Well at least this will put a stop to the massive money laundering done by Russian bus drivers.

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To be fair, I've lived in several countries which have ALWAYS prohibited bus drivers from handling money aka selling tickets, not as some sinister CBCD project but because bus drivers need to concentrate on driving, not pausing every two seconds to make change and pass money around (the way that Russian marshrutka drivers do all day long).

Honestly, I don't consider banning the sale of tickets ON BOARD a bus to be all that evil or sinister, especially if you can use cash to buy your tickets from a kiosk/vendor.

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"While Western CBDCs are obviously a tool of total control, Russia’s CBDC is apparently checkmating the globalists—so goes the logic."

Jackson Hickle and The Duran would like you to believe that central bank digital currencies issued by Russia or BRICS will be far more liberating, as it will diminish the control of the petro dollar.

Unfortunately, these voices of YouTube global emancipation neglect to mention that regional digital currencies will be interconnected to form an even tighter grip on the world's population as the "global parasites" consolidate power.

As stated in the above article all funds issued by the government will be in the form of a CBDC. So that means pensions, social security, healthcare, etc... will all be tied to this digital currency. Can you see how dangerous this will be if an edict is issued and you don't want to comply. What do you think will happen? I'll answer that--access to your accounts will be denied until you capitulate.🤨

And let's get really creepy, suppose a new "special jab" is mandated, but you don't want to sacrifice your body testing it. Do you think you're going to get your dough if you say no. And didn't we find out during the scamdemic that not every mRNA batch is the same. Some are more deadly, oh I mean more effective than others.

Well how do you know if you're not going to be chosen to take a jab from one of the more "effective" batches? 🤔

If you believe central bank digital currencies will set you free from Global Empire you must also believe the mRNA experimental gene therapy injections are safe and effective.😷

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I got pissed at the Duran when both of them appeared to completely ignore Strelkov's arrest. It turns out that Mercouris devoted a few minutes on his personal channel to denouncing the arrest but didn't make it a headline and they still haven't devoted a show to it. Christoforou has been in Moscow recently and still be as we speak. So I am still done with them. Their coverage of the Western Deep State is good, but their coverage of Russia is garbage.

Considering that Russia and China's relative growth in power against the West is still mostly a blip against the reality that the Industrial Era of humanity is starting to decline, I have doubts about successful these CBDC's will ultimately be across the globe even in the medium term. There are other factors working against them, like banal corruption and the leaders' own incompetence. Doesn't mean we should relax our guard though.

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"Their coverage on the Western deep state is good, but their coverage of Russia is garbage."

I agree, their analyses about US Imperialism is very often enlightening--that's how they get their following, however, they tend to idealize Russia and China a bit too much.

In the US they'll incrementally introduce the CBDC so the frogs won't notice the boiling water.

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They can try, but my guess is that several Red States will pass laws restricting them. Florida already has. Once they are introduced there will be lawsuits, and those will be ongoing for years.

That, and the fact that American Empire is crumbling anyways means that few will have patience for this. These things are easier to accomplish in Europe where the population is compact, with some exceptions fairly compliant with government authority, and there's few truly wild areas. America is large, scattered, individualistic, wild, and mostly hinterland. Those factors won't things easier for the elite as the country gets poorer.

Like I said, though, better to not let your guard down.

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Looks like we need to disinter the remains of Andrew Jackson, reanimate him, and get the US central bank (the "Fed") abolished once more. Money may be the root of all evil (it has good uses, too), but central banks are absolutely the root of all evil.

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Good idea to check Matt Ehret/Cynthia Chung's take on Jackson. I don't have a link handy but it can likely be found at Rising Tide Foundation dot org, not .com

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Found the artilcle

risingtidefoundation.net / 2022 / 05 / 28 / how-to-save-a-dying-republic-part-two-lincoln-and-the-greenbacks /

Wow, this really goes against whatever I have been told about the situation and the role of the central bank. Feels like watching the Firesign Theatre's Everything You Know Is Wrong play... Thanks for the link, I'll have to look into this more careffully

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The Swiss voted this years so that it would be forbidden to ban cash as to my homeland, right now, it is heading toward very hard chaotic times so who knows...

Resist, wherever you are.

"Man is obliged to carry the burden of freedom. God welcomes only free men; only free men are necessary to him." Nicolas Berdiaev

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Jul 28, 2023
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I've lived the expat life for over 30 years, 75 countries and I am coming to conclusion you're right.

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It wasn't what I was expecting, either. I don't know if there are other parts of the world that might work out, but it seems so. With the caveat that we are talking about /parts/ of the US, and that there will still be a lot of chaos and hardship. That's for freedom for ya, though.

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They were great on Syria and Libya among many other atrocities.

I don't dump anybody unless they can be proven to be agressive disinfo, even gatekeepers can be useful.

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It's beyond gatekeeping It's more about being a complicit accomplice.

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I don't see it, but honestly I haven't watched much in the last couple of years. I've currently got 8,467 articles in my Russia RSS folder. God save me.

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there is an interview on the Gaggle discussing Strelkov which imho is closer to the truth than Duran would ever dare to venture into:


As for Duran, ask yourself if they ever criticized Russia - the answer is deafening NO, and that is all you need to know about their objectivity.

If I was you I would stick to occasionally watching Christoforou, just to get a different perspective, but Mercouris 1h+/ day sleazy drivel - one could say he sounds like an unsuccessful lawyer :)

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Revelation 13:17 "so that nobody could buy or sell except those who carry the mark with the name of the Beast or with the number of it's name."

Now... the Book of Revelation is a strange creature. It doesn't necessarily describe 100% accurately specific concrete future events... instead it "describes what was, what is and what will be". To "carry the mark of the Beast" could be fulfilled simply by having to sin to be able to enter a society - like for example commit pedophilia to enter US government. But some fulfillments are more literal than others. What if 20 years down the road the governments require people to swear fealty to them and uphold the state laws above and beyond God's law - lest their money be programmed from them? Is that not the mark of the Beast, fulfilled literally?

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Stranger still, there was no possibility of the fulfillment of Revelation until recent centures. There was no possible way to conceptualize armies of 100 million, global poisoning of water supplies, etc. OrthodoxEthos is conducting a series on the Book of Revelation in light of the Orthodox Christian commentary by Holy Fathers.

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They see society diivided into two groups the "eaters" and the "eaten."

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Just like with the “vaccine,” Russia is leading the way.

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How the Russians were led by the Bolsheviks.

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Economics is the primary means of social control. They want to overhaul your behavior when the entire system is changing.

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I checked the Duma vote on the digital ruble: 83.3% for; 0% against; 0% abstained; 16.7 didn't vote.


Also see this: "Duma. Digital ruble. Not one vote against!" https://proza.ru/2023/07/11/1338


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That’s a perfect phrase accurately describing CBDC’S, no matter the country adopting it: “a digital concentration camp;” a virtual prison for nomadic sheeples. For all practical purposes, it’s an invisible yoke created by the worldwide network of War-Bakers/Human Slavers—the latest and greatest tool of the 21st century for controlling and tracking generational slaves.

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Digital anything is a form of slavery. Why should we trust any government, especially after the last 4 years of unabated tyranny and lies? Digital currency = death.

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I'm beginning to see that all of this 5d chess is really good to implement an Orwellian shit order.

Fk those 5d+ fanbois.

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Very informative, thx.

Can't "shoot the messenger" just because the message sux.


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if you read this and still dont get whats going on you may be suffering from COVID clot shot syndrome

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Next step will be digital polititians. In reality they already act as ones

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(Puffs pipe) A fine article, Edward, a fine article indeed! I do believe that the Ruskies are, as usual, imperially fucked!

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"Alt-Media Is In Shock After The BRICS Bank Confirmed That It Complies With Western Sanctions."

"Those who aren’t irredeemably brainwashed and sincerely aspire to understand the global systemic transition to multipolarity as it objectively exists instead of indulging in wishful thinking about it should use this unpleasant development as the opportunity to finally awaken.

The Alt-Media Community (AMC) has hyped their audience up since the start of the NATO-Russian proxy war seventeen months ago into thinking that BRICS is supposedly on the brink of dealing a deathblow to the dollar. Top influencers deliberately exaggerated the group’s role in advancing financial multipolarity processes in order to generate clout, push their ideological agenda, and/or solicit donations from their well-intended but naive followers."


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Humor, music, derision, consciousness. Like James Corbett says, laughing at the face of psycho space lizard...

Another very good song from another French Rasta, Rasta Président who took refuge in Asia... It's two years old but still relevant like the Gilets Jaunes:


Patriots of the world, unite!

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Well Putin belonged to Klaus Schwab's WEF global leaders program, the 5d Zanon said he had a Fallout with them and got kicked out, yet here we see they go full steam even overshadowing the west. All this west vs east could be freemasonic illusions and theatre.

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That is what I think too. The global government is already formed and functionating. It is just not in their interest to tell us. So now they are taking care of getting rid of our identities. They think they can do that, they think they can and say and do whatever they want and up till now that is true, because almost everybody still thinks it is not in the interests of their leaders/governments to harm or kill their own citizens. Because almost everybody trusts their leaders/governments, they do not do any research themselves.

But, fooling people needs to controll the news. And of course the people in power do control the media. But they don't controll people telling and showing other people what is going on.

In China people are being controlled by their government, but they have a complete different history concerning autority than most of the rest of the global population which are more numerous than the numerous chinese population.

The moment will arrive too many people start to see they are fooled by their governments.

And when the trust is gone, people start to want to know why their governments acting the way they do.

And when no explanation can be given to them which shows the governments act in the interest of their civilians, their done. Game over.

So the world powers must kill our spirits in sort of a period of 'no-time' and do this in a way we will survive too, because without too many people, or without too many still capable of working and thinking: power has no meaning anymore, and they die themselves anyway.

Mission impossible in my opinion. Hope so their global air empire of the global sheepy no-knowing population collapses soon

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It wont go so easy. Lies have a lot of power, especially when they keep you comfortable. We experienced this in their plandemic. Against all reason, people still wanted to believe their lies (many still do) because otherwise it's the red pill.

You'll have to question yourself in what you believe in. But most people have big egos and small skills... so it must get *very* uncomfortable first. Concentration camp level of uncomfortable I fear.

Also they can play the us against them card at any time. US against China, East against West, Brics against Nato... The boogeyman game is save and effective... and entertaining for us plebs.

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Russians really understand what are all the dangers of implementing CBDCs? Idk, maybe it is not that they understand but rather they are against anything new which the DUMA is pushing on them? I mean, if they really knew, guys like Gref wouldnt be allowed to exist, let alone prosper...

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