Kudos, Slavsquat! You have no peers!


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Congratulations, Riley, on the first anniversary on Substack! I think you have done extremely well with your blog in a short period of time. You thoroughness, your expertise on the subject, and your mastery of a written word prove to us all that some of the fundamental qualities of a good writer never go out of style. I look forward to your coming posts. Thanks for spending time on uncovering subjects not really touched by anyone else in the English language blogosphere!

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I'm so happy I came across your blog a year ago. It's one of the things that have kept me sane throughout the madness. Thanks for your work, Riley, it's truly invaluable.

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I think you were one of my first readers, Natalie. You were definitely one of the first commenters. It's been a wild ride... I'm really honored you've stuck around for so long :) i hope you are doing well, all things considered. and please stay safe :)

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I'm lucky to live in western part of Ukraine, so yes, I'm doing well overall.

Thanks for your kind words :)

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And thank you, Natalie, for being a consistent commentator here.

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It's one of the few places on the internet where I can meet kindred spirits :)

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How time flies when you are stuck in a hookah lounge

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Keep up the great work with alternative reporting in Russia!

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Thanks, Riley, amazing persistence in the face of odds. BTW, loved that "Beach Boys video"! :-)

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congratulations and thank you

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2HH7J-Sx80 This is for you Riley😁

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Because Edward Slavsquat's readers are interested in informations based on real news describing the complexity of reality and because French are somehow challenged in it's sphere of influence in Africa by Russia, I advise those interested in the subject to consider the rather relevant analysis provided below.

"""*The interest of the French people hangs upon leaving the EU psychopathic totalitarianism, the NATO and the phony Euro pseudo money.

*The interest of the French peoplehangs upon in distancing themselves with the ethnic nationalists and their foreign supports.

* The interests of the French population of all ethnic and cultural background is to have good ties with Russia.

*The interest of all components of the French citizenry hangs upon first and foremost by having the best relationships with our "cousins", French speaking populations in The ex-Africans colonies whom many parents live in our country (at that point submited by the Anglo-Saxon empire of lies), first and foremost."""

If so called "french interest" (olygarchic interests) hadn't behave very disgustingly in Africa, France wouldn't be challenged in anyway.

For those of you who might be interested in diging deeper:https://fusionnisme.blogspot.com/

France and its best enemies in Africa

October 18, 2022

Leslie Varenne


France is contested on all sides of the continent to the point that it no longer has any room for maneuver. If it moves forward openly, there is an outcry; if it moves forward masked, it is spotted and that is even worse. The rejection of French politics - for that is what it is all about and not anti-French sentiment, expatriates have no problem on the continent - has multiple sources and predates the arrival in power of Emmanuel Macron. However, under his five-year tenure, this rejection has reached stratospheric proportions. The music in the media and on social networks is to accuse Moscow of being the armed wing of this protest. However, without being naive and denying the role of Russia, it is only one factor among others that contribute to this climate.

Demonstration during the last coup in Ouagadougou

The reasons for this rejection are well documented; the fundamentals that underpin and sustain the protest have also long been known. They are the support given to illegitimate presidents in the eyes of their populations, the validation of unconstitutional third terms and rigged elections. No French president has put an end to them. These practices despair the peoples who aspire to democracy and suffocate in libertic societies where underdevelopment, nepotism and prevarication reign.

The recent events in Chad provide another masterful illustration of this. Contrary to his commitments, Mahamat Déby has decided, via a pseudo national dialogue, to grant himself the right to stand for re-election at the end of the transition, which will last another two years. Neither the Quai d'Orsay nor the Elysée have communicated after this decision, which shows their embarrassment. If Emmanuel Macron does not approve of this ukase, what can he do after allowing Idriss Déby's son to take power unconstitutionally? The days of the "policeman of Africa" are definitely over; heads of state have a choice of partners. The president of the new world acts like those of the old world. The worm was in the fruit as soon as Mahamat Déby was sworn in in April 2021.

The variable geometry policy is the other major criticism levelled at France. In Mali, "an illegitimate and illegal junta", in Chad, in Burkina Faso and in Guinea, juntas that enjoy a certain benevolence. With the war in Ukraine, in addition to the disproportionate resources sent to Kiev, another "double standard" is revealed even more bluntly. Unlike the Boutcha massacre, never have major killings such as those in Duékoué, Côte d'Ivoire, March 2011; Ogossagou, Mali, March 2019; Yirgou, Burkina Faso, January 2019, given rise to requests for emergency meetings at the Security Council. However, the lack of international reaction to these massacres is experienced as a form of racism and is systematically mentioned among the critics.

The alignment of France in the "Western camp" after its reintegration into the integrated command of NATO in 2009 has contributed to the degradation of its image on the Continent. This return marked the trivialization of its voice in the concert of nations, a voice that had the diplomatic vocation of a bridge between East and West, North and South, as Dominique de Villepin said at the time. The end of this singularity materialized in 2011 with the wars in Syria, Ivory Coast and Libya. The conflicts in these last two countries have created the groundswell that is now engulfing France.

Thus included in the Western camp, France is paying for the military adventures of the United States, from the Balkans to Iraq and Afghanistan, including those in which it was not involved. For it is the entire West that is being condemned for decades of warmongering and all its work. The journalist Ian Hamel quoting the essayist Hamid Zanaz writes in Mondafrique: "In the Arab-Islamic world, in editorials, comments on social networks and television sets, Putin is presented half-heartedly, sometimes even openly, as a hero who defies the colonialist West. The climate that prevails in Africa is not exclusive to the continent. On October 16, in Haiti, demonstrators brought out Russian flags to oppose any hint of American intervention.

France does not benefit from this alignment, nor is it paid in return. The United States distanced itself from Paris so as not to be contaminated by its bad image. Alerted by the votes of certain countries, concerning Ukraine, at the United Nations, they are trying to regain control by playing the camp of the discontented, following the example of Chad where they support the opponent Succès Masra. They do not wish to

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

One Love

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I'm really, really, not keen on Macron.

But you stated: "The rejection of French politics - for that is what it is all about and not anti-French sentiment, expatriates have no problem on the continent - has multiple sources and predates the arrival in power of Emmanuel Macron." maybe you could explain how Russia leads an hybrid war in Sahel, against France, thanks to IRA's Progozhyn based in St Petersburg. Russian milices slaughter civilians and accuse the French of doing so. African populations, fed up of the French colonialism, fall in the trap and support the russian narrative. Very cynical...

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I didn't state anything pseudo sandrine, it is a sourced article

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The reality is much different:


#Mali #France #WagnerGroup

France says mercenaries from Russia's Wagner Group staged 'French atrocity' in Mali • FRANCE 24

And this is just a little part of the disinformation led by Russia in this hybrid war.

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pseudo sandrine repeats ad nauseam the same lies using the same dubious sources, either oligarchical French propaganda or "crowinformation" a dubious media without any credibility.

For months I have tried to bring other more credible informations bringing hisorical, sociological background, nuances, details, about the situation to no avail.

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Here is the testimony (in english) of the widow of one of the 3 russian journalists killed in while they were enquiring about the Russian mining company LOBAYE INVEST and about PMC WAGNER over there:



Orkhan DZHEMAL †


She says that there is no investigation done about the murder, and if you read between the lines, that the KREMLIN covers up the assassination of the journalists.

And while pseudo Bugey Libre (formerly pseudo Rastatérix on a Swiss toilet paper webmagazine called Réseau International where he praised for RuSSian regime for months) continues spreading his heavy propaganda on this blog, unfornately African civilians continue to be savagely slaughtered so that rivers of blood in Sahel can feed rivers of blood in Ukraine, and the pillage of gold, uranium, diamonds, etc goes on. The gold is send to United Arab Emirates. Long lives the russian "multipolarity"!

It is very very cynical.

Thank you Sarah and Anti_Jonis for your work of cross-checking the information.

And congratulations Bugey Libre, i hope you are well paid for the dirty job, as you have exactly the same narrative of Putin's nazis or corrupted president Touadera.

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Oct 20, 2022
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And regarding "the jews"... Most of them are. But I try not to use their favorite tool of antisemitism, as I always remember that during WWII porr jews were assassinated to the benefi of a rich jewish elite.

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Oct 20, 2022
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"..anyone with the ability to think rationally can guess the truth of them by looking at the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation's farce against the "IDF" in Syria.

"The official theory offered by the Investigative Committee, Russia's version of the FBI, is that the murder was committed during a robbery by Arabic-speaking bandits who are active in that part of Africa. I categorically reject this explanation."

Problem Reaction Solution.

Yes for sure, Arabic teerorism is very useful to RuSSian regime, like in Syria when they enabled Russia to gain 25% of oil concessions taken back to the "terrorists", and the control of the port of Tartous. Terrorism is useful to both western corrupted governments and to Russia, but first of all, to the elite behind the scenes. The same happens now in Sahel.

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Oct 20, 2022
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Like often I made an important mistake, France should distant itself with ethnic nationalists aka Nazis in the Ukraine of course.

Down with all technocratic high tech bullshit!!

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The Russian putting in place a russian TV channel in Bangui, "to spread massive russian disinformation and propaganda" according to CAR journalists, in their own words (see article from local journalists...in french - CAR is a french-speaking country).

Extract: Le but premier de la Russie en Centrafrique n’est pas l’épanouissement du peuple centrafricain, mais son asservissement tel qu’on a vu dans les pays de l’ex-Union soviétique.

=> The first goal of Russia in CAR is not the personal fulfilment of CAR populations, but its slavery as we saw in ex-USSR countries.

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Oct 20, 2022
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They are, as I clearly wrote, ethnic nationalists but references to German mystical nazism is very often use by most of their groups. They are also backed by Zionists revisionists who were working closely with Hitler/Us Supported regime.

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Oct 20, 2022
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Because what happens in Ukraine only benefits to Israel, UK and US

Yes, of course...

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Oct 20, 2022
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Sarah, do you think Putin's Russia is spreading Nazism? Why has pseudo sandrine written many times that this is what is going on with very few people challenging that claim?

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Oct 20, 2022
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What I say is - i think- a little bit more complex. I say that over the last decades the Rothschild's clan helped to a transfer of technology to the East and helped weakening, nearly destroy, Europe. Russia China and the West are in bed with this clan. I explained how and why many many times. Maybe you should read my posts...

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Oct 20, 2022
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Oct 20, 2022
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Bugey Libre,

What do you think of this express analysis of a changing situation in France. Can the people's left and people's right movements join to provide a greater resistance and possibly overthrow of the elites circles both of the left and the right denomination?

Message below is taken from Pepe Escobar Tg channel. I'm guessing he reposting someone else's text.




The hardcore traditional Left in France (unions, syndicates, workers, lower middle classes, Melenchon communists) have turned AGAINST the new left/neoliberal/cosmopolitan/Eurotrash affiliated with Le Petit Roi and his coterie. Even up to the point that now a historic compromise with the hard right is no longer impossible, in fact even desirable.

Macron's Covid emergency extension laws were REJECTED in Parliament. And that is also playing out in the streets. Many Gilets Jaunes may be Right and all the syndicate/union workers may be hardcore Left - but labels don't mean a thing. They are working against the Jacobins and Trotskyites who hold power in Brussels and in the Elysee Palace.

At least some people are finally waking up to see that they are in it together against a toxic Euro “elite” - a multi-headed hydra peddling climate change, Covid rules, food shortages, energy dependence, and ultimately and inevitably - war.

The French historically have a VERY good instinct for these things. And right now SO many things are brewing. The question is when the foam will rise to the top.

It is therefore only normal that Le Petit Roi has vanished. Low profile does not even begin to qualify it - considering he’s such a egomaniac/megalomaniac. Even the Interior Ministry has piped down - although the police is still driving like bats out of hell in the streets of France as if something urgent is happening.

But that's far less frequent than 2 years ago, when a neo-Stasi regime was being implemented.

The police have their unions as well - and are middle class workers. They despise the arrogance of the bankers and professional classes - the bourgeoisie that fakes their love for “ nternationalism" and "universality of norms”, the New Popes who religiously staff all the new technocrat science committees. Well, the problem is there is not enough of them. And the lower middle classes and even the poor are on to their games.

Before they held the poor and migrants and immigrants in thrall with false socialist promises of a Promised Land. But that hall of mirrors has been shattered completely after everybody had been locked up like caged animals in their homes for 18 months on end while being forced to take vaccinations they did not want.

Post-Covid has somehow reactivated the Gilets Jaunes and the unions. Now, in contrast with pre-Covid, they seem to be willing to cooperate to defeat their common enemy: the Jacobin bourgeoisie regency class. They have finally figured out that the political distinction between Left and Right is ABSOLUTELY FAKE. Pure Divide and Rule.

So for once strikes are no longer a nuisance in France: they have taken on a whole new new political meaning.

It is no longer about working less hours and getting your pension earlier but about punishing those responsible for the accumulated miseries of higher prices, more mind-boggling rules, higher taxes. The regency class has not just mismanaged the country and the economy; they have deliberately - seditiously - sabotaged a privileged land of decent, hard working people.

A historic compromise between the Hard Left and the Hard Right may be in the making. Allez, French men and French women. Encore un effort.

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Vive les gilets Jaunes direction Bâle et Klosters (Switzerland), ou Threadneedle Street (City of London) !

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"The French historically have a VERY good instinct for these things" - best joke of the year: yes, like in 1789, and maybe in 2022 thanks to yellow useful idiots for a regime change to the benefit of Russia. A coloured revolution to implement regionalism in globalism?

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Oct 20, 2022
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I do entirely agree Sarah. Africans are mostly unhappy in Europe, especially with the actual society we are living in. France and Western countries have pillaged Africa ever since so called independance and have chosen to import Africans, even doctors, who would be less paid and contribute to the destruction of our healthcare system, meanwhile there are almost no more doctors and infrastucture in Africa.


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Dear Sarah, not sure ethnic French fall in the division trap anymore, like a Le Pen or Trump supporter would do. We are more interrested in the master of puppets on both russian and western side.

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Talent! It takes talent! Love the out of key BeachBoys. Had to reset my ears after that.

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Félicitation Riley!

I might be able to do something to help with the overprice hookah lounge you in the coming week.



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Congratulations, Riley! 🎉🥂 Substack is a wondrous, life-transforming place, and I'm happy to be battling tyranny and propaganda together 🙌

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Thank you for your vigilance. Russian governmental vaccine envy has taken me aback.

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Feliz cumple !!

(What kind of music is that ?

I'm not a doctor but it looks like you make a hypo-californian seizure Riley !)

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Thanks for the waltz down Memory Lane.

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Congrats! And gogogo!

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