Great points, great post. Has been difficult to believe all along that Russia was fighting the international corporatocracy. Appears all nation states have been subsumed under the guise of the World Economic Forum, Davos crazies. Difficult to get out of this place alive.

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Finally we can see communism as a corporate invention.

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Yep - a communist-Fascist-Totalitarian agenda. (And oh so "Democratic")

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What is “communist” about any of this?

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Quite unforunately "it" goes by various names. Some refer it to communism, some totalitarianism, some fascism. Communism is very confusing in usage today - used to refer to the leftist woke ideology and anything else which comes to mind. I think you get to where you can figure out the writer's intention, but.... I prefer fascism as it refers specifically to the allegiance between a nation state, corporations, and institutions. And to the "public private" partnership of "stakeholder capitalism".

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And I was referring to the reference to Russia which was Communist but very likely that was put there by the corporate world of the time, or at least a section of it. The Bolsheviks could even be seen as reactionaries rather than revolutionaries as they overthrew the Menshiviks who had control at the beginning of the revolution.

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Jan 29, 2023Edited
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Your comment is indescribably perfect.

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She's very determined.

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There's a depressing lesson there.

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And what is that. I can't see the message anymore as Riley has deleted it but I remember it as spam.

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Try the UN, whose establishment in a New York city plot of Rockefeller land was agreeable to Stalin and Mao; that 's where Russia and the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate coordinate plandemic, "climate change", war, etc. WEF is a clownfuckery freakshow.

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All in it together now. WEF may be clownfuckery but they are partnered with all of the forces you mention. They have been for a long time. They are the advertising agency for the apocalypse.

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All those pretty young boys and girls...

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This article is an ominous foreshadowing of what is to come in nation after nation if the globalist Great Reset cabal get their way. The covid scamdemic, the depopulating killer "vaccines", WHO's planned Global Pandemic Treaty, the US/NATO's insane criminal war against Russia via proxy Ukraine, soaring iuflation and food shortages, digital social credit scores are all bricks in the same wall. This article is most enlightening, and the sharp sarcastic cutting edge is unmatchable.

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Thanks for reading :)

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Great points. I see it as US/NATO and Russia at war against Ukraine, for the ''globalists.''. Ukraine will be their eventual headquarters, aka Israel 2.0.

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So we are in a big staged play! Global gobblers are at it on all ‘fronts’.

Thank you for digging

It will be hard to not comply / must be prepared to if you don’t want to follow the herd, physically and emotionally.

Very few are. 🙄

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“However, it will not be possible to deceive people and it will be necessary to impose a digital currency by force.”

The large majority of people I know in the U.S. will be deceived when it comes here. The govermedia will talk about convenience and “security” and they will bite the hook with a will.

Unless they’re quietly beginning to rethink things, and are deceiving me. Either way, someone is being deceived.

If the Russian people will have to be forced to swallow CBDC, there’s still hope for them.

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Once again, a gem of a post, Riley.

"Yeah, but Russia's digital dictatorship will be a good one, a humane one, ..... Come on, someone please tell me we haven't been fooled into supporting just another variant of the Great Reset!" :-)

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Not CDBC, but... in Ukraine, they are considering a ban on selling alcohol, cigarettes, and fuel for cash.


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Super creepy.

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Nobody needs alcohol or smokes.

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I can totally survive without alcohol (though it's a great disinfectant) and tobacco. But fuel?

And that's not even the point. The point is the government shouldn't be able to dictate what we buy and how we pay for it.

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Alcohol and cigarettes are non-perishables. They have the properties of money in a barter economy and can hold value more than a hyper-inflating currency.

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Fair point. I didn't think of that.

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Yes, untainted ethanol in aequeous solution has its uses. So does fuel. Still, would you like to live under a government which, in effect, boosts the private slave trade by turning a blind eye to it?

Here in the USA, the problem of the private slave trade was solved in a most interesting way at about the same time that serfdom was being abolished in the Russian empire. A particular form of slavery was abolished, but an amendment to the Schmonstitution was passed to grant a monopoly on slavery and involuntary servitude to the state. You can find the critical detail in a phrase beginning with the world "except" in the 13th article of amendment.

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I genuinely fail to understand how the 13th Amendment is related to cash ban.

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You wrote that "the government shouldn't be able to dictate what we buy and how we pay for it". It follows necessarily, whether or not you want to admit it, that your libertarian values sanctify private slave trading. Now, the USA has a central government which dictates that you not buy or sell slaves, because only the state is allowed to have slaves. So what don't you understand about the relevance of the 13th am.?

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Jan 29, 2023
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Who, me?! You could not possibly have understood what I wrote. Read all the way down, past the pejorative about the USA's Schmonstitution.

It's btw that the C is fake law. Anyone familiar with the history of the thing can see that the preamble is a blatant lie. It carries also the insinuation that "Justice" had not yet been established at the time of its writing. This latter fact is not what the imperialists had hoped "the People" would infer from their work, but there you have it in the hand of their own scribe. The "States" as they were in 1787 had not been established with "Justice", yet the imperialists didn't let that get in the way of pretending that the conventions of those states could have authority to ratify their new alleged law. But wait, there's more.

If you skip ahead to Article VII, you find the C pretending to tell you all about "Ratification" and "Establishment" BEFORE both ratification and establishment. In between those passages there is a prescription for an imperial despotism. Now, about 235 years later, the original vision of the so-called Federalists is overcoming the compromise which they accepted to save their project. The Bill of Ten Afterthoughts is being attacked relentlessly by the ruling class which celebrated the noxious musical "Hamilton".

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Perhaps, but do you REALLY want someone - ANYone - telling you that "your cash / fiat currency is no good here" ?

SUPER creepy, indeed.

Starts with items many can accept - soon, your "currency " can't buy you a cup of your favorite tea, or a chocolate bar - or a "GET OUT OF JAIL" card....

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I went to London the other week and bought myself a sandwich and a coffee at a cafe on the concourse and held out my cash only to be told it was not accepted. Card only. I went to the local dentist last week in Oakham, Rutland and took out my wodge of cash after the appointment only to be told, card only.

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We remember the time when NO ONE wanted to take plastic - due to the fees charged, or they might offer a discounted price for a cash purchase, in lieu of plastic. My, how things change....

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Some habits die hard. I was watching "The Apprentice" on TV the other night and one of the clueless, young candidates was bargaining in a small antique shop in Brighton. The shop keeper was playing hard ball so the candidate tried to close the deal by offering them less for cash! I did think it was funny as hardly any youngsters actually use cash any more, so it was hardly an incentive.

My Polish friend says that in Poland people don't even need a card to withdraw money from their bank account. They have a tattoo/implant on their wrist which they present in the Bank. I kid you not. Apparently they think it's convenient, so don't see the trap they are walking in to.

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yes, I hear that in test roll outs for that "chip", the 'kids' thought it was just great....... and I was SMH as I read about it.

Gonna be a looong rough ride down the rapids in THAT canoe without a paddle.

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Jan 30, 2023Edited
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Yes - as in "you'll never have to carry cash - that will be so much safer for you" / "think how much easier your life will be without a mad search for am ATM...."

Yes, noble as all heck !

And then??? Like a light switch turning light to dark - your access, to YOUR money, will be gone.....

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Life without alc appears impossible for me these days...

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Understandable as hell.

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Whoop, whoop! Gimme your digital control, Putin. What's not to like?!

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.....might almost feel better if I thought it WAS Putin.

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Terrific column, as always! If you’re ever looking for something to write about, I would love to get your take on the state of the Russian Orthodox Church. I am Orthodox in the United States and find it difficult to read between the lines of what we’re being told.

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I am also Russian Orthodox, but I am a mega-layman n00b and am hesitant to weigh in on Church-related issues for this reason. Although there are some stories I've been following. I'll see what I can do :)

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Oh, thank you! No need to cover issues at the patriarchate level. Just let us experience it vicariously. What are you seeing? What is the overall mood? Do you think more Russians are reclaiming this profoundly important piece of their heritage? How do they view Putin’s building of hundreds of churches--as something brand new or as a continuation of something interrupted by the Soviets?

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Maybe building churches is a symbol and/or will be used to control people. Religion is useful for that.

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That cartoon at the end made me happy. (I am pre-programmed to like cartoons.)

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:) Let's catch up soon, John!

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''Some call it communism, I call it Judaism" Rabbi Steven Wise avowed communist and founder of the NAACP. 666 is coming and few will tie it into the Bible.

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If it takes a few cities nuked to install the global digital system, then it will happen.

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Jan 29, 2023Edited
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I think millionaires are considered rats just like us.

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By that reasoning Medved made the first threat and will be sacrificed.

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Нет. Check, globalists. They need a few more moves to defeat the Rushiyan empire. One order of business will be to convert the RE's military into a globalist police force...for a large part of the world, anyway. The RTP intervention in Yukraine was an important step in this direction, and no one needs to be surprised that the affair was instigated by the usual suspects, i.e. supremacists with familial connections to Tsion and a habit of manipulating both sides of conflicts.

So now I almost feel sorry for slavish Slavs and others living in Uncle Vlad's Rushiyan empire. If only they had a Libernuttian Party or a GOP like we do here in the USA, they'd be able to defeat the Эlectronic Гulag Рuble by talktalktalking about "free-markets" and their Schmonstitution until it's time to vote again. Even if Uncle Vlad and his string pullers were to succeed in imposing the ЭГР, it would be rolled back quickly. Yes, this is just how such pernicious stuff is stopped here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. To each slave its own slav way.

It's buy the way that Uncle Vlad has diverse friends. Check out THIS crew of them: https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Putin-696x411.jpg

Notice how UV, the hatless guy in the middle, has the right thumb tucked comfortably inside the forefinger without grimmacing too much. The left thumb is hardly tempted to follow the right thumb's lead.

P.S. Да. Checkmate globalists, maybe one day, just as David Ben-Gurion predicted publicly in Jan. 1962. He had the timing wrong by at least 36 years and he was wrong about the USSR's role. However, the conclusion (e.g. "international police force" and "the federated union of all continents") is still not much much in doubt. Because conservatism is driftwood. Eggheads, nationalist do-gooders, and clowns like Woodrow, Uncle Vlad, and the Trumptard-in-Chief get things done for their puppeteers.

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What did Ben-Gurion say exactly?

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so the only way this can really work is it becomes really significantly more Orwellian isn't it? Because if they don't prohibit and punish the use of any other "currency" an extensive 'black market' will immediately spring up.

Because for various reasons many people want to be able to carry some 'traceless' cash around and not have every tiny purchase/sale they make registered with the government.

LIke the 'cash' economy is growing everywhere I think I've noticed in my world, in small ways here and there.

And then there's those that don't want to carry it around but they would like to have some liquid wealth stashed somewhere.

Don't say there won't be any cash because there's the whole rest of the world and they're a damn sight wilder that we pansies in the west (and maybe Russia, then?) are when it comes to doing what the govt tells 'em.

They'll bring cash.

And we can create our own ad hoc 'currencies'.

And to stop our own currencies gaining in volume and worth they'll have to prohibit them. And punish offenders. Body searches and the discovery of a few 'informal dollars' might get you prison time. All your digital assets frozen for sure.

The devil is in the coercion as usual. Let them do it if is voluntary like bitcoin today is. But when it gets compulsory: your wages come that way, payments for rates, mortgages, etc.. purchases are only accepted that way...

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Has there been any proposed solution to the inherent problem in CBDC's in Russia to avoid the demolition of the fractional reserve banking system?

I'm referring to the fact that storing your salary in your CBDC account (so you can spend it) would deprive retail banks of reserve capital with which to make loans with. Transferring bits at a time prepurchase makes no sense in practical terms, so it's likely that just getting paid straight into it will be the default behavior.

The ECB blogs about this issue, but has no solution so far outside of negative interest rates to disincentivise people from keeping all of their cash in the ECB account.

It seems completely unworkable until that is resolved.

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Lotta black pills today.

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What's a black pill, Guttermouth.

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So incel defeatism then.

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That's what "blackpilling" means, yes. Though it isn't really just incels using the phrase anymore.

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I guess I finally get it. From Zionist Lenin and Trotsky's 1917, to today. Russia must have revolution number two, eliminate the Zionist corporates and then join the global war. How tiresome. I liked it better when I thought Putin would save the world. Now it is beginning to look like, just as soon as we eliminate the WEF/NWO, we will have to rescue Putin. Why does life always turn out so anti-climax?

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