Jul 1, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thanks, Riley! This was an absolutely brilliant interview. Keep them coming!

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Concur. Way to go Iurie Rosca!

The only thing I do not agree with him is re China, which is economic and manufacturing superpower. IMO, globalists do not control China, and that's their main problem at the moment.

Some notable quotes:

"Donbass was abandoned for eight years, the assassination of the peaceful population in this region continued daily, and the Minsk agreements confirmed my fear that Russia did not have a leadership capable of manifesting itself as a real and effective alternative to the West."

"... nor do I practice Putinomania as a form of neo-pagan adoration and intellectual blindness. This kind of syndrome is sometimes promoted by clever people who seek sponsorship from groups affiliated with Moscow."

"I hoped that the Putin administration had decided to end Russia's unsettling status as a Western colony, as a banana republic of the globalist corporatocracy, as a supplier of raw materials to the rich countries of the West."

"The evolution of events in Russia has shown that in fact the Putin administration is only the docile executor of the orders of the “Russian plutocracy”. Under the current regime, the country could be called without exaggeration a “xenocracy” (rule by foreigners)."

"... there was no change in the internal policy of the Putin administration with regards to Moscow’s ongoing implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"

"And just as Putin and his regime have shown total subordination to the WHO Satanists, so has the puppet regime in Chisinau, violently imposing the same terror, including forced injections, using a medical pretext."

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To expand on China:

IMO, China is not in any kind of economic or financial trouble for the following reasons: 1) they control their central bank, thus can adjust money supply anyway they need interest free, 2) they are true manufacturing super-power, 3) their leadership is patriotic unlike one in Russia, 4) there are no oligarchs there, and 5) unlike Russia, China has not been completely looted (aka privatization / shock therapy) in the last 4 decades. E.g. We all remember Trump imposing heavy sanctions on China, at the time, and all those failed completely. As far I can see, this constant "news" or "analysis" of some China's economy problems is just propaganda [1][2].

Re BRICS and similar: Any failure of those non-globalist and non-Western alliances or initiatives would mostly be due to Putin sabotaging them directly or indirectly. We know that he still values G20 more than BRICS. In other words, he's just not interested in any of those those, as his heart is with his much beloved "partners", but had to play along in order to prevent any red flags, as well as to get some business deals voters would like to hear about.

[1] Living in China vs Living in America - This is truly shocking - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsZtuAOMegQ

[2] China vs USA - Who is the Real Superpower? Unseen China - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffuU_43GoqI

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The entire white world is doomed to failure because of neoliberalism and oligarchism. How did China escape? Because of the 2500 year stability provided by the Shengren or beyond religion/. above philosophy of Confucianism - its paternalism, sense of order and discipline and most importantly different to the white world the Confucian worldview that the merchants and bankers are innately disloyal, globalist and predatory and when they prey on the population they should be punished or taken down by the state - Classical example Jack Ma - his Alibaba was indulging in predatory capitalist practices of gouging sellers and buyers which are par the course on Amazon - when the Chinese population started murmuring about it on Weibo and the murmur became waves of anger the CPC reacted - Jack Ma was taken down and the shares of his companies were transferred to the state or the people. The west has no cohesive theology or philosophy that sees the people as one. Roman Catholicism was birthed in oligarchism because it begins with Clovis and his band of Jewish mercenaries feigning c conversion to Christianity and taking over the leadership of the Germanic Franks and the Philoswindler clad in Silk Satin and Silver and the intellectual father of the west - the church 'father' Augustine of Hippo creating the theological basis for Oligarch captive Churchianity. The Symphonic church which united the ruled and ruler as one existed in Byzantium till 1200 when the Romano Pagan Vulgarians in Venice (the worlds most bestial and persistent oligarchs and capitalist vultures) used the senseless Franks to destroy and plunder Eastern Rome ending nearly 1000 years of Symphonic Orthodoxy. The only hope for the world is China winning the upcoming war in 2027 or 2028 and the west descending into chaos and anarchy - effectively becoming a uber parasticial state like India built upon graded inequality and pyramidal mutual exploitation which is what the occult western elite want - India is their goal and Indians are their favourite executioners or managers of this anti-civilisational scheme. The Biden administration is a Brahmin Jew-administration. Parasitisim will be valorised and normalised. The endurance of Confucianism is why the vicious western misanthrope, philoswindler and intelligence agent Bertrand Russel spent years in China subverting Confucianism and trying to replace it with the feminine homoeroticism of Taoism. As recently as 2015 a Western billionaire landed in Shanghai and had created a large corporate organisation by grooming Chinese heiresses into creating a feminine (spreading effiminacy and sexual confusion as well as subverting masculinity and patriarch is the chief western occult elite idea) Taoism cult to takeover Chinese society and replace Confucianism. Not only did the party take over that organisation and replace its head with a traditionalist Chinese heiress, the white billionaire was made to understand that he would be arrested and spend the rest of his life in the Chinese gulag thus forcing him out of the country. The hope for humanity is that the 1,00,000 odd Africans who are annually trained in Confucian meritocracy in China by the party will create patriotic confucian states in Africa and discard freemasonic democracy. By 2100 half of the world will be African and the white population will be vastly diminished and hold minimal political power in the west - The Rishi Sunak UK Antonio Costa Portugal Leo Varadkar Ireland Hamza Yusuf Scotland and Sadiq Khan london will replicate across Europe as Indo-Pakistanis especially the multimillennia oligarchial parasitical Hindu Dwijas and Muslim Ashrafs are the favoured managerial - political class to govern the transhuman serf empire to be built in the west.

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Here's one recent video of his [1].

[1] Iurie Rosca (pron. Yuri Rosca) — Interregnum #70 (May 8, 2023) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp20ui0XcjA

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link is diverted to ultimate survival foods? Just like Tiffany's link above?

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comments section is being bombarded by these bots. very annoying.

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It's the same corporatocracy that it's been since organised cultism, especially the Abrahamic (Jew, Xtian, Muslim and Satanic) kind, exists. To pretend that Satanism is different form Judaism, Christianism and Islam is to be part of the problem, no way around that. Life in this world wasn't exactly some utopic dreamland before, the tax/tithe enforcers have always been there to fuck shit up.

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Thank you Riley for introducing Iurie Rosca. His analysis fits mine very closely and he expresses it succinctly with reliable logic.

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Great read, thanks for sharing. I think Iurie is missing two parts from his otherwise great analysis: (1) the level above the multinational coordination entities such as the WHO, WEF, Trilateral Commission, Round Table etc is the ownership of the world central banks by the Rothschilds and a couple other families -- this point is critical as their primary point of control is their ownership of the printing presses -- and (2) this situation arose in the first place because Christianity allowed Jews the exclusive role as money-changers throughout the Middle Ages, which Christians were banned from.

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deletedJul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023
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Is it possible to confirm the letter of Baruch to karl Marx? The link provided refers to a book, but how to get further?

The "Jews" is a misnomer. Most Jews are just considered as plebe by the wealthy at the top of the social pyramid, even priceless lambs when it is to sacrifice population. The Zionist state of Israel was a laboratory during the COVID scamdemic.

Anyway... What is a Jew?

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Hi Anri,

i am not emotional (lol). My comment is very rational, as well as my recuring question: "What is a Jew?"

I just don't understand the relation of my comment with your question about the French (banking system) colonization of parts of Asia, the middle East, Oceania, parts of America (different political regime for some, that's important for the sake of complexity of reality) and surely not ALL of Africa.

If you want, you can elaborate.

If I was sure you could take it lightly, I would myself elaborate about the nature of colonization of Korea by Japan, a subject I know well, having studied in Yonsei University for a while (Korean Language Academy) in 1991.

Another question about the "few" thing. Were Marocan, Iraqi, Tunisian, Lybian, Palestinian, Yemenite, Iranian, Afghan... etc Jews responsible for the creation of Israel, the desire for ruling the world ? What about British Israelism for instance?

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Though I understand what you mean, the Khazar empire existed in the 6th century. How come a "brotherhood" would have survived ever since? It doesn't make sense to me.

Even if Wikipedia is not always a reliable source (it is good for animals, geography, etc... not controversial subjects, right) it is a starter and the English version of the subject is interesting since it provides many information about the complexity of the subject. The French version is uninteresting by the way and much much poorer.

Was Zvi a Khazar or even being conscious of Khazaria? Was Leibowitz/Franck conscious of Khazaria? He never mentioned it in any way. During their time, it appears the consciousness of that long gone history had not been dug scientifically. Do the recent Lubavitcher (created as a reaction to the Frankist heresy refer to Khazaria? Not to my knowledge... Do the Sephardic, Mizraïm in present day Algeria, Marocco, Yemen, Irak, Iran refer/ refered to Khazaria, even knowing anything about it? Not to my knowledge. What are the sources referring to Khazaria before XXth century, very old one, which had been forgotten and reappeared recently in scholarly environment. Was the Bund mentioning it? Were the early Zionists mentioning it?

My knowledge is limited... If you have better information, please mention them, I am interested.


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I’m seriously happy and amazed that I’m not the only person who realizes China is and has been the pet project model for total world totalitarianism.

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"The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. How extensively China opens up and how the world interprets and reacts to the social innovations and life styles she has developed is certain to have a profound impact on the future of many nations."

-- David Rockefeller


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Horses mouth and all of that

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The "red guards" of the non racist great reset in my native town:https://odysee.com/@francoiscotard:4/emeutes-%C3%A0-lyon:b

The UN has just declared that the French police was racist...

It is not overtly, illegally (in it's own rules of engagement) ultra violent against social demonstration (usually peaceful like with the glorious Gilets Jaunes or more recently with the demos against The retirement laws and micron systematically ruling bypassing the parliament). No

It is not morally corrupted like when recently some cops admitted to making false accusation routinely and so many scandals. No

It is not under trained. No

For the UN, the police of proximity the Shabbatean Sarkozi destroyed to have rentability, thus transforming them in unefficient brutal scum is not a valid solution whereas it had demonstrated it's relevance. No

For the UN, the underfunded and inefficient judicial system is NO problem.

For the UN, the fact that a majority of police 'commissaire' and judges are freemies is NO problem.

The police is racist, all of them, that's it.

At least some youths have started destroying video cameras. How will they cattle tag them? How will they bring them into the internet of everything? They are already controled by social medias/smartphones to be mindless violent thugs.

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Iurie Roșca is a person that I have known and respected for many years through his activity at the Chisinau Forum and after reading this interview and the various linked articles provided, I must say that I am disappointed that he does not take the last step in his analysis. Patrick Wood, that he mentions in one of his articles, follows also the same pattern, the global technocratic gulag is the end goal. The globalist project being a multi-century project, if we don't address its underlying kabbalistic ideology, we cannot understand how indoctrinated children can propagate the fanatism to realize this satanic utopia over the centuries. Youssef Hindi, one author that Iurie Roșca has translated in Rumanian, has, however, analyzed in his books, the kabbalistic concept of "active messianism", which is the root of the globalist ideology, aimed at bringing about eventually the "Redemption of the Jewish people", make Jerusalem the capital of the world and put the Nations under Noahide control.

A sentence, that seems to summarize the situation, also caught my attention:

"Let us remember that the globalist elites have no loyalty to any state, being extraterritorial par excellence and pursuing a single strategy—world domination."

Here too, the "religious" nature of the project is disregarded: Israel is the very globalist elites territory. Zionism is the expression of the concept of active messianism that materialized with the founding of the heretical Jewish state (traditionalist Jews consider Zionism as a heresy). Remember who first received the Balfour Declaration.

We are in the end times of humanity, isn't it time to abandon this "political correctness" that our enemies have cunningly devised to control our minds?

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Maxgrau, you will find a comprehensive exposition on the intergenerational Talmudic project in video format at Dr. Deepstate. Dr Haugen is most impressive and his recent co-host Will has done very deep dives into the religio-philosophical and spiritual origins, development and praxis of Talmudic control grid. That it's on YouTube is amazing, but I conclude that at 3.2k subscribers it is permitted as revelation of the method and throttled: https://m.youtube.com/@dr.deepstate5867/videos

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Thanks for the link. Had a quick look and, at first sight, seems quite interesting.

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Which specific video are you referring to? there are so many of them on the link you provide.

Thank you and have a good day or night

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Hi Bugey, the entire Dr Deepstate oeuvre is focussed on the subject, I suggest starting at a year ago as they repay sequential listening (I listened while painting a house). At the same time, check out recent interview with Dr Kozinski - for me, a Tradition-minded Roman Catholic, this video is at the apex of thought on why we are where we are and what can be done. God bless!

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PS: I am convince the Talmud is a very sick tradition by the way...

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I have just listened to an interview of the always interesting Pierre Hillard who has just released a new book highly relevant to what you have written, "The enduring nature of Russian geopolitics and mysticism from the Romanovs to Vladimir Putin"


He argues, among many other things, that the Russo/ Ukrainian conflict is among the Lubavitch in Russia against another faction, the Frankists (if they can be called Jewish). The Lubavitschs being conservative in outlook explains why Russia is anti woke more than because of it's Christian roots.

The only criticism I would have with Pierre is a misunderstanding of the relationship between Papus and Le Maître Philippe de Lyon, who was not a Martinist but rather a free electron and surely not infeoded to Papus and the Martinists.

He ends up the interview claiming we are living through Armageddon...

Respect to you Maxgrau

Let the elder sing:


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I don't believe there is much of a conflict between Chabad (Lubavitch) and the Frankist faction. There are more like the two faces of the same coin and I think this dialectic will be reserved for the final phase, when the chaos and the utter perversion of the society become so unbearable, that a world government under strict Noahide laws, forbidding the LGBT and all other Frankist insanities, will look like a deliverance. In my view, the Frankist ideology of "redemption through sin" is the instrument used to eventually lead to "redemption" and, once the goal achieved, it will leave room for the Noahide laws to reign over the Nations, destined to serve the Nation of priests.

I have much respect for P. Hillard for documenting the globalist project like no one else did. Where I don't follow him, it is in his uncritical acceptance of the Old Testament and of the new dogmas invented by the Church. I now think that Christianity and Islam are also part of the globalist strategy.

Thanks to you Bugey, for the links and the music.

Stay free.

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You may be right about the dialectic. In this case 'who', I mean, what group would finally reap the fruits of the apparent contradiction? Would it even be Human?

Those at the top of the pyramid appear to me to be always infighting and that is also the point of view of Mr Hillard.

With all due respect to Pierre Hillard I also don't share his traditional Catholicism, but who cares, he is a sincere individual, well meaning. It is surely not essential to share all all analyses of other people we like interacting with, quite the opposite, it brings the dialogic needed to progress. We are all blinds, trying to make sense. The most important is wrapped in silence anyway.

Like one of my martial art master said (Shigeru Uemura): "when one say that a wise man doesn't talk, it doesn't mean he remains silent, it mean he know he can't say the essence (what is essential)"

Max Romeo is now 80 years old and like many of our elders still on the front line to ease our sorrows...

Stay free Maxgrau

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I think there is only one group playing both the Orthodox and the Frankist roles. Chabad's "orthodoxy" is, stricto sensu, fake, as it tolerates the LGBT insanity, although it is an "abomination" to God (Leviticus 20:13).


As I said, I think that the Sabbatean-Frankist ideology of "redemption through sin" will be discarded once "redemption" is achieved. The world would then pass under Noahide rule and the authority of the Sanhedrin. I don't give much credit to the "alien" theory, as there is no real historical evidence to support it. I can only assume that those fake Jews represent what has been called the Synagogue of Satan, rooted in Babylonian cults.

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Thank you for your interesting point of view.

Hillard claims that the Chabad doesn't tolerate LGBTQXYZ insanity and that their is a real war going on.

I disgres but... While studying the people I had been living with in Mali, the Songhaï/Songhoï, at some point, they talk about a occult group, called "Shaïtan Izé", the childre of Satan.

Maybe this does refer to psychopath, surfing on whatever ideology, myth to prey on normal people...

As to the "Alien" theory, or hyperdimensional entities, I am agnostic, thus I am not discarding that possibility for many reasons.

Take care and thanks for sharing, trying (vainly? ) to make sense.

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If you study Chabad's teachings (on chabad.org), you''ll see that their "orthodoxy" doesn't even firmly condemn practical kabballah (black magic), which is another "abomination" to God according the Torah. They just warn you that "Besides being a highly complex issue to master, even when mastered it can be at times dangerous."

If you like to dig into some topic or just have some fun, you can start a conversation with a Chabad AI Rabbi here: https://rebbe.io/


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Have you read any of these book or are you just searching data on the subject like an AI does?

As said already, I have read some of them, I mean, spending hours, underlining sentences, scratching my dread locked head for hours...

Some people can say, "we the Jews", but are they? or are they psychopaths or people psychologically unbalanced of Jewish culture?

Anyway... the question I ask you is: According to you, what is a Jew?

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What is a Jew? Can we verified the above quote?

From now on I will be in real life sharing with my neighbors around the traditional oven. No saké, but I love it and learned about the fact it can be as diverse as wine, but good wines, so I won't comment anymore for today.


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For those who can understand French, I had forgot to link to the interview.

Pierre Hillard (PHd in political science) is famous to source all his claims and it very informative. He has good sources on Russian Orthodoxy:


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Lastly, he also say and write that Russia is also part of the COVID gang as well as transhumanism and all things digital. If his English is correct he would be a very good guest for an interview since his work is world class level.

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Reading this (and the referenced articles/papers/reports) in combination with Mathew Crawford’s tweets today about African nation leadership deaths ... and with the background of the past three years of many other independent researchers/writers adding supporting documentation...it is absolutely clear that the these globalists strategies ARE being deployed.

Our options are simply to ignore/go along or be aware/stand against. My choice is the later

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Here's an excerpt from Rolo Slavskiy's latest article which perfectly applies to Slavsquat's interview with Lurie Rosca.

"In short, by the late Soviet Union, the dominant faction of the Communist party political elites and the ‘Deeper State’ spook state were planning to converge with their supposed Western elite enemies to usher in a new world order. To do this though, the USSR had to become more like the West and the West more like the USSR. This process was begun by Andropov and then implemented fully by Gorbachev."

The reason I'm citing this passage is that the "same" modus operandi is being deployed today except now it's China. How many times have apparatchik ghouls inferred that in order to compete with China the US needs to be more like it. And that's why when Slavsquat says: "American hegemony is replaced by global technocracy based on the “Chinese model" is assessment is accurate.

As stated China was a pet "social engineering" project of John and David Rockefeller who were obsessed with Global Governance. That's why the Rockefeller's were the mastermind behind the

UN, Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and numerous other think tanks and associations promoting One World Governance.

So the plan to end nation-state sovereignty and replace it with a technocratic cartel has been around for decades.

In fact, the most ardent founders of the UN might've been those disaffected 1930's Trotskyists who later became CIA agents. And btw, were not opposed to Imperialism as a way to establish One World Governance.

Nonetheless, more than seven decades ago Rockefeller and his cohorts lacked the technology to make his dream possible. Although the notion of biometric chips have been conceptualized for decades. The intention of establishing the UN as a One World governing body was a primary part of the plan. So although, it all might seem like an accelerated dystopian nightmare the concept has been in the works for a very long time, just waiting for the appropriate tools to be honed.

In addition, to actualize this agenda a series of manufactured crises are imperative. Enter, the mainstream media news

a loyal Mockingbird bird of psychological warfare. 🐦 And the rest is history and sadly the future.😒

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Rockefeller only started throwing dimes to the proles after the Ludlow Massacre where workers and their families were either shot to death or burned alive for striking. Rockefeller, at the time of the slaughter was sailing around Europe on his yacht. He quickly became one of the most hated men in America as the plebs back then were still politically conscious and were not yet lobotomized by MSM.

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A couple of questions:

1. Does the Rockefeller clan still control their pet social engineering China project? Did it ever control it?

2. One of John Mearsheimer's main premises is that a One World Governance is impossible. Do you disagree with him in this?

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Mearsheimer is a "realist" geostrategic ideologue whose theories historically seemed logical when you looked at the planet in terms of sovereign nation-states. However, what we actual have in the 21st Century is a gangster cartel where national sovereignty has been replaced by a transnationalist financial syndicate.

Oh Btw, Google/NSA orginally setup China's surveillance system. I suspect wealthy banksters and trillion dollar hedge funds have their hooks in China. After all, didn't creepo Gates and Musk have a recent visit with Xi. And isn't China an advocate of the WHO and Agenda 2030.

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I tend to agree with you re. Mearsheimer: I have the feeling his thesis is flawed in that particular point. But as to China, I think you haven't replied. My question was not rhetorical nor ironic. Since you stated above that China was a pet social engineering project of the Rockefellers, I wanted to know to which point, in your opinion, they controlled their own project, and whether they still control it, because that would have great implications.

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Good answer.

Furthermore, China is huuuge, to say the least. Fro my humble understanding, the tech social control does only happen in some big cities, which had sheltered the Olympic games, when the tech appeared or more recently. Most of China and Chinese are not subjected to these indeed insane tracking device (big business, but is it efficient for real control? Will it last?)

Important: We are here to learn together, disagreement is thus a good thing...

Thank you

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I agree. In my visits to "rural" China (I mean, away from the superpopulated main cities) I realized how extremely difficult it would be to subject the whole country to surveillance. There are nameless towns and villages in China without even phone signal or internet. Perhaps the CCP means to address that "problem" in the future, but for the moment being those places and all their inhabitants are not being surveilled.

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Thank you very much for that answer Freelander!

Perhaps would it be more easy with populations numbering tens of millions in Europe who have... Smartphones and are biologically addicted to it's use.

How I wish you write about the wonderful experience you had, how superficial it could have been! We need it man, at least I need it. there are so few information. Please my friend, elaborate!

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I thought I did reply to that question describing how trillion dollar Western asset management firms are invested in China.

Now historically, Rockefeller had a lot of control when he sent ghoul Kissinger over to explain to Deng Xiaoping how China can become the world's sweatshop. And the communist party members would in turn become very wealthy. That's called socialism with predatory characteristics.

And many decades prior to that visit Rockefeller introduced allopathic medicine to China. So it has always been a place to test social engineering projects

Oh, I almost forgot to mention Xi's daughter graduated from Harvard.


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Allopathic medecine was introduced in the Western world at the beginning of XXth century, so how can we say that China was the testing ground?

In my native town:



The first building was erected in 1932.

It look more like a new business for big pharma than a social engineering project. In China, MTC, even if degenerated is still used alongside poisonous (not all, but most) chemical drugs:


Austrian China team give interesting point of views about China which underline the complexity of reality vs shortcomings.

Respectfully Charlotte Ruse, take care

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"The China Medical Board inaugurated Rockefeller Foundation involvement in China in 1914 with a program of grant assistance to medical schools and hospitals, and schools and colleges teaching science, most of which were operated by Protestant missions from Great Britain, the United States and Canada. In 1917, the Board, which had bought and expanded the physical plant of the Union Medical College, opened the Pre-medical program of the new Peking Union Medical College..."https://ulib.iupui.edu/wmicproject/node/455

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Having trillion dollar investments in China (who in turn holds trillion dollar of West's sovereign debt, I believe) or sending over Kissinger for God-knows-what (is there evidence it was for convincing China of becoming a sweatshop? Just asking) is one thing; China itself being a pet social engineering project of the Rockefellers is quite another. Unless you meant to say China is often used as a testing ground for social engineering projects.

Xi's daughter's particulars do nor prove much, in my humble opinion.

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A social engineering project implies that the indigenous population of China is used as a testing ground for technology that'll eventually be used in the West.

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Very interesting questions indeed Freelander. By the way, have a good day.


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Salut à vous, monsieur Bugey! Merci. You know, I'm curious about others' theories, and I -like you- try to be careful when asking what I do not fully understand, for people on the forums tend to get extremely susceptible.

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Accepting complexity and some dose of ignorance provides psychological flexibility.

In which country do you live? I can't really figure out ...

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Presently I stay in the Southern Cone for the summer (i.e., the winter), but I am a spaniard. :-)

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"How many times have apparatchik ghouls inferred that in order to compete with China the US needs to be more like it"

eerily similar to another wealthy ghoul stating that - in order to compete with AI we must get Neuralink

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Case in point.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

Oh and a pity you didn't adress the current state of the transnistria region and the potential danger of the war in ukraine maybe affecting this region of moldova with russian troops still stationed there..

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As Tessa Lena says there is a competition among the globalist elites as to which peasants they get to eat, but in the big picture they are united. Perhaps there is some hope that the factionalism among them will keep the global tryanny from being complete. It appears kind of schizoid, fighting amongst themselves while trying to impose the globalist transhumanist agenda.

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Thanks very much, Riley! Glad to see someone from Moldova get attention from a media outlet which reaches people in the West, we hardly ever hear anyone from there. FWIW, it's where my (paternal) grandfather grew up, in the 1880s-'90s, when it was a part of the Russian Empire. After 1918, it became a part of Romania, that's the language the people speak, used to be part of the medieval principality of Moldova till 1830 or so, when it was seized by the Czar's forces, with the rest eventually becoming the Moldova region of Romania, where my grandma was born.

Stalin seized it again in 1940, and turned it into the "Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic," claimed that the people were a group separate from Romanians, with their own language, total BS. After the Soviet Union collapsed, Romania did not want to accept Moldova, given its great economic stress, with Romania already having hard times.

The stuff about the Chinese model and the Rockefeller Foundation 2010 report (Lockstep) is WOW!!!!

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I think it is a mistake to say that Putin is pro western. He is a WEF GLOBOLIST STOOGE. His promotion of the COVID PSYOP is clear evidence of this.

The entire Ukrainian war is part of WEF THEATRE. Putin is not weak or stupid, he is just following the script.

It's possible that there is very little fighting going on in Ukraine. Keep in mind that most mass shooting events are staged.

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Great interview.

Here is another interview, where this history that is over 100 years old, is explained:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwOuN39VHo with Dr Jacob Nordangard

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See my post and links

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

Brilliant interview. You have been praised. I love you.

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Dear Mister Waggaman!

Thank you for yet another interesting interview presenting a dissitent view from a country mostly ignored by media(corporate and alternative) here in the german speaking sphere. Good to know that he is capable of seeing the overarching global technocratic control grid being implemented in the east and the west and yes I also view China as somekinda rolemodel for the technocratic control system but the foundations of those concepts like the internet of things and bodies,the smart cities and even yeah the techocratic movement has its origins in the US and well surprise surprise is mainly based on the ideas provided by mostly (partially jewish)german and austrian scientists like Norbert Wiener or Heinz von Förster bringing up concepts like cybernetics and system theory. For understanding the foundations of the technocratic developments today I suggest looking not only into the participants but also the agendas of the Macy-conferences having taken place in the US of the 1940s..In that regards I can point at the outstanding research of an US based researcher called Alison McDowell.https://www.youtube.com/@AlisonMcDowell

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I studied cybernetics and living systems in the 1980-ies never could I in my wildest fantazies contemplate a one-world goverment and yet here we are. A book on the Rockefellef family by the Swedish anti-globalist activist cum academic cum rock musician Jacob Nordangård PhD


Music interpretation "Temple of Solomon" by the band Wardenclyffe (Nicola Tessla's electric tower)


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I have been listening yesterday to the Nordangord's interview linked on that comment section. Very well researched indeed.

Are we contemplating a 'one world government of a cancer in terminal stage? Maybe the will to create that unhealthy hubristic political entity is just a cancer...

Stay free in Sweden and enjoy the long daylight that baffled me so much when I experienced your spring and 'sommar' time...


Roots and cuture...


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Excellent interview and great interviewee. I agree with 95% of what he says. Just three objections:

- Genetic modification of an existing being is not possible. Not yet, at least. You can arguably modify a few target cells, perhaps an organ, but not the whole body.

- One needs to be really blind to not see that climate is gradually changing.

- If the WEF control absolutely all countries, including China; if all rulers are actually in collusion towards the Great Reset or Whatever World Order; if every government is a puppet in the hands of the Global Elites; if the world, the World Island, the Heartland, Eastern Europe, Eurasia, are already dominated by those elites, who therefore also control Russia's vast natural resources -- who then are Russia's "enemies"? From whom is Russia defending herself? What is the purpose, for those Almighty Powers, in creating and fueling this war, given that They are the Masters of Everything, therefore Russia's masters all the same? Both ideas ("we're all de facto ruled by a supranational elite" and "Russia is fighting a real war") seem quite contradictory to me.

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Like you, I have many more questions than answers, but let me try to answer on your points 2 and 3 :

1) climate has been wildly changed all the time, we already had 6 glacial era and the only thing we can attribute to human intervention is pollution not surely cooling or warming that are determined on much bigger forces

2) in fact for many this is a "not war", just a distraction to divide resources between elites. On the other hand, while United in the general goal this superpowerful families are also fighting each other for the supremacy, so it's not really a contradiction.

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The debate about climate change is endless, and mostly religious, so I will not delve into it here. I'll just point out to that, in my comment, I have purposefully ommited who or what, in my opinion, is causing the global warming. I just say it is real.

As to the not-war, I still do not see the need for a "distraction". They have kept in check the whole humankind with the covid scam without 98% of us batting an eyelid; they no longer hide; they're acting in the open. If they are practically totally unopposed, who needs to be distracted? I personally find it hard to believe in a "collusion" agreed upon among the powerful lineages; I rather think it's a matter of "coinciding interests" among them, which makes them push more or less in the same direction. But even if the powerful clans (let's say, for brevity, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds) be somehow fighting each other for world domination--which I don't think it's actually the case--I can't for the life of me guess how that "elites struggle" results in a real war on Ukrainian soil. I don't say it can't be the case, but I'd need some more particular explanation to understand how that has come to happen.

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I disagree on the religious aspect of climate change debate, at least on one side. If you pay attention there are the same dynamics of COVID propaganda. The main expert disagree on the mainstream hypothesis, they bring you dats everybody can read and are heavily censored.

There is even a website with all the doomsday predictions in the recent past that turned out to be just fearmongering

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When I say "religious" I mean it's virtually impossible to argument anyone into "changing sides". It works as faiths do: we either "believe" global warming is a fact, or believe it is false. And no amount of evidence or reasoning can make people abandon their faith. :-)

I agree with you about the covid propaganda dynamics, and about the silly fearmongering. But the fact that a bunch of satanic globalists are pushing a given narrative does not automatically make it false. And same as one can find "experts" publishing data allegedly proving there is no global warming, one can find as many "experts" publishing data allegedly proving there is. My advantage, though, is that I am a meteorologist and worked about one decade at my country's Institute for Meteorology. I know the data first hand, so I need no "experts" telling me what I should believe.

Anyhow, most of the WEF narrative whirls around a _manmade_ global warming. But mark that, so far, I have not pronounced myself about the _causes_ of global warming. For the moment, I simply state that it is real. :-)

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But that still fails to explain why the global elite WEF have written a script stating that countries they already own (Ukraine, Russia...) must be destroyed. If they're the real and ultimate masters, they can simply dispose of their "property" at ease. Whom is the "show" for? Why is it needed? Who would oppose the elites in case there was no show? The elites don't need to pretend. Covid has proven this.

(By the way, pray do not use capitals if possible. It's considered shouting.)

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Please do not use capitals. On internet, that is bad manners. Plus, it does not add the slightest extra strength to an argument.

Since it's you who make those claims, it pertains to you to provide the appropriate links and evidences, rather than telling me to do the research.

In any case, if their goal is population reduction to 500 M by 2050, they're doing a very lousy job. They'd better hurry up.

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Please do not use the capitals, otherwise it would be unreadable and considered manipulative. Calm down man... Respect


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Thank you very much for your explanations Lang Ford.

From now on, there won't be any problem for me reading you that way and it will even be a pleasure.


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Once again... Good questions. I can see you woke up in pretty good health (en forme) my man.

Questions are so interesting in comment sections, so much more than most affirmative sentences (most, not all of course)...

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Thanks again, Bugey. Truth is, I would like to be a know-it-all, able to pontificate like many others do here, show off my knowledge, talk in a patronizing way and preach on the plebs. :-D But since I'm literally illiterate and know short of nothing, the only tool I have for debating some topics is my--thanks God--well oiled sense of logic, able to detect contradictions (apparent or real) at a mile's distance. Thus, rather than by making bold statements, I believe I get the best of people by simply asking the relevant questions in order to dispel the inconsistencies I find.

Unfortunately, this time I won't get any answer neither from the interviewer nor from the interviewee. :-(

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Maybe Russia (Putin et al) was forced into invading Ukraine (by whom?), the SMO had a poor start but the objective should be another oligarch/ president pair running the money laundering scheme called Ukraine. Maybe Prigozhin+X will be that pair, he has his Pretorian guard in the PMC formerly known as Wagner. Then the three old buddies; Putin, Lukasjenko and Prigozhin will control Russia, Belarusia and Ukraine.

China is not yet in the hands of our Overlords but I guess that is their wish. In September 22-23 next year the General Assembly of the UN will have a signing ceremony, "Summit of the Future", where the formal transfer of some important executive power will be transferred from the individual nations to the UN and its subsidiaries like WHO. Many nations are already prepared to sign, I believe even Russia. This is an ongoing process but my guess is most Western countries will have signed over most of their important executive power by 2030. The trend and policies are in place, the policies are implemented bottom up. Like the narratives of Climate Change and Vaccines are now firmly installed in the all peoples, scientific communities, political spheres and media It's only the top level signatures missing. "Summit of the Future, a once in a lifetime opportunity". Look it up.

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Good question, Lars H: "by whom?" :-)

I agree with you about China, the UN and etc. My personal impression is, I do not see China (not so far, at least) going down the woke path, for instance; nor even down the "sustainability" path. I've spent a couple of months in China and, really, it did not strike me as the kind of society that believes in feminism, LGBTQ, CO2 pollution, environmentalism, or even in human rights at all. I have the feeling their government is into something else altogether. Except for population control and CBDCs, I'm not sure what else. I can't fathom what their game is, but my impression is more like: they're using the West's weaknesses, and pretending to go along some of them, in order to achieve their own objectives.

But I may be absolutely wrong.

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I wish you could write more about what you felt and understood man. Riley could let you elaborate in "our" cozy hookah lounge.

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Much obliged. I've replied to you in another comment. As I say there, I don't feel knowledgeable enough for lecturing anyone. I simply happen to have first-hand impressions and information.

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Yes, genetically engineer a new life (be it animal or vegetable) is feasible, but modifying an existing one is not, as far as I understand.

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Thank you again for everything you do to wake up the masses. And for introducing Iurie Rosca to me, I haven't read his work. We are on the same page with a few exceptions. I think that the Third Rome prophecy is a fakery part of a dialectic. See https://ordoabchao.ca/volume-five/sacred-geopolitics And I don't think a big war will save us. All wars are bankster wars. IMO people must stop saving their masters by injecting their own children with poison or dying for their masters' wars. There was a crash in the repo market you know and this was one of the reasons for triggering operation "covid". Probably the main reason - to save the system, most importantly to save the financial system and Russia and China played their roles as well. Next time - let it burn. The psychos will die with it. Not a controlled demolition of the system (what they are doing now) but just burn it to the ground. I think that what we are witnessing again with the not-war is almost the same covid measures disguised as "sanctions" or "fighting the evil Putin", etc. They have a similar effect.

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