Yeih, a kitten! 😍

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Edward, doesn't the wildlife deserve a note or two? Here in Kyiv the hedgehogs come every night to clean up the scraps that the neighborhood cats leave behind. Hedgehogs do a better job with bones.

Birds also deserve a mention. Slavic countries simply support a better breed of bird, the hooded crow. And the magpie. Bold fellows. When the cats turn their back, they swoop in and carry off surprisingly large morsels.

How about your ponds? Ducks, turtles, frogs etc.?

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Haha I love your bio ::))

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I see the Edward institute uses plastic bottles as mini greenhouses, something my Bulgarian man has introduced me to this year! He tells me though that Bulgarians don’t suffer with invaders like couch grass, bindweed or slugs (which are the bane of gardening life here. In UK). Since the boomers started to poison slugs with pellets the hedgehogs have run off or died.

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Best way to kill slugs is to leave them some shitty beer several nights in the row, At least, that's what we do in Canada. Buy cheapest american/canadian beer for this purpose, and they will be gone. You have to pour the beer into a dish, and in the morning it'll be full of slugs

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Gotta plant when the time is right! Blogs can come at any time!

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Puppies today, hitched up Husky-style to haul the Institute's water requirements and pull ploughs tomorrow. 🙂

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So cute!!! I love that mayhem! Держись, дружок! We need you!

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These are delightful and fun!

And, bonus - we get ideas for stuff !

I do like the scenery, too.

Give the dogs and kitty pats on the head from me.

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Thank you for a good laugh today, and a glimpse into your village. - Ginger Breggin

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I’d like to add that I did not see a trace of a chem trail in your beautiful blue sky. It will be a pleasure falling asleep tonight thinking of a village with sweet black puppies, blue skies, warm sun, a chicken with a name, and a fluffy kitten accompanying a quirky, kind writer through his life.

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Yes! - I was scrolling down and planning to comment about the blue skies! The cabbage patch photo with the lovely fair weather clouds and crystal blue sky on the horizon is particularly fine. Sky like that is almost never seen here in North America. (What in hell are they spraying?)

I will wait patiently for more written content; meanwhile, just a sky photo-essay would be much appreciated by denizens of hellish locales.

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Got lube oil? :-)

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Was going to say that - lol

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What in the world are you going to do with all those pups? They'll be getting big soon.

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It will be better without dogs and cats. They will consume Slavsquat's foods and pollute his home without being productive. Hens are a good choice.

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They produce happiness.

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They do not. Humans like to keep the pets to get a kind of superior feeling. Superior feeling does not necessarily give someone a happiness. It would be better for Slavsquat to spend his time with his cattles. The pets give him nothing but environmental problems.

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I beg to differ, cattle are not cuddly. My pets don't make me feel superior, especially when I am cleaning up after them, lol. As for cattle not causing environmental problems, Bill Gates the psycho disagrees with that opinion. He actually said they need to stop them from putting out methane emissions :)

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"Humans like to keep the pets to get a kind of superior feeling. "

Is this a case of projection without a personal experience of keeping them yourself ?

Can a human being fall any lower than being engaged in the psychological project of getting animals to feel superior ?! Even to come up with this idea... stunning !

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Thank you for your comment. I do not have any pet.

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Your fencing skills are inspiring! We have land and I'm picking up so much valuable information from you. Just need to source sime old refrigerators...off to the dump!. 🤔

Love me some cats too! 😻

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🤣 I couldn't think of anything that funny and clever to say.

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It's a gift that Riley and I share. 🤷‍♀️🤣

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Indeed! Well done to you both👏

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I wonder if you are making some firewood for the winter? That's my occupation for the next three weeks and i am also curious about why you have to go and get water? I enjoy your musings a lot. Roffe from the forest in northern Sweden.

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What about the butcher's daughter?

What about wine?

One love!

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love and peace, you've got it!

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Awesome! That doesn't look like mayhem to me, but like healthy country life in lovely company. Far away from all the sick madness that is becoming more and more prevalent in everyday life. It's the healthiest thing you can do to avoid going crazy. Good luck with the vegetables and enjoy the lovely team, best wishes from Germany🙋‍♀️🐕

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Edward, I almost didn't make it through your bucolic water pushing video. Please provide shipping address. I will send you a case of 3-in-1 oil. 🤣

The puppies are a joy, especially accompanied by your droll stories. The fence, erm, if I may call it that, is quite structurally questionable, but I'm betting the refrigerator bulwark will do the trick. Fortunately, I'm guessing you don't have Kansas winds with which to contend. I will be repairing my fence after the gale force winds threatening to become a tornado tore through my area last night.

Susan is, oh my gosh, an angel. If the puppies have anything to say about it, they will turn her into a first class little hellcat😼escape artist. Better keep your eye on those little 😈's

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Perhaps the Edward Institute for Village Studies is missing out on another venture besides animal husbandry, advanced construction methodologies and cheese snorting, the Institute could expand its operations into the highly lucrative Weight Loss, Fitness Boutique & Spa market, kind of like Planet Fitness, but with a more "traditional family values" theme. With all the manual labor, toiling, schlepping and wood gathering, there is no time for wool gathering, unless you plan on introducing sheep into the farm, only water pushing and beet harvesting. You conveniently have the terrain for mud baths and a steamy room, I mean 'banya' to help reduce the excess poundage. The flab will just fall off with a workout like that.

You're welcome!

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