It’s completely Orwellian they’re using black and brown (faceless and muzzled) cartoon characters to advertise the “diversity” of the fascist apartheid system when the black, Latino, and native populations of Boston are the least “vaccinated” and therefore now the most heavily impacted and effectively excluded from public life. It’s quite a feat of mental gymnastics that the well-to-do wealthier, whiter residents are engaging in to make themselves believe they’re the virtuous ones for supporting and participating in this modern form of Jim Crow segregation (this time in the liberal, Northern states) in the name of public health. Democrats have lost their minds.

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my only question after reading this is why you chose an overpriced liberal arts college in Massachusetts... maybe the weather... anyhow you turned out great despite your education 💕🐱💕

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no idea why. I was very young and extremely stupid. But that is kind of you to say, that it still worked out okay in the end for me.

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you are a very talented writer, your posts are informative and entertaining.

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thanks for the very kind words!

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Interesting tidbit on the history of state schooling. I had no idea it was resisted - even by force of arms! I’ll have to read that book.

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it's a great book. anything by Gatto, read.

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In fact, I knew by a Spanish journalist exiled in Florida on the Thanksgiving celebration, that amongst the Founding Fathers, and Mothers, there was a high percentage of literate people, that those people were escaping Europe on grounds of finding freedom of conscience, and thus, it is normal that they, being autonomous so as to teach their children, distrusted that intend of requisiton parents´ sovereignty by a government.

Peoples who forget their history are condemned to repeat it...

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Add it to the list with NY, IL, CA etc. The state that gave us Pocahontas and Mitt Romney. Covid just accelerated the concept of parallel economies.

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you hate to see it!

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I'm from Australia - I feel safer now


Not that I wasn't already


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‘They killed my boy!!!!’: Aussie boy dead after COVID jab – Facebook remove dad’s posts


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Glad I'm no longer in Mass. One positive thing about MA related to this piece is that in the 1960s a group of hippie commune types won a court battle to make home schooling legal in the state. I believe it was the first or at least one of the first such cases in the nation.

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Well done! I laughed like crazy. You have to, or you'll cry!

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thanks for reading, Monica :)

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It’s going to be weird watching this play out in our system of federalism.

Will Mass/CA/NY give up? Doubtful.

Will FL/TX/GA give in? Also doubtful.

My guess: the Feds will try to use the power of the purse to force the states into line. No cattle tag? Then no transportation funds. No Medicare funds. Etc.

Will the Biden regime be voted out in 2024? I dunno. And if Tump is the Republican nominee, would he even oppose cattle tags? Or is he such controlled opposition that he’d ram it through?

I’m not real hopeful at this point. Maybe when the omicron hysteria dies down, Massholes will come to their senses. But I’m not real hopeful about that either.

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With this, we need a funny and nice song about Massachusetts:


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Maxi cringe, but points for trying. 14th largest state of what? Maskholes?

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Johnny B:

I don't think they can pump enough carrot juice in to the walking ghost to keep him alive too much longer

Then too, why won't the Republicrats impeach him over Yooookraine?

Worse yet, ScKamala already had me in jail, if she gets top shit potus then we can all kiss our scrotums goodbye

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