid. I think somewhere in my heart there may just be a shred and modicum of hope left. Hope, that we can still change the world – not by introducing another “ism” or political idea, but by changing one heart at a time, beginning with our very own.

Believe me, I feel the same frustration you do, but I refuse to kill my hope for a better future. Maybe I recant when the mushroom clouds go up and the flesh is burning…

But until that day – I will hope!

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Hi Casual Spectator,

We live under what is essentially a global slavery system that has been created by the western elites of the Roman Empire familes alliance, that track their families back to the original Roman Empire dictatorship era, which transformed itself into the Roman Catholic Church so it could continue to spread itself worldwide for its ultimate quest which is world government, where the elites own everything and the masses once again are in the position expressed by the World Economic Forum, a key transnational organization of these elites, said by 2030 "you'll own nothing and be happy."

As I said above this global slavery system has 2 main parts - they own the international banking and finance cartel and the central banking system, so they control all money, all interest rates, all money supply, and inflation - and use all of it as levers to wage financial terrorism on humanity for their enrichment, not to mention that the interest component just steadily transfers the wealth as Thomas Pikkety in is now famous book on Capitalism made clear. And the second part is global monopoly capitalism - all the "essential industries" for the Covid-terrorism are those that the Davos globalists own and wanted to protect while they attacked the rest of humanity with lockdowns - which was simply class warfare.

BRICS is not an alternative. It was propagandized that way to suck in all the countries that are aligning with it. But as Edwards article and the references he used make very, very, clear - it is the EXACT same globalist agenda. Putin is on the same team as China. China is on the same team as the Davos globalists and Joe Biden as they are all in bed together. All the international finance companies are heavily invested in China. They are the reason China raised people out of the rice fields. Not because the Chinese woke up one day and decided to get rich. International finance, technology and retraining provided by all the advanced economies - who partnered with the CCP. They are still partners.

And don't fall for the 'they lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty" one sided story.

That story has to be balanced by what the global capitalists destroyed to finance China's rise. My favorite Icon for that is Detroit. But all over the western world are Detroits! The detritus and destroyed lives of global monopoly capitalism. In a short period of time they lifted hundred of millions of Chinese up and destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions elsewhere. In my nation, Australia, when I was a child we manufactured everything from ammunition to zinc, A to Z. Not any more. we have homeless people everywhere that never existed when I was a child nor in any previous generation. Global capitalism based on the fake narratives of Neo-Liberalism did that.

I admire your desire to hope - but it is misplaced. The corruption is endemic.

Like you I want a better future, hell I want a better present, these globalist scum and their lies and lockdowns destroyed everything I had spent years building for the common cold and pneumonia, and now they are trying to destroy everything with their climate change lies, and countless friends were bankrupted by this, and many died after their poison shots, including loved family.

We live in the most evil, corrupt and psychopathic period of our lives.

That's the ugly, inconvenient truth.


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I don't admire desire for hope. Hope in what? That the informations provided in that article and others pointing in the same directions will change in nature? Hope that the BRICS or any other supranational organizations will reveal the truth about how bad we are being treated, to say the least and then finally restore our natural right?

Hope can be disappointed. It is a kind of blank state where you are nor sharp, alert, mentally, physically . Wishing is much more interesting since you have to formulate the nature of that very wish of yours. Imagination is kept alive, as well as rationality, movement, breathing. Your mind has not been caught by any spell. You are free to have many hypotheses for any subject and remain alert.

Acceptance of physical death is the key.

Amor fati

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Thank you, Ivan. Well said!

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Thanks Dave - appreciate it.

What's your NGO?

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I take your points Ivan. And I understand to the degree I can. However, I am convinced that there is always hope. And it is not weak but powerful. In my worldview the Truth always triumphs regardless.

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Wise words Ivan - you have the truth.



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Thanks AP. I appreciate it.

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