I mighty totally wrong but I feel you are both more or less on the same page. The thing is that most people forget that democides had been (and still are) perpetrated within same ethnic/racial group (Mao's China, Pol-Pot, Bolsheviks) but it is somehow very difficult to accept that same could've possibly be the case with Jews (like some o…
I mighty totally wrong but I feel you are both more or less on the same page. The thing is that most people forget that democides had been (and still are) perpetrated within same ethnic/racial group (Mao's China, Pol-Pot, Bolsheviks) but it is somehow very difficult to accept that same could've possibly be the case with Jews (like some of them being litteraly sacrificed in holocaust for the prize of establishing Israel).
I mighty totally wrong but I feel you are both more or less on the same page. The thing is that most people forget that democides had been (and still are) perpetrated within same ethnic/racial group (Mao's China, Pol-Pot, Bolsheviks) but it is somehow very difficult to accept that same could've possibly be the case with Jews (like some of them being litteraly sacrificed in holocaust for the prize of establishing Israel).