Its funny - i'm a fan of Dmitry Orlov - I asked him what he thought of your critique and he blocked me on Patreon...

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Is it a crime in Russia to discuss these topics (COVID/Sputnik V)? "disinformation laws"?

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they have signaled that they are going after doctors who question the vaccine. Probably there are laws on the books that can be used to crack down on people who ask the wrong questions. Although I am unaware of any cases of this happening.

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Is it a crime in Russia to talk about the 1999 Russian apartment bombings?

Or is it just one of those things it's safer not to write too much about. :)



This is a rhetorical question so no need to answer.

And is the West any better? Paging Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, and Michael Collins Piper. Honorable mention Kary Mullis. I'm sure I'm forgetting others.

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Exactly, whatever has motivated Orlov and “the Saker” to loose their integrity and become Devils advocates is not know, but like with Putin, I cannot take them seriously anymore, and they are doing a great disservice to their readers and followers. They should better stop and go away as they have made themselves irrelevant. Putin is a Schwab’s poster boy now as the rest of that vicious self seeking crowd thus leaving temporary humanity in a vacuum between a stone and a hard place.

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He did it also with a superb commenter who was demolishing one of his worst articles (something about the logistic curve describing the pandemic). He lost my money too that time. Now he and the Saker are wading well into religion, once again at a very kinetic time. I just assume someone figured out that using well established bloggers as crowd control is cost effective. and it probably is.

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Thanks for this!! I've been wondering why the Russians were pushing the vax. More money than selling arms? Joining forces with Pfizer? Wow. Definitely global evil. Once upon a time Orlov was pretty good but he went off the rails a few years ago and now it seems he is near useless. Sharing.

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Thanks, MountainBlues. be well, friend :)

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This Substack is answering so many of the questions I've had about Russia and Sputnik - thank you again.

I would be very interested if anyone knows any resources covering the Sinovac and the real situation in China in the same way as this. I doubt they exist but am asking anyway. ;)

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thanks for reading, baboon! As for Sinovac -- very good question. I also would be very interested in reading more about it.

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Thanks kindly for your brave reporting. Subscribed.

You are the writer I have been seeking for years - truth about modern Russia in excellent standard American English. The subtle sarcasm may be lost on many, perhaps most importantly our English - speaking east slav brothers and sisters. Maybe add a sarc tag (/s)? Just sayin'.

I am disappointed to learn that Russia is merely a colony of the the west. I read recently that socialism and communism are merely side projects of capitalism, which seems appropriate. Putin is a convincing actor but the photos you've published of he and Schwab speak volumes. I once believed him to be a great patriot, lover of the motherland and husband to his people. Oh, were that so!

I would like to learn why you selected a photo of Mr. Snowden for your avatar. I would also like to know why Mr. Snowden sought to avoid integration with his surroundings including learning the Russian language, if true. Inquiring minds want to know.

I am in your debt for the introduction to Отава Ё. As payback here is a link to a performance by the inimitable Балет Игоря Моисеева (Igor Moiseyev Ballet). It would be real nice if they moved their work to Yandex.


всево хорошево

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Thanks for subscribing, and for your very flattering feedback.

Your comments on socialism and communism come at a very interesting time -- I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the West vs. East, Capitalism vs. Communism/Socialism narratives... I might write about this at some point, but if you want to go down a very deep and weird rabbit hole, I would suggest researching Norman Dodd, who was commissioned by US Congress in the 1950s to investigate tax-exempt foundations (the Rockefeller Foundation, etc.). His conclusion: these "charitable" groups are using their money and influence to "alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." Wild stuff:

http://www.supremelaw.org/authors/dodd/interview.htm https://archive.org/details/norman-dodd-on-tax-exempt-foundations-interview-with-g.-edward-griffin

The Snowden avatar is not meant to have any deep meaning, honestly. Although I do find him to be a very odd character -- I have lots of questions about him.

Glad you are enjoying Отава Ё! They played in Moscow recently -- it was an amazing show. And thanks for the music recommendation, beautiful.

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