Just a quick search of Runet (Russian language internet segment) shows that Gintsburg has close business ties with Anatoly Chubais, former head of Rosnano, an organization that emptied Russian budget to the tune of half a trillion rubles delivering nearly 0 products and services in return. Chubais, as chief privatizer of the 1990's, when multiple hundreds of billions of dollars of industrial and natural resources, legacy of the USSR, has found its way into private hands through the process called "collateral auctions", is credited with this this statement: "So what if 30 million will die? They didn't find their niche in the market." Chubais and Gintsburg are linked, among other things, through the company called LLS "NIARMEDIK PLUS" (ООО "НИАРМЕДИК ПЛЮС") that was founded in 1989 on the base of Gamaleya Institute. Their one and only independently developed drug, "Kagocel" (Кагоцел), is actively marketed in Russia as antiviral medicine and is included by the government on the list of "essential drugs" with allocated money in state agencies' budgets to buy this nonprescription medicine. Interesting fact about this drug is that it contains chemical called Gossypol (https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-106/gossypol) that was used among other things as a contraceptive for men, due to its interference with sperm production. Advertising campaign for Kagocel in Russia suggests taking the drug all year long as prophylactic against viral infections. Contraceptive reducing sperm count and activity level all year long as "prophylaxis"... Hmm, reason for demographic problems in Russia found? The deeper we go into a rabbit hole, the more interesting and scarier it gets.
PS. Anatoly Chubais who became a member of the board of directors of NIARMEDIK PLUS in 2020, interestingly enough together with the former premier of Luxembourg, Etienne Schneider, is today a special representative of president Putin to international community on the matters related to sustainable development.
Stanley, amazing comment--as always. Yes, it's a deep deep rabbit hole. The Rusnano connection is very interesting. apparently Rusnano was trying to sell/market Gintsburg's first vaccine attempt (the one that was tainted by the embezzlement scandal): https://twitter.com/rosnano_ru/status/349554189266993153
there's just so much... Stanley, if you ever want to guest blog, let me know)))
Edward, thanks for your kind comment. Yes, there is so much in this labyrinth of interconnections among Russian ruling class and their ties to the West. If a basic 10 minute research can produce some interesting results, I can only imagine what a more thorough investigation can do. Thanks for the offer to guestblog. Yes, I could share an occasional research piece on your blog, I think this could help in covering more areas of interest for the readers. This is something you and I can connect on at some point in the future. Happy blogging in 2022! I'll be visiting your page more on anti-empire.com as well. Despite of recent increase in censorship I continue to write occasional comments on RT as well. You probably know that they outsourced their forum to disqus.com platform. Here is recent post on climate and energy, let me know if this is one of the topics of interest to you as well. https://www.rt.com/business/544956-eu-green-label-nuclear-gas/#comment-5669024561
if you are serious about some guest posts--please, email me: riley (dot) waggaman (at) gmail.com . I would be delighted to publish them! either way, thanks again for your extremely insightful comments. they are greatly valued.
Perfect, Riley, will do! If you need any help in the meantime, let me know. Being a native Russian speaker and having followed Russian affairs closely for the past 10 years I could probably help to you with some of the finer points in your research. You can reach me at stansheppard (at) protonmail.com
Just be aware that Google is not beyond blocking emails. Don't rely on them solely. I caught them blocking my emails at least twice. If those were how many times I caught them... I had emailed Stephen Lendman. When he didn't get my email, I tried again using a different service and I got through just fine.
You should be avoiding Google (a vaccine company, among other things) to the greatest extent possible. It's hard though. They dominate and not in any ethical fashion. I was using the Pale Moon browser until I couldn't (as I saw, increasingly, messages about my browser not being supported), because Google can literally kill innovative companies that it doesn't control by forcing everyone to use its protocols. I'm not tech smart, so don't ask me. But when I started a discussion on Pale Moon about it, and couldn't participate much in it because everyone was rapidly talking tech that I didn't get, it was clear that Pale Moon's problems were largely due to Google. (I forget the exact percentage, but over 90% of search engines are forced to work with Google in some fashion.)
Google is a vaccine company: "Censorship Claims Another Victim: Honest-Journalism Giant, Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire”" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr
An excerpt from RFK's article follows:
YouTube’s owner, Google, is effectively a vaccine company. Two subsidiaries of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, market and manufacture vaccines: Calico and Verily. Arthur Levinson, Genentech’s former CEO, runs Calico, an anti-aging drug company while Verily teams with Pharma to conduct drug and vaccine clinical trials.
In 2016, Alphabet inked a $715 million deal with GlaxoSmithKline to create Galvani, another venture to develop bioelectronic medicines and vaccines and to mine medical information from Google customers. Google’s Customer Services President, Mary Ellen Coe, sits on Merck’s board.
In 2016, Google partnered with Sanofi launching Onduo, a virtual diabetes clinic and in 2018 in another business that uses analytics to develop new drugs and vaccines.
In 2018, Google invested $27,000,000 in Vaccitech to make vaccines for flu, MERS, and prostate cancer. Vaccitech calls itself “the future of mass vaccine production.” In 2020, Vaccitech started work on a COVID vaccine. Google claims to provide politically and commercially neutral searches, but it systemically manipulates search results to suppress accurate vaccine safety and efficacy information and steers users toward deceptive and fraudulent Pharma propaganda.
I was so delighted with your comment on the article that I posted it on VK, without asking for permission. If you do not agree, I will sure delete it, but it will almost break my heart to do it. Never read such a wholesome explanation of the energy problem. Thank you!
Mina, thanks for spreading the word! Just like what is going on in the medical field today, people need to understand the climate hoax too. Jabbing, climate change, digital control and surveillance, central banks digital currencies - these are the four walls of the jail cell that are being built for humanity as we speak. In order to fight it, first people need to understand the underpinnings of these processes. Btw, thanks for subscribing to my "Stan's two cents" blog, I better start posting there something )) Perhaps I'll start with reposting some of my RT comments.
I was most happy to do it! A lot of people ( myself included) do not understand much of the climate /energy hoax. I have God given gut feeling to sense what is true and what is not ( make some faults now and then, correct myself if proven wrong), but some clear explaining like yours in that RT comment is invaluable. If you start reposting some of your comments, I will be very happy to share them on VK ( the only socail network I am on ). After that comment of yours I sure want to read more of you! Pleasure to be subscribed to your blog!
I'll try this again. I was already logged in (see the above comment) and then this site forced me to log in again and I lost my comment.
What I was saying before I got interrupted was that the easiest way to understand the climate crisis is to consider who it is pushing it. As usual, those saviors are hoaxsters. Jeff Gibbs gives us some idea about how powerful special interests can pretend to be saving the whales or polar bears or forests and yet turn out to be their worst enemies. See his documentary "Planet Of The Humans." Michael Moore produced the doc but he didn't actually put it together. I'm surprised actually. I don't trust Moore. He's establishment through and through.
Also, There's a great interview, 3-way, featuring Whitney Webb, Iain Davis and Cory Morningstar, in which Iain explains how one of goals of the earth's saviors is to scrape the ocean floor for precious metals that the 4th Industrial Revolution will need. Good-bye ocean floor ecosystem! You can bet that they won't want to talk much about that!
I was caught up in the climate crisis hoax for a while until logic, and those who do deep and/or good open source research (Cory Morningstar, James Corbett) rescued me. 'If' there's global warming, then, yes, you'd get less and less ice cover and more black water and less heat reflected back into space, warming the oceans and changing currents and heating up the planet. Is there global warming? Impact investor (and adulterer, or worse, Bill Clinton's former sidekick), Al Gore says so. I don't take their word for anything.
I used to berate this and that org for using the too mild phrase 'climate change' instead of 'climate crisis'. (Hey, I had the courage of my wrong convictions at least.) Watershed Sentinel (who was supposed to publish something I had written but changed their minds) is one such org that agreed with me but didn't change their language, which puzzled me. Did they believe in climate crisis? I don't know. I stopped visiting their site ages ago. I blogged about that incident by the way. Take a look:
Sometimes the hoaxsters make it easy (at least for those who can process information still). Avaaz, the petition org, strung it's followers along for a long time with 'save the whales' and save this and save that, very good thing, until one day they up and out of the blue were urging their followers to get behind a push to have a no-fly zone in Syria (so that the Western-backed and funded terrorists could rip into Syria and finish it off).
Chubais was also one of only few Russian invited to a Bilderberg gathering. A prominent figure, certainly an agent of globalist forces inside of Russia. But it looks like leading position now as a liaison between Russian and Western elites of a certain type belongs to Herman Gref (Hermann Gräf).
Found on VK very interesting comment about Putin`s press conference I thought I will share with you: Going through Putin's press conference and this one lept off the page at me:
«When you apply pressure, our people, who are very ingenious, immediately devise methods to evade it, and they will do so in this case as well.»
Here’s a link to a great article on “Mass Psychosis” which definitely applies to exactly what has happened to worldwide humanity ( with the exception of the criminals that accepted dollars or rubles in exchange for their participation.)
Russia was irrevocably changed 100 years ago by these (((people))) and millions died. I know it is not fashionable to say so but you see their fingerprints all over the wreckage of the modern formerly civilized portion of the world. They advocate every type of civilization destroying antisocial behavior known to man and evidently since Russia has proven more resistant to such propaganda they brought in the new Dr. Mengele (seems every country has one now). The hypocrisy they engage in, rubbing everyone's nose into the so called holocaust while they bring the real holocaust themselves to the rest of us.
You seem to subscribe to the very sad delusion that the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution was some kind of Jewish takeover. I know this is a widespread delusion in the west. They have all read the liar Solzhenitsyn, they all profess this insane theory. The Saker does, by the way. Even people you would otherwise term as intelligent and learned do. I guess the problem is Russia is too far and insignifucant for them to really care and to try and dig for truth. It's easier to believe some shmoe emigre faux prophet - just take his word for it. Saker also babbles about how Russia is now recovering from the jewish yoke, recovering since 1991. And he always finds excuses for Putin and russia to justify his theories. I wonder what excuse Saker, himself a vaxx enthusiast, has found for Putin working together with Gintz on the genocide of Russians. Saker, whose last name is a distinguished Russian name - Raevsky, probably still has hopes of getting his ancestral property back (over the collective dead body of all unvaxxed Russians) from when his ancestors fled the 1917 revolution. I'm sorry, if you don't know who Saker is or side with him.
I know who the White Russian Saker is and I am not impressed with him--he is a know-it-all, pontificating about how evil his adopted country is from the safety of his Florida home. You seem to think that people are not capable of independent research or have the ability to reach their own conclusions. Ulyanov, and Bronstein and Marx himself are of the tribe. The preponderance of evidence evidence leads me to disagree with you. I know there are still true believers in the "revolution" out there like you--too bad.
It appears to that he is talking like an idiot and making contradictory statements so Russians will know Sputnik V is a Poison Death Shot so no one will be dumb enough to take it. If the jab rate is very low and I know that no Russian would give a Poison Death shot to their child, the Central Bank Digital Currency Great Reset will fail and the Globalist's heads will explode.
ICONOCLAST one to one - with Melissa Ciummei: "Don't Participate"
After you sign up follow Orwell City. They are a Spanish off shoot of La Quinta Columna. https://www.laquintacolumna.net/ . They have microscopically examined the contents of the vaccine vials from the major manufacturers and they have found graphemes oxide in every vial examined. Graphemes oxide is used to create micro circuit boards capable of forming Bluetooth MAC addresses in those jabbed individuals. The MAC addresses are discoverable on Android devices, IPhone needs an app to be installed to make them discoverable. Orwell city also has a website https://www.orwell.city/ , where you can read the articles and see the videos. I’m not certain if they have specifically examined Sputknik V, but it is my understanding that it is indistinguishable from the Astra Zeneca version in the UK.
Sputnik V is Astra-Zeneca rebadged, initially created by two lesbians in Oxford. They went on to create advertising campaigns for clothing chains. While I have nothing against lesbians in clothing, in fact I encourage it, I draw the line at vaccines.
Die meisten heutigen Regierungen vor allem in Europa sind jüdisch dominiert, samts ihrer dahinterstehenden jüdisch orthodoxen Priesterschaften und dem gesamten Bankwesen. Der geführte Krieg gegen die Bevölkerungen wird von diesen landfremden Elementen geführt, die diese Macht Hebel komplett übernommen haben.
He would have been in the AshkeNAZI Elite likeWEF bond Villain and V'Axe Shiller NAZI Klaus Schwab, but of course he'd be happy to experiment on his own people like he did with his Grandaughter!
Jewish people who want to identify as Jewish living quiet lives need to keep away from these mad Synagogue of Satan AshkeNAZIs that have pushed a Zionist Narrative when not even having a blood line in the Middle East - notably perhaps Edward can highlight the case of the Ringworm Children - 100,000 Sephardic Children that Israel's elite Ashke-NAZIs fried the brains of with high dose X-Rays to stop them becoming part of the Israeli power structure - and these are the real historic jews of the Middle East! The AshkeNAZIs are doing Eugenics again in Israel and why this genetically targetted V'Axe will take out Sephardics more than AshkeNAZIs and why Bourla a backstabbing Greek sephardic hasn't taken the V'Axe :-
He's no doubt of AshkeNAZI lineage, I'm sorry but all the big players in this V'axe Genocide are Jews, every CEO like Bourla at Pfizer Shilling the Shots in Israel, and typically the Spike Protein genetically created in these kill Shots has less affinity for AshkeNAZI ACE2 receptors checkout Dr Lee Merrit- this is a Genetically targeted Bioweapon and Vladimir Putin has become Vlad the Impaler of his own people - Put-In the V'Axe in children along with the V'Axe Don - Trumpstein the Daddy of the V'Axe - we are fucked if people don't wake up and stick these V'Axes up the Pushers Arses!
Its good to see at least some people have seen through the massive smokescreen. If you are not familiar with Ron Unz you will find him extremally interesting. He is one of the honest jews who is a theoretical physicist by training and was known as the smartest man at Harvard. His and others essays on his site (unz.com) are simply incredible to read, I suggest starting with Oddities of the Jewish Religion" Take Care
Just a quick search of Runet (Russian language internet segment) shows that Gintsburg has close business ties with Anatoly Chubais, former head of Rosnano, an organization that emptied Russian budget to the tune of half a trillion rubles delivering nearly 0 products and services in return. Chubais, as chief privatizer of the 1990's, when multiple hundreds of billions of dollars of industrial and natural resources, legacy of the USSR, has found its way into private hands through the process called "collateral auctions", is credited with this this statement: "So what if 30 million will die? They didn't find their niche in the market." Chubais and Gintsburg are linked, among other things, through the company called LLS "NIARMEDIK PLUS" (ООО "НИАРМЕДИК ПЛЮС") that was founded in 1989 on the base of Gamaleya Institute. Their one and only independently developed drug, "Kagocel" (Кагоцел), is actively marketed in Russia as antiviral medicine and is included by the government on the list of "essential drugs" with allocated money in state agencies' budgets to buy this nonprescription medicine. Interesting fact about this drug is that it contains chemical called Gossypol (https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-106/gossypol) that was used among other things as a contraceptive for men, due to its interference with sperm production. Advertising campaign for Kagocel in Russia suggests taking the drug all year long as prophylactic against viral infections. Contraceptive reducing sperm count and activity level all year long as "prophylaxis"... Hmm, reason for demographic problems in Russia found? The deeper we go into a rabbit hole, the more interesting and scarier it gets.
PS. Anatoly Chubais who became a member of the board of directors of NIARMEDIK PLUS in 2020, interestingly enough together with the former premier of Luxembourg, Etienne Schneider, is today a special representative of president Putin to international community on the matters related to sustainable development.
Stanley, amazing comment--as always. Yes, it's a deep deep rabbit hole. The Rusnano connection is very interesting. apparently Rusnano was trying to sell/market Gintsburg's first vaccine attempt (the one that was tainted by the embezzlement scandal): https://twitter.com/rosnano_ru/status/349554189266993153
there's just so much... Stanley, if you ever want to guest blog, let me know)))
Edward, thanks for your kind comment. Yes, there is so much in this labyrinth of interconnections among Russian ruling class and their ties to the West. If a basic 10 minute research can produce some interesting results, I can only imagine what a more thorough investigation can do. Thanks for the offer to guestblog. Yes, I could share an occasional research piece on your blog, I think this could help in covering more areas of interest for the readers. This is something you and I can connect on at some point in the future. Happy blogging in 2022! I'll be visiting your page more on anti-empire.com as well. Despite of recent increase in censorship I continue to write occasional comments on RT as well. You probably know that they outsourced their forum to disqus.com platform. Here is recent post on climate and energy, let me know if this is one of the topics of interest to you as well. https://www.rt.com/business/544956-eu-green-label-nuclear-gas/#comment-5669024561
if you are serious about some guest posts--please, email me: riley (dot) waggaman (at) gmail.com . I would be delighted to publish them! either way, thanks again for your extremely insightful comments. they are greatly valued.
Perfect, Riley, will do! If you need any help in the meantime, let me know. Being a native Russian speaker and having followed Russian affairs closely for the past 10 years I could probably help to you with some of the finer points in your research. You can reach me at stansheppard (at) protonmail.com
Just be aware that Google is not beyond blocking emails. Don't rely on them solely. I caught them blocking my emails at least twice. If those were how many times I caught them... I had emailed Stephen Lendman. When he didn't get my email, I tried again using a different service and I got through just fine.
You should be avoiding Google (a vaccine company, among other things) to the greatest extent possible. It's hard though. They dominate and not in any ethical fashion. I was using the Pale Moon browser until I couldn't (as I saw, increasingly, messages about my browser not being supported), because Google can literally kill innovative companies that it doesn't control by forcing everyone to use its protocols. I'm not tech smart, so don't ask me. But when I started a discussion on Pale Moon about it, and couldn't participate much in it because everyone was rapidly talking tech that I didn't get, it was clear that Pale Moon's problems were largely due to Google. (I forget the exact percentage, but over 90% of search engines are forced to work with Google in some fashion.)
Google is a vaccine company: "Censorship Claims Another Victim: Honest-Journalism Giant, Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire”" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr
An excerpt from RFK's article follows:
YouTube’s owner, Google, is effectively a vaccine company. Two subsidiaries of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, market and manufacture vaccines: Calico and Verily. Arthur Levinson, Genentech’s former CEO, runs Calico, an anti-aging drug company while Verily teams with Pharma to conduct drug and vaccine clinical trials.
In 2016, Alphabet inked a $715 million deal with GlaxoSmithKline to create Galvani, another venture to develop bioelectronic medicines and vaccines and to mine medical information from Google customers. Google’s Customer Services President, Mary Ellen Coe, sits on Merck’s board.
In 2016, Google partnered with Sanofi launching Onduo, a virtual diabetes clinic and in 2018 in another business that uses analytics to develop new drugs and vaccines.
In 2018, Google invested $27,000,000 in Vaccitech to make vaccines for flu, MERS, and prostate cancer. Vaccitech calls itself “the future of mass vaccine production.” In 2020, Vaccitech started work on a COVID vaccine. Google claims to provide politically and commercially neutral searches, but it systemically manipulates search results to suppress accurate vaccine safety and efficacy information and steers users toward deceptive and fraudulent Pharma propaganda.
I was so delighted with your comment on the article that I posted it on VK, without asking for permission. If you do not agree, I will sure delete it, but it will almost break my heart to do it. Never read such a wholesome explanation of the energy problem. Thank you!
Mina, thanks for spreading the word! Just like what is going on in the medical field today, people need to understand the climate hoax too. Jabbing, climate change, digital control and surveillance, central banks digital currencies - these are the four walls of the jail cell that are being built for humanity as we speak. In order to fight it, first people need to understand the underpinnings of these processes. Btw, thanks for subscribing to my "Stan's two cents" blog, I better start posting there something )) Perhaps I'll start with reposting some of my RT comments.
I was most happy to do it! A lot of people ( myself included) do not understand much of the climate /energy hoax. I have God given gut feeling to sense what is true and what is not ( make some faults now and then, correct myself if proven wrong), but some clear explaining like yours in that RT comment is invaluable. If you start reposting some of your comments, I will be very happy to share them on VK ( the only socail network I am on ). After that comment of yours I sure want to read more of you! Pleasure to be subscribed to your blog!
I'll try this again. I was already logged in (see the above comment) and then this site forced me to log in again and I lost my comment.
What I was saying before I got interrupted was that the easiest way to understand the climate crisis is to consider who it is pushing it. As usual, those saviors are hoaxsters. Jeff Gibbs gives us some idea about how powerful special interests can pretend to be saving the whales or polar bears or forests and yet turn out to be their worst enemies. See his documentary "Planet Of The Humans." Michael Moore produced the doc but he didn't actually put it together. I'm surprised actually. I don't trust Moore. He's establishment through and through.
Also, There's a great interview, 3-way, featuring Whitney Webb, Iain Davis and Cory Morningstar, in which Iain explains how one of goals of the earth's saviors is to scrape the ocean floor for precious metals that the 4th Industrial Revolution will need. Good-bye ocean floor ecosystem! You can bet that they won't want to talk much about that!
See "Looking Behind The COP26 Propaganda" / https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/11/resources/show-notes/looking-behind-the-cop26-propaganda-with-cory-morningstar-iain-davis/
"Planet Of The Humans" / https://www.bitchute.com/video/KQnVEMOOYuJd/
I was caught up in the climate crisis hoax for a while until logic, and those who do deep and/or good open source research (Cory Morningstar, James Corbett) rescued me. 'If' there's global warming, then, yes, you'd get less and less ice cover and more black water and less heat reflected back into space, warming the oceans and changing currents and heating up the planet. Is there global warming? Impact investor (and adulterer, or worse, Bill Clinton's former sidekick), Al Gore says so. I don't take their word for anything.
I used to berate this and that org for using the too mild phrase 'climate change' instead of 'climate crisis'. (Hey, I had the courage of my wrong convictions at least.) Watershed Sentinel (who was supposed to publish something I had written but changed their minds) is one such org that agreed with me but didn't change their language, which puzzled me. Did they believe in climate crisis? I don't know. I stopped visiting their site ages ago. I blogged about that incident by the way. Take a look:
"Knocked And Bumped. Dots And Elephants" / https://arrby.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/knocked-and-bumped-dots-and-elephants/
Sometimes the hoaxsters make it easy (at least for those who can process information still). Avaaz, the petition org, strung it's followers along for a long time with 'save the whales' and save this and save that, very good thing, until one day they up and out of the blue were urging their followers to get behind a push to have a no-fly zone in Syria (so that the Western-backed and funded terrorists could rip into Syria and finish it off).
Can you repost the comment here? I’m interested.
I have reposted on https://stansheppard.substack.com - had to finally start putting something on my newly created blog spot )))
Another interesting connection is that Chubais is a World Economic Forum "Global Leader for Tomorrow" 1993.
Chubais was also one of only few Russian invited to a Bilderberg gathering. A prominent figure, certainly an agent of globalist forces inside of Russia. But it looks like leading position now as a liaison between Russian and Western elites of a certain type belongs to Herman Gref (Hermann Gräf).
Thou Shalt Not Think
Thou Shall Not Question
Thou Shall Not Ask
Thou Shall Obey
Thou Shall Be Sheep
Thou Shall Surender Your Humanity
Thou Shall Surrender Your Soul
Thou Shall Live in Fear
Thou Shall Worship The Bioweapon
Thou Shall Take Every Booster Until Life Suspension
The Only Thing They Forgot….
Truth Survives
Found on VK very interesting comment about Putin`s press conference I thought I will share with you: Going through Putin's press conference and this one lept off the page at me:
«When you apply pressure, our people, who are very ingenious, immediately devise methods to evade it, and they will do so in this case as well.»
He knows Russian people well :)))
Here’s a link to a great article on “Mass Psychosis” which definitely applies to exactly what has happened to worldwide humanity ( with the exception of the criminals that accepted dollars or rubles in exchange for their participation.)
Russia was irrevocably changed 100 years ago by these (((people))) and millions died. I know it is not fashionable to say so but you see their fingerprints all over the wreckage of the modern formerly civilized portion of the world. They advocate every type of civilization destroying antisocial behavior known to man and evidently since Russia has proven more resistant to such propaganda they brought in the new Dr. Mengele (seems every country has one now). The hypocrisy they engage in, rubbing everyone's nose into the so called holocaust while they bring the real holocaust themselves to the rest of us.
You seem to subscribe to the very sad delusion that the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution was some kind of Jewish takeover. I know this is a widespread delusion in the west. They have all read the liar Solzhenitsyn, they all profess this insane theory. The Saker does, by the way. Even people you would otherwise term as intelligent and learned do. I guess the problem is Russia is too far and insignifucant for them to really care and to try and dig for truth. It's easier to believe some shmoe emigre faux prophet - just take his word for it. Saker also babbles about how Russia is now recovering from the jewish yoke, recovering since 1991. And he always finds excuses for Putin and russia to justify his theories. I wonder what excuse Saker, himself a vaxx enthusiast, has found for Putin working together with Gintz on the genocide of Russians. Saker, whose last name is a distinguished Russian name - Raevsky, probably still has hopes of getting his ancestral property back (over the collective dead body of all unvaxxed Russians) from when his ancestors fled the 1917 revolution. I'm sorry, if you don't know who Saker is or side with him.
I know who the White Russian Saker is and I am not impressed with him--he is a know-it-all, pontificating about how evil his adopted country is from the safety of his Florida home. You seem to think that people are not capable of independent research or have the ability to reach their own conclusions. Ulyanov, and Bronstein and Marx himself are of the tribe. The preponderance of evidence evidence leads me to disagree with you. I know there are still true believers in the "revolution" out there like you--too bad.
Easy way to tell if you had the vaccine...
D-dimer micro clotting test. Basically all of these fucking piece of shit vaccines cause that shit.
Fuck the industry and their profit driven psychopathy
It appears to that he is talking like an idiot and making contradictory statements so Russians will know Sputnik V is a Poison Death Shot so no one will be dumb enough to take it. If the jab rate is very low and I know that no Russian would give a Poison Death shot to their child, the Central Bank Digital Currency Great Reset will fail and the Globalist's heads will explode.
ICONOCLAST one to one - with Melissa Ciummei: "Don't Participate"
Omicron is the end of COVID and that is why you will have a Happy New Year!
There are links all over the place to Joe Rogan's interview of Dr Malone so watch it.
I’d anyone has a Telegram account, you can sign up here https://telegram.org/
After you sign up follow Orwell City. They are a Spanish off shoot of La Quinta Columna. https://www.laquintacolumna.net/ . They have microscopically examined the contents of the vaccine vials from the major manufacturers and they have found graphemes oxide in every vial examined. Graphemes oxide is used to create micro circuit boards capable of forming Bluetooth MAC addresses in those jabbed individuals. The MAC addresses are discoverable on Android devices, IPhone needs an app to be installed to make them discoverable. Orwell city also has a website https://www.orwell.city/ , where you can read the articles and see the videos. I’m not certain if they have specifically examined Sputknik V, but it is my understanding that it is indistinguishable from the Astra Zeneca version in the UK.
Thank you for posting this. Very interesting... and frightening...
Sputnik V is Astra-Zeneca rebadged, initially created by two lesbians in Oxford. They went on to create advertising campaigns for clothing chains. While I have nothing against lesbians in clothing, in fact I encourage it, I draw the line at vaccines.
good God help us all return to goodness and truth
Exactly what is the protocol for sharing your posts?
Can I just send the link to interested people?
Do I need to your permission?
Please advise. Thank you.
No need to ask for permission. Sharing is caring!
thanks for reading,
Die meisten heutigen Regierungen vor allem in Europa sind jüdisch dominiert, samts ihrer dahinterstehenden jüdisch orthodoxen Priesterschaften und dem gesamten Bankwesen. Der geführte Krieg gegen die Bevölkerungen wird von diesen landfremden Elementen geführt, die diese Macht Hebel komplett übernommen haben.
Gintsburg, Chubais and Gref, all three are Early Lifers, by pure coincidence. Seems like a common circumstance.
I just did 75% of a comment and then was told to log in, after having just done that!, and lost it all. It's really, really, really frustrating.
Btw, you all must know johnhelmer.net Dances with Bears? If you don`t, it is the time...)))
If he were in Germany 85 years ago he would not have been a problem, because they had a solution for such people.
Alternatively, he could have been the person administering the solution.
He would have been in the AshkeNAZI Elite likeWEF bond Villain and V'Axe Shiller NAZI Klaus Schwab, but of course he'd be happy to experiment on his own people like he did with his Grandaughter!
As Goebbels said to Fritz Lang, "Mr. Lang, _WE_ determine who is a Jew." :)
But not to the Jews, I guess. Although how can you betray a people when youre not part of the people? (Russians, I mean. How 'Russian' is Gintz?)
Jewish people who want to identify as Jewish living quiet lives need to keep away from these mad Synagogue of Satan AshkeNAZIs that have pushed a Zionist Narrative when not even having a blood line in the Middle East - notably perhaps Edward can highlight the case of the Ringworm Children - 100,000 Sephardic Children that Israel's elite Ashke-NAZIs fried the brains of with high dose X-Rays to stop them becoming part of the Israeli power structure - and these are the real historic jews of the Middle East! The AshkeNAZIs are doing Eugenics again in Israel and why this genetically targetted V'Axe will take out Sephardics more than AshkeNAZIs and why Bourla a backstabbing Greek sephardic hasn't taken the V'Axe :-
The Ringworm Children: Zionist Eugenics of the Sephardim
"The deliberate mass radiation poisoning of 100,000 young Israeli immigrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries (Sephardim)"
ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity
ACE2-K26R; which is most frequent in Ashkenazi Jewish population decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction
My feelings exactly
He's no doubt of AshkeNAZI lineage, I'm sorry but all the big players in this V'axe Genocide are Jews, every CEO like Bourla at Pfizer Shilling the Shots in Israel, and typically the Spike Protein genetically created in these kill Shots has less affinity for AshkeNAZI ACE2 receptors checkout Dr Lee Merrit- this is a Genetically targeted Bioweapon and Vladimir Putin has become Vlad the Impaler of his own people - Put-In the V'Axe in children along with the V'Axe Don - Trumpstein the Daddy of the V'Axe - we are fucked if people don't wake up and stick these V'Axes up the Pushers Arses!
Its good to see at least some people have seen through the massive smokescreen. If you are not familiar with Ron Unz you will find him extremally interesting. He is one of the honest jews who is a theoretical physicist by training and was known as the smartest man at Harvard. His and others essays on his site (unz.com) are simply incredible to read, I suggest starting with Oddities of the Jewish Religion" Take Care