Putin will sign,he is after all a young global leader like Trudeau meeker ect.. He is a WEF puppet and we should all know by now that all “the worlds a stage”.. this whole war thing is a set up use greasy politicians from Ukraine USA Canada and other western countries to further collapse our economies, to bring in cbdc and well food shortages and mandates.. how convenient the timing of this war was.. wasn’t it Tony Blair that said he is good friends for many years with Putin? 🧐

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deep regret for the people of Russia, but no doubt same plan intended for the rest of us

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if he does he is still in the WEF. if he doesn't he is probably a dead man. he will loose anyway even if he wins the war, which is kinda obvious

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Well well multipolarity never looked more inspiring than right now I guess. Technocratic tyranny leading the way to the bio security paradise without the official WEF stamp on it surely feels totally different in Russia! Willful ignorance is slowly but surely really no excuse for those "alternative media"-figures in the west upholding the russian or chinese government as the saviours fighting against the "collective west" anymore so I strongly suspect other motives on at least some of those people.

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Pu Bear & Pooh Bear leading their poles in exactly the same direction as their opposite pole is going.

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Yeah and the timing of the start of this conflict in Ukraine looked very conveniant to direct the attention of people away from the covid scam and dividing the alternative media crowd alongside east-west lines while the further destruction of the economy especially in europe can be justified to the remaining normies out there and let's not forget that you can implement authoritarian measures as a government way easier with an ever looming conflict against a deadly enemy on the horizont cause all those measures are necessary for national security or whatever. Looks like a win-win situation for the powers that shouldn't be while the normies buy any ridicolous mainstream narrative and many "freethinkers" can decide which team they can cheer on,either left or right at home or NATO versus BRICS globally..Trust the plan! *irony off*

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FF... Reluctant as I am to let go my 20 year hope that Putin is the exception to the inevitable universal leadership corruption syndrome, I have a horrible feeling you are right. Any hope of a global alliance against the NWO is disapating rapidly. We will have to fall back to the national fortress position, at least those of us whose countries are theoretically capable of reclamation.

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Many of us believed that Putin would do something good, not only for Russia, but also for the world. Putin is an exceptionally talented Pied Piper.

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We share the same view, Sonja. I am hoping he is playing to the home crowd when he says he is ready to negotiate with the West. He may be posturing, making sure the pacifist element (or posterity) cannot say he did not "give peace a chance".

But if he actually believes the West has any intention of negotiating, Russia is in big trouble. I tell myself his past performance says he is way smarter than any other leaders. I just have to remind myself much more often these days.

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H will sign. All heads of states will.

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WEF's Adolf Schwab won't be around to see his perverted dream fail as it collapses in ruins.! Pity that!

We now don't believe a word that the self assuming 'Elite', Big Pharma, politicians and medical 'experts' write or say as it's always persuasive masked inuendo, lies and manipulation to 'sell' theories designed with bad intentions, for their profits and other sinister motives - not in the interest of mankind!.

'Disinformation Campaigns' are now acceptable because they frequently turn out to be true and accurate - as has been the case with the Covid Scamdemic, the DEADLY VAX, the sinister intentions of the NWO = the WEF and the new Gates motivated and now corrupt World Health Organisation, etc.

'LIABILITY for vax makers' would stop this nonsense immediately as having IMMUNITY from all/any LIABILITY means Big Pharma just use this (TEMPORARY = 1976) 'concession' as their Licence to Kill!

It seems that 'Long Covid' is another Adverse Reaction to the useless but deadly Covid injection!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed 'cos it's far safer than playing Russian Roulette with the jab CULL.

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"All" it has to do is get passed by the House, passed by the Senate, and signed by Biden. What could possibly go wrong? :-)

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This is refreshing news.

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It is, though I'm afraid to hope, but I will anyway.

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Adolf Schwab.. 🤣 I like that!

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Thanks again, Riley. Seems like hardly anyone wants to deal with facts any more.

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"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."~Friedrich Nietzsche

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You can see that even in some of the comments posted on this blog, not so much any more, but more so at Off-Guardian whenever any of Riley's items about Russia or China get posted.

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Thanks for this update....more evidence that Russia/Putin are in on the Great Reset and the "war" on Ukraine is just a way to kill more people, in particular, young males

Question: I can't read Russian.....does the Katushya website cited in your article have an English version....can't tell when I go there

"Jesus is the reason for the season" (and he wasn't born on Dec. 25)

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Copy the text in full and go to Google translate and paste it. That's what I do. LOVE your post btw!

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Hugs and kisses to you and Merry Christmas!

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How will the Russian people handle this? Will many "go along" like some people I see here in the U.S.? I know people who are still getting more boosters and wearing masks.......I can hardly believe it.

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Is Hermann Gref inviting Mr. Putin for dinner to convince him to sign this ID2020 bill?

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You'll want to see this - evidence that the #SputnikV was part of the plan:


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He signed

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Beast System 666.

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