Vaxxed-to-the-max Massachusetts: A cautionary tale
"flatten the curve" became "cattle-tag the 5-year-olds"
Hey, isn’t this blog about Russia?
It’s 2022. There are no rules. (Actually, we’ve decided Sunday will be “Stories Not About Russia Day” because it can get a bit repetitive/depressing, and also—despite what some of you might think—your humble Moscow correspondent is hardly impressed by the Sclerotic West, which is currently committing industrial-scale seppuku for no good reason whatsoever.) Anyway…
Massachusetts: more vaxxed than Zhirinovsky; Boston to cattle-tag everyone anyway (moo!)
The city of Boston, Massachusetts now requires a cattle tag showing proof of unproven slurry injection to enter various businesses, including restaurants and bars. This rule applies to all people ages 12 and up. Starting in May, untagged five-year-olds will be segregated from society. For obvious reasons.
Boston’s cattle tag is called… B Together.

Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve”? There’s been some wicked goalpost moving, brah:
We lived in Massachusetts for more than a decade. It was okay. Even fun at times.
But after graduating from an overpriced Massachusetts liberal arts college in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in nothing even remotely useful, we were ready to leave that strange state and never return. We’re typing this while sitting in the suburbs of Moscow, Russia. Massachusetts makes you do crazy things.
The cult of “hospital capacity & not enough ventilators” established a foothold in the US Northeast before spreading its deranged gospel to Russia, so for a few weeks we were fixated on the mind-melting madness sweeping across the United States in March 2020.
True story: at one point in the early days of lockdown we even called up local police departments in Massachusetts and asked pointed questions about the legality of “non-essential” business closures. We recorded these conversations and made a video. Your humble Moscow correspondent is a massive stick-in-the-mud:
Surprise, surprise: the cops didn’t have a clue about anything, and some of them seemed to admit these insane and anti-human measures were unenforceable.
Why did we do this? We honestly have no idea. To prove a point, maybe. No one cared of course.
As you probably know, cattle tags are necessary to ensure everyone is injected with their favorite flavor of unproven slurry—Big Pharma slurry, or Kremlin slurry, or a Kremlin-Big Pharma slurry cocktail.
Party-poopers might whine about how cattle tags feed the most elementary concepts of basic human dignity directly through the woodchipper—but what they don’t understand is that this is the only way to stop the pandemic, this time for real.
But here’s another question: what is the point of cattle tags if basically everyone already has mRNA sauce dripping out of their eyeballs?
If the vaccine works—and NINETY-THREE PERCENT OF YOUR STATE’S POPULATION HAS RECEIVED AT LEAST ONE DOSE—why would you need cattle tags? If the vaccine doesn’t work, why would you need cattle tags? We are not the first to ask such seemingly obvious questions.
We know probably millions of Massholes are overjoyed by this new development but there’s nothing to gain from fixating on the lowest common denominator. Undoubtedly, many are unhappy about being tagged, as is evident from some of the responses to Mayor Michelle Wu’s cattle tag decree:
Millions of others are probably keeping silent. Why? Because they don’t want to be labeled anti-public health—or worse—a racist:

Massachusetts is a funny place. In what other state is it socially acceptable to support a mass-murderer who vaporized countless children in faraway brown-person countries (Barack Obama), and also clap for a chattel-tracking system that is marketed using gagged brown-and-black people? Okay, California. But try to name a third state. You can’t. Okay, New York.
Seriously though, this one is for the history books.
“Teacher, why did the people of Massachusetts clap and cheer for the cattle tag, the most obvious scam in human history?”
“Good question, Billy. Because it had diversity.”
[ten minutes of total silence]
“Yeah. They were really retarded back then.”
Which brings us to our final question: how did Massachusetts end up where it is today: a wealthy, well-schooled vaxxed-to-the-max state that is basically begging to be Klaus Schwab’s personal gimp?
Well, there’s lots of reasons. But one of the core reasons—the root of the trouble—can be traced back to the introduction of compulsory schooling, which after almost 200 years has turned all the brain-matter in Massachusetts into oatmeal. What a surprise:
Our form of compulsory schooling is an invention of the State of Massachusetts around 1850. It was resisted sometimes with guns by an estimated eighty percent of the Massachusetts population, the last outpost in Barnstable on Cape Cod not surrendering its children until the 1880s, when the area was seized by militia and children marched to school under guard.
Now here is a curious idea to ponder: Senator Ted Kennedy's office released a paper not too long ago claiming that prior to compulsory education the state literacy rate was ninety-eight percent and that after it the figure never exceeded ninety-one percent, where it stands in 1990.
(Source: John Taylor Gatto. Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (p. 22). Kindle Edition.)
There was armed resistance against compulsory public schooling in 1850.
Now, in 2022, there is compulsory cattle-tagging for any five-year-old who wants to go to Taco Bell. And people are like, “wow this is so diverse.”
Rest In Peace, Massachusetts.
It’s completely Orwellian they’re using black and brown (faceless and muzzled) cartoon characters to advertise the “diversity” of the fascist apartheid system when the black, Latino, and native populations of Boston are the least “vaccinated” and therefore now the most heavily impacted and effectively excluded from public life. It’s quite a feat of mental gymnastics that the well-to-do wealthier, whiter residents are engaging in to make themselves believe they’re the virtuous ones for supporting and participating in this modern form of Jim Crow segregation (this time in the liberal, Northern states) in the name of public health. Democrats have lost their minds.
my only question after reading this is why you chose an overpriced liberal arts college in Massachusetts... maybe the weather... anyhow you turned out great despite your education 💕🐱💕