Firstly, they will penalised you for going AWOL if you’re mobilised.

Secondly, you’ll be sent for psych evaluation if you refuse the poison during your mobilisation.

Anyway, this quote from Wiley is the best:

“Who even talks about “legality” in 2022? That ship sailed years ago, friends.” ⛴

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Putin/Xi "multipolarity" is a huge and unmitigated load of bullshit. The Kremlin is to globalist geopolitics what Biden/Trump or Macron/Le Pen are to politics of the USEUNATO conglomerate.

The EUkraine conflict is, on one side, an adjustment of global supply chains, and on ther other an imposition of costs and shock therapy changes for the taxcattle.

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"By the year 2030, Russian people will have their digital ID and brain implants, they will eat bugs and 3D-printed meat, own nothing, and be happy."

Russia and the Collective West Are Marching Together Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals

We are being played yet again


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"Who says the Russian government cares about the law? It is, after all, a government. " This is brilliant :)

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A news item to illustrate how Russian Government "respects the law": in CAR, a little bit more than one week ago, a Russian cargo aircraft landed on the PMC Wagner's military base in Berongo, same prefecture as the Company Lobaye Invest (russian gold mining concession in CAR):


(Info: Lobaye Invest and PMC Wagner were being investigated by 3 russian journalists in CAR, Kirill RADCHENKO,


Orkhan DZHEMAL, when they were killed and the murder does not seem to be a Kremlin's priority according to one of the widow:

https://time.com/5637539/russia-central-african-republic-militia-anniversary/ )

For the last 2 years, CAR receives a great amount of Russian munitions and weapons, and even fighter aircraft.

Last week this Russian Cargo aircraft was loaded with huge quantities of weapons, and on board, two important russian miltary officers and two russian civilians, received by the president Touadera. According to the Website "Corbeaunews", Russia and the corrupted president Touadera could prepare a war in CAR, after a third mandate for Touadera had been rejected by the Constitutional Court.


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It's near certain that nobody who's administering "COVID-19" injections — be they in Russia or anywhere else in the world — can provide those whom they are tasked with injecting a complete list of ingredients for any of the toxic serums. It therefore follows that both providing and acquiring fully informed consent to the "COVID-19" injections is impossible. But, of course, the global(ist) "COVID-19" operation couldn't give a Schwabian shit about ethics and harm.

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Get the shot! Don't let the enemy get you alive!

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It is essential that at least you point out what should be clear for everyone: Russia is not exactly the home of the free, either. Whose hero is Putin:


It looks like the same "psychiatric" game is about to be played against refusniks in Canada, too:


The tyranny in Russia seems to have been ignored and the "alt" media even keeps praising Putin...

Australia, in the meanwhile, is about to take the lead in tyranny among the Five Eyes:


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All "alt" media of the Western Countries praise for Putin. They were designed for it, for the most on the middle of the 2000, early 2010. What shows a large scale orchestration in the great Scenario "Holy Russia saving the World from the West and from the Nazis".

There are now masses of hysterical Putin groupies in all comment sections, and as an anecdote I am banned of ALL french "alt" media just for exposing the scam.

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It's all about making people think that the three want different things, while they are on the same boat.

I'm quite certain that WW3 on TV will also be exploited, along with a few false flags (EMP and/or a dirty bomb in major cities). What to expect?


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WWIII is already exploited, in a long serie of facts that put the base of bipolarity (sorry again for my poor english level, but I hope the message can be understood):

What global policy was lead in the last decades to strengthen bipolarity (destroying Europe, balancing global forces between East and Nato block):

- transfer of technologies from the West to the East in the last decades (under communist regime in USSR and then concerning China)

- China member of the WTO in 2001, an emerging power, along with Rothschild’s family support to mergers https://is.muni.cz/th/mscxq/Gardas_Thesis.pdf?kod=Bi6888;lang=en => destruction of the West and emergence of China)

use of US as a scarecrow to build European Union, and later on, Eurasia

- Creation of European Union and Euro currency, destroying european economies

- Covid and lockdowns destroying western economies

- War in Ukraine: co-production and casus belli arranged between Rothschild’s puppets in the East and the West to reinforce NATO (Sweden and Finland in NATO organization. increase of military expenses. Justification of « brain-dead » NATO) and reinforce Eurasia. A bipolarity, milestone to the NWO. (and even if Putin the chronic liar declared that "Russia will wage a war in Ukraine to weaken NATO, which is the opposite in the facts)

- climate change, chemtrails and economic war in Europe

- pillage of natural resources in Sahel by Russia, against french interests.

All of these decisions contribute to reinforce bipolarity, multipolarity is a myth.

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Who says not that USA en Putin are playing are ping pong together here bc if this is true Putin will lose big time in Ukraine bc look at this:



Bc like I see it through the lens of:

The Committee of 300


Russia is for a while now in the pockets of USA and if I am correct that this war is also for letting China see that you do not win that easy, and so they think twice before going after Taiwan. Also China does not like losers, so they will ditch Russia and so they divide trough this war even more bc Russia in the pockets of the Committee 100% but China with that closed CCP-garbage is another thing and if they do not have that in their pockets, than I can see that they make a war to let China see to think before going in action...

This is a theory of course but the battlefield is just isn't right...

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Russia, China, and the US are "in the pockets" of the same people...

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You don't. Look at the 7.4 billion people around the world who have been vaccinated so far, of possibly 7.9 billion - do you think they had much choice either?

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WHERE do you get that stat from??

You are suggesting that 7.4 of 7.9 billion ppl. globally have been "vaccinated" ??

That is over 93 % , and difficult to believe - even if you choose to count those who quit after ONE, for any reason.....do you have anything that supports this statistic - would be interesting to see.


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I think what Christine is referring to is that also includes injections like influenza and tetanus. EVERYONE on this posting board in their PAST history has been injected with something.

I have been injected WITHOUT informed consent in my past and at least I am truthful about it.

NOW I am a LOUD and PROUD anti-vaxxer! And I will NEVER get an injection in the future.

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Well she should have said so... Esp in this context. It's garbage as stated

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The last time and only time I had an injection was during my primary school education.

It’s called a BCG shot; don’t what the F that is.

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protects against Tuberculosis, I believe. good for u, if that's all u ever received!

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It's been 6 hours and she hasn't edited her comments. She might be gone, but looking like she cares nothing for truth

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I had noticed that as well, John - seems a 'legit' poster might have had a response of some sort, in support or defense ... or simply to clarify a possible misconception.

Whatever, in the grand scheme of things, it's small potatoes.

Be well!

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Be well N Kovi!

Fighting elsewhere... So many wrong on the Internet I have to fix😎😎😎

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Go get 'em, John !

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Perhaps you are correct, Perception D - and I considered that, as well........ but was thrown off by the " ... so far " comment, and thought it likely she was referencing the covid "vax". IF considering ALL vaccines out there, maybe such a high percentage is possible.

As to future "vaccines" ?

I'm with YOU!

Who can trust anyone right now that is coming at you with a needle?

............ and THEY did that, created the lack of trust.

THAT, to my mind, is the ONLY thing they will need to " BUILD BACK BETTER " - but a rough road, THAT will be !

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Joel Smalley published today 71 percent refused to be vexed.

Sadly those around all drank the nasty Kool Aide injecttion

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Interesting, but doubt that the 71% number is reliable - thinking:

1. what audience does the doctor play to ? (he appears "narrative-skeptical", IMO.)

2. many people who ONCE were waving their hand proudly, like a deranged 'Horschack', when asked "WHO HERE HAS GOTTEN THEIR SHOT?" ........... are now a bit more sheepish about making such an admission.

Perhaps. Anyway, more and more, I feel that is the case.

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Joel is reliable.

The number was for a specific locale.

Check his article in his stack

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Numbers are garbage.absolutely trash

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I hope that Russian and Ukrainian soldiers may discover that they are brothers and then refuse to kill each other. Something like the Christmas truce in 1914 on the Western front, only longer lasting this time. May they recognize their true enemies, those that sent them to the slaughter.

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Some Ukrainian soldiers are 'Russian', spaek that language but the Ukro-nazis Galicians would maybe hang you for implying they are Slavs. They definitely don't think they are related to the Russians. That is the core of the problem.

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Inject everyone on the planet with DEADLY Covid crap is the WEF/WHO Master Plan! LIABILITY was 'TEMPORARY' WAY BACK IIN 1976. 'TEMPORARY' means 'PERMANENT' for DEADLY Vax (profiteering) makers. No questioning the ethics or dangers - just do it! Reinstating LIABILITY responsibility will end this depopulating carnage overnight! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & eating meat - not bugs!

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With the help of the medias, in people's minds, the WEF is associated to the Collective West. The "Great Reset" book was written by a German (Klaus Schwab) and French writer (Thierry Malleret), and somehow, that helps to a continuous narrative against the West.

In reality the same coercitive policy is applied in the West AND in Russia, and Putin is a close relative to Klaus Schwab and a regular at the WEF and SPIEF


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Thanks once again, Riley. The only thing which is equally as obscene as what you are reporting here is the reactions of "freedom" activists in the West, who are accusing you and people like you of deliberately misinterpreting the facts and smearing the great lord Vladimir, the world's only hope for salvation, since they trust Roper and Vanessa Beeley and know the US government lies and therefore its enemy must be good. What an EFFED up world we live in.

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Yup! It's getting more difficult by the day to find Politicians that have no association with WEF! Even our New Chancellor (HUNT - not sure how you pronounce that?) is part of the de-population and Slavery Club! Make LIASBILITY Re-apply to Vax makers and we'll be taking a short step towards the return to SANITY! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and disillusioned with no integrity in Politics!

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"Voluntary" compulsory....so oxy"moronic"....So many questions unanswered....good grief! The saga continues. 🙄

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Forced vaccinations where ever they happen are an abomination. Your posts deserve great credit for revealing what is happening. There needs to be protests and action to stop this, particularly since it is blatantly illegal. At the same time I think you and the commentators here need to also be aware that your country is at war. It is a war that the global American empire has been looking for, and it is a war in which they intend to destroy Russia. When that is done your resources will be taken by giant western corporations and oligarchs, and what once was the Russian Federation will be divided into many small ethnically based countries all ruled by completely corrupt and venal oligarchs and the people plunged into poverty. It will be the 1990s all over again. Getting an unwanted vaccination will then be the least of your troubles. So I would suggest you and your commentators maybe try and think of how to balance these issues – to work and agitate for reform but also defend what you have, because if you don’t you won’t have it much longer.

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Riley is an American and there are NO Russians (that I know of) on this posting board. All people on this board are fully aware of the harm of injections. Almost all people (except me of course) on the this posting board are against Russia's "special military operation" because these people do NOT understand and do NOT want to understand Russia's protection of their language, culture, and heritage. I understand Russia more than others on this posting board because I have been to Russia and talked to Russians numerous times. Almost all people on this posting board have NEVER been to Russia. If one wants to find positive comments about Russia, then this posting board is NOT the place to be. I try to educate people on the posting board that Russia is the ONLY sovereign country that allows their citizens to open a gold account and buy gold by the gram. Riley has NOT told his posting board audience this fact so one has to wonder why.

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>"Riley is an American and there are NO Russians (that I know of) on this posting board" . wrong. there are several. and there are also several non-Russians who live in Russia.

>"Russia is the ONLY sovereign country that allows their citizens to open a gold account and buy gold by the gram" -- a doubtful statement -- you can buy gold by the gram just about anywhere. and by the way, I have written about this: "At the very least, we can confirm ordinary Russians are buying precious metals—motivated in part by the government’s decision to drop VAT on such purchases. According to a recent report by Kommersant, commercial banks have recorded a sharp increase in gold bar sales to private investors. Over the past five months, Sberbank customers purchased 10.9 tons of gold bars. But domestic demand is still low when compared to gold exports in the beginning of 2022."


>"Riley has NOT told his posting board audience this fact so one has to wonder why." -- well, you're wrong, so you should apologize. and your continued insinuations against me are not welcome here.

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1) Very strange how Russians on this posting board decline to identify themselves. Do these Russians have something to hide because of their anti-Russian sentiment? I am quite open and honest that I am an American who freely chooses to live in Belarus.

2) If there are other countries that freely allow their citizens to EASILY open a 'gold' account in major banks in their country, then PLEASE NAME these countries. Russia is the ONLY country that I know of that lets ALL of their citizens open a 'gold' account and buy gold by the very small amount of a 'digital' gram. I was in Russia in July 2022 so I know. Your article was very GENERAL and did NOT have a POSITIVE tone in my opinion. My personal POSITIVE tone is that ALL Russians have the sovereignty to buy and accumulate gold in both digital and physical gold bars as a hedge against future central bank digital currency by opening a 'gold' account. Your article neglects to inform readers that in ALL major Russian banks, the gold to Russian ruble daily buy/sell exchange rate is prominently posted on the electronic foreign currency exchange board. In my opinion, your article also does NOT explain how easy it is for ALL Russian citizens to open a gold account. Also your article is very GENERAL (private investors insinuates rich Russians) and does NOT acknowledge that ALL hard working ordinary Russian citizens can buy gold in small amounts like a 'digital' gram.

3) Riley keeps referring to himself as 'we'. This begs the question that I asked before that went unanswered so I will ask again. Is Riley collaborating with others for his creative content? Rolo Slavskiy is opposition to the Belarus government and Rolo Slavskiy stated that he drinks the blood from skulls and Rolo Slavskiy threatened me with violence so why are you associating with Rolo Slavskiy?

4) Why should I apologize for an opinion and the SPECIFIC fact about ALL Russians having the ability to "buy gold by the digital gram"? How am I wrong when your article NEVER stated that ALL Russian citizens have the sovereignty to "buy gold by the digital gram"?

5) I was ONLY responding to one of your valued readers John Duckitt who voiced HIS concern, "you and your commentators maybe try and think of how to balance these issues". And I was the only one so far that agreed with John's post comment. Do you HONESTLY think your blog is fair and BALANCED concerning Russia? In my opinion, an outsider that reads your blog will see your posting board as an anti-Russia sentiment board.

6) Like I said before, I offered you a free 3 month stay in Belarus and you know that. Like I have said before, I like you and value your information that Russia WAS complicit in the World Economic Forum's 'great reset' agenda. In my opinion, Russia and the WEF got divorced in Feb 2022 and I have explained why (One reason is gold sovereignty with ALL Russian citizen's ability to open a gold account that only occurred AFTER Feb 2022.

7) My opinions should NOT be considered as insinuations and this is my opinion.

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1) do the people who comment on this blog need to identify themselves for you? and are you the thought police?

2) you can open gold accounts almost anywhere in the world. I don't even know what you're talking about.

3) it's called the Royal We. it's used in writing to infer authority/expertise. sometimes I use it; sometimes I don't. you are once again making insinuations against me based on nothing -- your wild speculations are not mere "opinions" -- you are coming to my blog, as a guest, and spewing garbage.

PC: This blog primarily covers biosecurity issues in Russia. These issues are important to me for a variety of reasons (for example, my son in a Russian citizens, and I'd prefer him not to grow up in a country were clot-shots become normalized). If this bothers you -- if you are so upset that I am writing about issues that I think need more attention (and in fact, have zero coverage in English-language media), instead of doing public relations for the Russian government, then my honest advice is: stop reading this blog. It's that simple.

You know that I have been completely hands-off with comments. I allow everyone to give their opinions and views. I have never once tried to censor or silence you or anyone else. But I will not tolerate your ridiculous, baseless speculations that attack my character, or suggest that I have ulterior motives for writing about issues that I think are vitally important.

Consider this a final warning.

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You and I are on the same team that defends freedom against injection tyranny. I am a LOUD and PROUD anti-vaxxer. You and I simply have different ways of FREE expression of getting that point across. I still offer you a FREE 3 month stay in Belarus.

1) I NEVER use profanity to get my message across and I have NEVER accused you of "spewing garbage". (your words against me)

2) I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to self-censor my opinions. If having an opinion gets me banned and deleted on your blog, then so be it. If my posts stop, then that will speak volumes about freedom of speech.

3) I answer ALL your questions even though as readers can easily see that my Rolo Slavskiy important question to you are left unanswered. A) I do NOT care one way or another if readers identify their nationalities or not. (some do and some do NOT). Hence NO need at all to identify themselves to me and I am NOT the thought police. I clearly identify myself because I believe my true life experiences enhances my credibility. I NEVER once saw a reader identify as being in Russia or a Russian citizen. So I simply concluded that Russians were not posting on this board. Other readers acknowledge their citizenship FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of relating their life experience with this injection tyranny.

4) I can NOT open a 'gold account' in USA or EU in any bank. If so, then please name JUST one USA/EU/Georgia bank. ALL Russian citizens can EASILY open a dedicated 'gold' account. ALL Russian citizens can buy as little as a digital gold gram (3297 Russian rubles is Oct 17, 2022 exchange rate for 1 gold gram). Once a Russian account holder accumulates 100 grams, then the Russian has a the free choice of converting the digital 100 grams into a physical gold bar and that can actually be withdrawn and taken to be stored at home. Only Russian banks have the gold exchange rate (1 gold gram to Russian ruble buy/sell exchange rate prominently displayed on the foreign currency exchange board. Belarus, Netherlands, USA, and Georgia do NOT have a electronic foreign currency board that displays the gold exchange rate to THEIR OWN currency INSIDE a local bank building.

5) I am NOT bothered and I an NOT upset and I am NOT doing public relations for the Russian government so you can continue to post that about me all you want and let your readers decide. I LOUDLY and PROUDLY declare that I am an anti-vaxxer and totally AGAINST the Sputnik V injections and against ALL injections and I related my personal adverse reaction to this posting board. So how in the world does that make me doing public relations to the Russian government?

6) I NEVER "attacked" your character and I NEVER suggested you have "ulterior motives". I merely inquired why you associate with Rolo Slavskiy who is opposition to the Belarus government (the only government that kept ALL businesses OPEN and NO mask mandate, NO QR code to buy food/ride public transport, NO injection mandate). If Rolo Slavskiy and his opposition take over the Belarus government, then MY freedoms that I enjoy NOW will be lost.

7) I merely replied to John Duckitt's valid concern (in my opinion) about "balancing issues". Since you did not respond to John's concern, I chimed in.

There was a question for the posting board that went unanswered by you as well concerning a URL question. After I research his interesting URL question, I plan on responding to the valid question. Again, we are on the same team however you and I have different methods in achieving the SAME goal (STOP INJECTIONS). I will NOT hide the fact of my disappointment of your collaboration with Rolo Slavskiy who is opposition to the Belarus government. I assure you that associations with Rolo Slavskiy are a VALID concern!

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a simple internet search reveals dozens of banks and services all over the world that allows you to buy "digital gold" by the gram. Here's one of dozens:


Have you read Rolo's blog? he's pro-SMO and a self-described Putinbot. Describing him as part of the "opposition" is comical. I don't have to explain anything to you, because you are just making things up. I'm sorry that you have some kind of disagreement with him -- but it has nothing to do with me. Take it up with him. I don't want to hear about it anymore on this blog. Thanks.

I have nothing else to say to you.

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Thank you for that clarification, PD. I misunderstood this site. Let me say I admire your energy and dedication in trying to educate these people. Alas I have neither, so I won’t try the same – half of them are probably deep state operatives employed by the CIA, British intelligence and so forth, to sow dissension and confusion online. In fact maybe this whole site is just a deep state trolling operation. There are plenty of those around. Even so, some, at least, of the readers may just be people looking for information who could benefit from your comments

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Greetings John with my best regards to you,

I must say that I also admire you for your intelligence to see my purpose of educating readers. I am only trying to engage and energize critical thinking by voicing my opinions. I look more deeply into the root causes of situations and try my best to connect dots to get the big picture. I am an American who lives in Belarus and I have visited Russia quite often. I talked to over a 100 Russians for the purpose of understanding different perspectives. The majority of Russians feel unfairly prosecuted by the west and threatened by NATO for adding more countries and slow creeping to Russia's borders. Thanks again John and enjoy your day!

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Good luck with that! You should think of starting your own substack - living in Belarus and visiting Russia often should give you valuable insights that people would be interested int.

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I have already. You can check it out any time. I only have 3 articles published so far however I have 10 in-progress articles. I get an idea and jot down notes. The next article will be really good and should be finished by Thanksgiving. I am also starting a bitchute interview channel with everyday people. If you are interested, then please let me know.

I think it is rude for anyone to post links to their personal content on Riley's substack. Other people post their substack links on Riley's substack however I will NOT post a link. Just the info that I have one since you asked. Once there, you are free to send me an e-mail anytime as my e-mail address can be found on my substack. I do NOT accept and I do NOT want donations. I write for informative enjoyment and not for money.

Many people used to like my posts however since Russia's "special military operation" , I have very few supporters here on Riley's substack. Oh well, so be it.

Riley is actually the one who inspired me to start my own substack and I give him credit. Hence, I wrote an article with a totally different perspective that hints about my opinion viewpoint that Russia and the World Economic Forum got a divorce in Feb 2022. Very few people think like me on Riley's posting board concerning Russia's "special military operation". I really do not know how much longer I will last here. I like reading Riley's news about Russia since I live in Belarus however I do NOT like the overall overtone on this posting board. It is a Catch 22.

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and besides the forced vax's why is Putin playing soft with the military in Ukraine? he should be going full on blitzkrieg.... so is Putin just a shill for the great reset?

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Off topic. I am new on substack, and I wonder if somebody can explain the use of this platform to me. What I see is a base platform which features different individual content creators. Similar to something like edwardslav-example.wordpress.com. Is that what it is; a platform which saves people going through the trouble of buying a domain name, and setting up a website? I can see possible added value, like with sites hosted on wordpress, some referal to and from other similar content creators, and perhaps the possibility of a certain degree of anonimity, perhaps integrated possibilities for user contributions / donations?

I am new here so forgive me for posting this as a comment to a random post. Please enlighten me if you can, or refer me to some url which has explanations.

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Good questions!

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War is always a rich mans con, what can these young lads hope to get out of their Ukraine trip? If the vaxxx does not kill them immediately they can hope to be blown up, seriously injured, get PTSD.... Russia & Ukraine are both going to be severely depopulated after this war...

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