World wide genocide

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Always has been. Your average political and religious leaders never really had any qualms to send historical and current taxcattle to war over whatever cause, be that the Kremlin-USEUNATO staged "war" in Ukraine, Crusaders "against infidels" or Roman stormtroopers taming barbarians in the borderlands. Now we're in a global "war against COVID-19".

So war might kill you, and so might the "vaccine", that's how much your "elected" puppet leaders or their Chinky/Russky equivalents care about you.

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Anyone who ever thought the government cared has been living in delusion.The entire world is an illusion run by Satan..we came here to a flesh party in sin and must experience suffering as a potters vessel for repentance and the illumination to cast free the slave collar and cut the snare that binds in our testimony to be reconciled to the one true God.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Lol Trudeau agrees with m.a.i.d...cleaning up canada.The good old stazi way

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Sickening. I checked out their website...🥶

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Yep go watch " the masters voice" a profacy channel black young lawyer from newyork watching her profacies come true in live time watched for three years real deal

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As long as not everyone has understood that there is no virus, these mass murdering political whores do whatever they are told to do.

KILLING WHITES/SLAVS and so called "useless eaters", who "consume more than they produce".

Russia is not only not different, Russia is still the center of evil after the communists took over.

And let's not forget:

"Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Juadism!"

— Rabbie Stephen Wise


It's an all-out war, and it's always the same behind it.

Rabbis explain genocide of Amalek, Esau, & Edom - https://www.bitchute.com/video/GFCZccRMDsCg/

The Kalergi Plan - White Genocide - https://www.bitchute.com/video/nTz7uT90btx2/

The Controllers - https://www.bitchute.com/video/GJcGk03kGHdm/

The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Who Govern You - https://www.bitchute.com/video/EzUKGI9cyQHY/

"Chosen People" - The Mother of all Jewish Scams - https://henrymakow.com/2023/07/marching-to-zion-exposes.html

Christopher Story - The European Union Collective - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFA4B1rCKvg

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Exactly. Furthermore, how do we know nuclear weapons are a hoax? It's actually obvious. All of this nuclear fusion/fission depends on energy/mass equivalence and special relativity. SR is a crock of sh*te. It's nonsense just like GR. In fact, Dayton Miller proved he could measure the movement of the Earth against the aether but his experimentation was suppressed because according to the relativists this wouldn't be possible. Einstein was an Ashkenazi Jew put there for the purpose of derailing modern physics. Most of the 'great' scientists of the 20th century were also Jewish and put there for that very purpose and Tesla was of course largely ignored.

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Go tell Hiroshima/nagasaki that general relativity and nuclear weapons are hoaxes. The most famous guy that thought like that had to blow his brains.

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Few know that Japan in WWII had only 2 cities with lots of Christians who travelled throughout Japan preaching the gospel. Those 2 cities were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What's the odds of that ?

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The same odds they were chosen to be evangelized first by the portuguese, geography talks.

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the atheist Soviets were already pounding in the North, and t

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Hey the atheist Soviets were already pounding in the North, and t

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Jul 29, 2023
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Luckly for the Russian people, Stalin didn't share your opinion about science, he was no fool, and prepared Rússia " In extremis" against her WII "partners after the war

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Jul 30, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023Edited
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RIP - Rust in Peace

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Maybe you're also an expert that believes the humans never landed on the moon.

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Do you believe the earth is flat?

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Jul 29, 2023
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Show me first evidence that you're not crazy...

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This guy knows the truth. Thanks for posting this. You could yell that the chinese are killing us with the vaccines and everyone agrees, but if you mention that the jews are killing us and many recoil and cry "what's this shit?" https://gab.com/Kill_Your_TV/posts/110787429442886555

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What's the shit? Riley!!! Is it welcomed?

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Oh yeah, the truth is very welcomed. Looks like you could use some truth, or perhaps some of the jew manufactured bioweapon shots.

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To be true, a lot of non so called Jews greedy vampire are on board everywhere and in France, for instance the worst ass holes criminals promoting our poisoning were definitely no Jews whatever the definition you give of who is a Jew. But the first health minister, Agnès Buzin, her husband, who were involved in the Wuhan lab building (yeas French built it) and they had declared hydroxichloroquine a dangerous medication before the lauching of the scamdemic can be considered Jews according to some definitions of what a Jew is.

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3 words mean same thing. Govts Revoke citizenship. Churches excommunicate. God cuts off citizenship. It can be any people God cuts off. Thus any Jew by ancestry that goes against his people or nation or God is cut off by God. This is in the Bible. He's not a Jew anymore even if he says so. so don't call him what he is no longer and thus blaspheme the ones not cut off. Are some of the tribe of dan ? Who knows.

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Rav Ron Chaya, " how the victory of Jews will happen":


"the people won't want to fight, but by their hair hold in one's hand they will be force to enter war" loose translation of the moral of the story. If I have time, later on, I will translate the whole thing. As the Sephardic Rav says, I am not prophet but as the Rav who told the story, one can understand it as if it had been told by a prophet.

Of course, a lot of so called Jews (what is a Jew?) are not in board with that delirium and Israel was considered a laboratory for covid injections and there are many Jewish doctors and Israelis who are totally against this. A lot of Israelis have been killed or injured by the infamous jab: The international anthem against the covid madness, "Danser encore" in Tel Aviv


And for you Elena, "Danser encore" in Russia


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I'm in Russia but I'm Jewish. I understand the role of the world Jewery in the agenda and when I learned it it was a great shock. I'm the same victim as all the others but my abcestors were the Holocayst victims in Ukraine and Belorussia in 1941. And nothing could stop me feeling myself Jewish. With a great shame for such devils as Harari, Kissenger, Rotschids, Attali and such. They came from hell.

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I had written a long post for half an hour but unfortunately, I made a wrong move while finding an interesting link if you understood French (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ssXJBAGT8c) and it has been erased... To bad. I now need to go to bed since I get up very early to work tomorrow morning..

I will spend the necessary time tomorrow to write again to share with you my experience hoping you share yours.

Meanwhile, you write that you "FEEL" Jewish... "Feeling" is rather vague. Have you ever tried to define objectively what being a Jew was? Maybe don't answer now, just think about my question and we spend some time later on.



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Hi Lionel! Your post was delrted with your geave antisemitic content, right? No, my French isn't enough to connect or even to understand by voice for pity. I know German a bit but less than English.

I would be be happy to tell what I meant with my words.

I'm feeling the weight of centuries of opression. I know my genealogic history from the early 18th century and I've got nothing to be shame with my ancestors. I've got the Russian surnane after my late husband, but my maden name is the Levit's one. My great grandmother was graduated from Heidelberg as a doctor, before revolution of course, and she was killed during Holacaust the autumn of 1941 in Kharkov. By nazy. With the hands of the Ukrainians. Read Babiy Jar by Anatoly Kuznetzov. It's a great evidence of the teen boy who was in the occupied Kiev. Half Russian, half Ukrainian he was. As for my great grandmum she didn't believe the Soviet propaganda about the Germans so she wasn't evacuated. She was separated from her german univercity friends with the october revolution of 1917. Her blood is in my vessels as well as the blood of my another great grandmother who was murdered during pogrom on 1920. It was the civil war and all the Jews in the small settlement in Belorussia were killed. She was killed with an axe, her old father in law was shooted, my granddad younger brother was hanged. The family of his uncle was killed. The youngest of my granddad brother who was 6 could hide and he had seen how his mum, his granddad and his brother were murdered. He left his life emmigrated to the States all in all. Everybody who stayed at home in thus very Jewish settlement were murdered. And how much of Jewish blood of martures is crying. Not for revenge. For beeing just remembered. It's just briefly. Very briefly. That's what I mean with the genetic memory I'd never betray.

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Hello Elena,

You wrote:"Hi Lionel! Your post was delrted with your geave antisemitic content, right?"


No Elena there was no so called antisemitism in my writing and I will try to write again what I did yesterday. i don't even think you are a semite since you don't relate to a people with semitic language (correct me if I'm wrong).

I grew up in a city which has an higher percentage of Jews than in usual French city, Villeurbanne. It has a synagogue in it's center and two private schools for Jews only. The city is run by free maçons. Jews are 3% of the overall French population but like in many western countries, they are a majority in the media and if you ask any French, he would tell you an higher rate.

When I was a child, one of the mother who accompanied us kids to school was Madame Cohen. She was a very kind person who was very attentive to us. I remember when she told my mother that my voice was mutating with a great smile on her face.She clearly loves us. I knew she was a so called Jew because my father said so, without any hint of disregard. She was a French mother to me, it's just that her son, my friend didn't go to catechism with us, courses which were given by very kind "prêtres ouvriers" who told us about love for the others without any disregard for other human beings. She was secularized and a regular french in my eyes. Later on, another Jewish family settled some hundred meters from our home and established a synagogue. The son of the house was called Michael and was a good football pal with whom we loved to play. His mother had much disdain for us and I could clearly feel it as a child, in fact never before had I met an adult who had that attitude. The Rav never interact with any of the neighbourhood, like the flock of Jews who came there protected by a policeman armed with machine gun. They were separated from us.

Later, one of my best friend in "lycée", was a "Jew", called Marie since her father was from catholic extraction (he was violent and stupid by the way) since her mother was an Sephardic Jew from Algeria (most Jews in Villeurbanne are Sephardic) but she spent her afternoon with Muslim friends because they were Algerians and they could share their nostalgia of the "bled" (country) and listened to Reinette l'Oranaise who every Algerians of that time just love rightfully so:


Marie was very critical of the Jewish mentality even if she had good friends. I could tell you more and how she tried to introduce me to important Jewish investors in the media who clearly rejected me for not being a Jew.

You are a Levit... Some fifteen years ago I had a friend who was a Levy, very bright, highly educated? His father once threatened me because I was contradicting the official version of 9/11, mentioning the fact that there were a lot of Jewish implications in these events. I never ever meant that they were associated in any way, they were people I liked, I was speaking the truth. Because Bugey knows how to fight, the father stoped and afterward we again had good relationships. the mother, a Christian, hated me and smeared me as an antisemitic in the village, it was bad but I stood firm. when my friend married a Chitza from Colombia, I offered the tent I lived in and built a nest of lovefor their night wedding spending hours to decorate it with friends, bringing fruits delicacies, champagne.

The mother told me I was persona non grata for the party. I remained alone in My other tent in the forest (Bugey loves tents). The next day, my Levy friend came with his bride, her parents from Colombia, Mr Levy and told me that it was a shame I had been banned and invited me for the day... When we talked about "conspiracy theory", Jewish implication, my friend was very open and told me as a final word, that according to him, the problem was not only Jewish but the fact that weapon industry was ruling the world. Fair enough, I agreed with him.

I met Jews from Israel, and told them about all the bad things that I have read. They just ignored it and were rather disturbed because it was not teh way they had been raised in their family, and they were feeling bad about the Palestinian suffering. I gave them qi gong courses and witnessed taht they were like Rolo would say, "mammals", like me and the palestinians I had met who had told me about the corruption of Palestinian elite.

I have met other so called Jews who didn't want to interact with their family unless superficially because of the racism against non Jews...

I discovered Yeshayaou Leibowitz (Jah bless his memory) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYLLLrGbHyYby "Judeo Nazis exist" by the work of Eyal Sivan and had contacted him at that time like I did later with the great Gilad Atzmon when I discovered his writings decades ago...

This is it Elena and I have read many books, I have "Deux cents ans ensemble" and many others.

I wish we could interact longer but it is not the place.

Let's come back to my question, "What is a Jew?"

Your answered clearly about your trauma, you didn't give me a definition. I respect your trauma.

In the village where I live Elena, like in all village and cities in France, they are monuments commemorating the death of millions of French, nationwide during WWI and I remember my grand father telling me for years, until his death, the trenches. that war has been a traumatic event for millions of French and teh trauma has been passed on by the millions of women who had lost their husband, fathers, cousin, lovers... etc...

Should we talk about the trauma of People in Maghreb, Africa, China... We are almost all bearing the burden of past trauma.

That is not a definition of Jewishness.

I have in my library, "Hitler's Jewish soldiers" and that must read book start with an attempt at defining what a Jew is, rightfully so.

I will risk a definition. A Jew is an observant of the religious tenets, the Mitzvot. Karaïtes are Jew but they don't have that disturbingly psychopathic Talmud.

Claiming that Judaism is a race is very problematic, it is more an ideology... That is not satisfying... Maybe. Furthermore it is not the right place to expand.

You have nothing to do with the evil human being (lizard in disguise?) you mentioned and their pathological so called Jewish ideology and I wish you could define yourself beyond past trauma. You are Russian.



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As an aside, right before I wrote my long post, I was listening to that most important podcast were a wistleblower was giving information of the utmost interest for the French population about the corruption in our plagued and occupied nation.https://crowdbunker.com/v/BsyM2UJ1RP

The guy is called Raphael Cohen and he doesn't give a damn about his ancestral origin, he is a righteous man, a noble soul a a first class french, Jah bless him.

Jews who are critics of Israel and the Jewish organised community are menaced, violented like the very very great Jacob Cohen who has been beaten by the Likoud thugs in France at 70 years old.


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If you like you could write me, Lionell, in the telegram: @elke_11

But a bit later. Tomorrow I'll have a serious surgery.

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I don't have telegram since I have no slavephone.


The surgery will go just fine and pretty soon you will feel much better Elena, don't worry.


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Thank you. I will write, Lionell!

Internet is also the slavenet, isn't it?:)

The best thing is ti live in the cave gathering berries

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Internet is also a slavenet and we are like Zeks meeting in a corner of the goulag to share some extra the guards didn't notice we had, pieces of lights, pieces of our dark moods that we can transmute hopefully.

Yes, we can have nostalgia of pre-neolithic real communism or some places and episodic human experiences describe by Graeber and Winslow.

Anyway, Thanks God, I am in the country side with nice neighbours and I have just collected, for real Elena, green beans that I shared with the nearest family and Mia, the 7 years old daughter exclaimed herself, "oh! green beans!"while her dad said smilingly that his wife will be happy but that he preferred pastas. Soon Tomatoes will be ripen, I even have black one from Crimea....

Keep the sweet song sung by an angel in your heart...

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Jul 28, 2023
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It's a mix in your head, Anry! The nowdays fake state of Israel was done by English. Of course the zionists were eager to be together as with their money so with the ideas. Here isn't a place to discuss how much Hitler was antisemitic or how much villian Stalin was. But do you know that this Khasars is a rather new invention? There were tribes whose nobility accepted Judaism while the others became Muslims. And they were melted in the Golden Orda. They were not of white origin. Wild nomadic tribes. As for wonderful Stalin whoes death stopped this he wanted to exile the Jews to the unappropriate conditions as he did before with the Baltic people, with Chechens, with the Russian Germans and such. They were dying mostly in the way. The very few were surviving in the unhuman conditions. There were prepared some gallows for the well known Jewish people in Moscow and after this the other should be departured like the livestock to the desert and unhealthy place. Some baracks were even builded. Ut was impossible to store corn there for it grow moldy immediately. Learn the real History, please.

As for Zionism I'm comletly agree with you. But think about Maltus, Rockfellers, Gates, Schwab, Obama, Fauci, the sweetest British Royal family, the Netherlands Royal family, -- all of them who are rooling the agenda. Much more names of course! Are/were they Jewish, ah? What about

nice Huxley family? Herbert Wells etc.etc.???

As for Solzhenitzin my family was good acquainted with him personally. My aunt has a connection with his widow Natalia till now. She was a receiver of Solzhenitzin's prize on 2014. You could google it to search very easy. As for Natalia Dmitrievna she is a half Jewish btw.

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Jul 29, 2023Edited
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LoL just fyi Anri, I'm educating myself in the matter and and getting less and less confused,

bless you; more one knows easier it gets to see the truth. Keep strong warrior 😊

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Jul 30, 2023
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Absolutely, it is my belief as well. You stay well and safe 😊

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Khazarians really had something like a kingdom on the place the South Ukraine is situated now. If you could learn Russian literature there's the crestomatic lines from Pushkin each child learns at the primary school: "Как ныне сбирается вещий Олег отмстить неразумным хазарам"and to recieve a proper explanation about the subject. As for people elimination by Stalin I know it not from antisemitic history brand new books but from the history of my own family. My own grandfather was eliminated as the "people's enemy" in 1937 at the age of 32 while my dad was a baby and my granfmum was imprisoned as a "wife of the people's enemy'. For the time of the Great terror there were no ethnic, social or any other differences. It was a roullete. To argue with me you need to live in Russia yourself! And not only you but the long row of your ancestors as mine. I mean the whole Russian Empire. You could continue to read the very special books "to learn the whole truth" of your choice. Good luck! I wouldn't answeryou anymore. For I know how it is in real life TO LIVE IN RUSSIA. How is real TO SURVIVE the pogroms, the bolshevism, the stalinism not from the books, but from the real witnesses. And I'm living RIGHT NOW together in a neighbourhood with the real Russian people but not ones from your imagination. I've got a lot of real problems connecting with the regime.

Have a nice weekend also.

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Jul 29, 2023
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Jul 29, 2023
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I mighty totally wrong but I feel you are both more or less on the same page. The thing is that most people forget that democides had been (and still are) perpetrated within same ethnic/racial group (Mao's China, Pol-Pot, Bolsheviks) but it is somehow very difficult to accept that same could've possibly be the case with Jews (like some of them being litteraly sacrificed in holocaust for the prize of establishing Israel).

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Because the whole thing started in France, the land of the Gilets Jaunes, a "danser encore flash mob in front of the French Senate:


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And it seems like just yesterday all the buzz at at this blog (and a closely associated one) was "Emigrate to Russia"! ... ah - we were so naive when young - 4 months ago!

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well the large space in Russia seems kind of irresistable for many westerners who are crowded with non white migrants in hive cities.

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I was too flippant; there was a brief window when many found just the prospect of emigrating very enticing (if younger, I would have shared that) - but I think much of that motivation was formed by the notion that one could thereby join in a resistance against the NWO and the globalists - and cheer on what seemed to surely be a good strong punch in Nato's face upon completion of the SMO and go on and live in a good old fashioned (even highly imperfect) sovereign nation. Ah but then we started reading Riley - blame him!

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Wow are you sure you aren't Edward Kangaroosquat, blogging from Sydney? You're really giving us some competition there in the tyranny stakes mate.

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You probably have heard: "Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”."


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I did not hear that but it does not surprise me one bit. Melbourne is Satan's cauldron. I feel bad for the righteous people clinging on there, and the people in country Victoria who have deep family roots on the farms. Yet, eventually, their fate is the same as the rest of us. It is only a matter of time.

We managed to stop the mandates in WA by crippling the iron ore industry. It only took about 5% of us to do so. Next time there will be much more. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/gates-meets-with-australian-pm-to

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We are marching towards a very cold and sterilized consciousness. We haven’t seen anything yet. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. Our “humanness” is being taken away and the vast majority of human beings has no idea that their spirit is being hijacked from them.

Here’s something that was said already a 100 years ago:

“To materialistic doctors, they will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the "madness" of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.

With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of ahrimanic force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual ".

Rudolph Steiner, 1917

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Heres a R.Steiner quote from article that I wrote on this topic in May:

“It will be the main concern of these spirits of darkness to bring confusion into the rightful elements which are now spreading on earth, and need to spread in such a way that the spirits of light can continue to be active in them. They will seek to push these in the wrong direction. I have already spoken of one such wrong direction, which is about as paradoxical as is possible. I have pointed out that while human bodies will develop in such a way that certain spiritualities can find room in them, the materialistic bent, which will spread more and more under the guidance of the spirits of darkness, will work against this and combat it by physical means. I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.”


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Thank you for bringing that Steiner's quote here, I was thinking about doing it. Merci

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. .. . same agenda in Canada 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

justine Castro is following the same orders. Canada is basically a fascist dictatorship now, we are just a corporation of the UK crown parasitical family, it's pathetic beyond belief! All controlled by the WEF, UN, and such, financed by the evil international banksters, BIS etc.

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In France, internal notes sent to regional health (sic)administrations warn of another scamdemic in 2024...

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Can you show me the documents?

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I can't show you any documents, this has been said by the author of that book:https://www.amazon.fr/leur-pardonnez-savaient-trEs-quils/dp/2918470503

"Don't forgive them for they now well what they are doing" reference to Jesus's words. (the book's foreword has been written by a French member of the Assembly that has been outspoken during the sinister farce and who is a psychiatrist, the honorable Martine Wonner.) During an interview. It had been told to him by an insider.

Books about the genocidal scamdemic by respected and knowledgeable authors like Prof Perronne, Pierre Chaillot (statistician), Prof Raoult, Christine Cotton are best sellers in France.

One of the worst fact checker on Brit payroll has admite tha week that they had taken people for idiots.

Don't hold your breath but France in in a very dire and pre-insurrection situation and many people might not buy into the next stage of covid (or whatever they call it) bullshit.

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"has admitted that week"... Bugey is not a bot, sorry...

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Riley, I got laid off and had to pause my subscription. Keep rocking, dude!

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No worries, Jim. Sorry to hear about the lay-off, though. Take care of yourself. Blogs are extras.


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I was just informed that "Someone anonymously gifted you 1 month of paid subscription to Edward Slavsquat based on your comment!" So thanks to whoever that was.

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I hope you will find another source of revenue as soon as possible Jim.

Prenez soin de vous.

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Russia was our one hope to avoid the globalist depopulation agenda. The only possible reason for Putin enforcing the culling of Russians would be a $100 million bribe from WEF/Pharma. By all accounts Putin is already a $billionaire though?

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The only hope is Providence/God as you like.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Ha! I agree with you in all that you said here, totally.

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If all of us will say "no" as we did with the vaxes they'll switch their plan B, C, D etc. Like they switchen on the war. They were prwparing tooooo long. But we are the humans, not the are. And I'm sure that they would fail. With the will of God. I trust in God. The loving one for the righteous.

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It's even worse than that - he believes in it, is paranoid about it, and most likely does it for free. Riley wrote about Putin's paranoia [1]. Check out the photos in the article - social distancing Putin-style! He's a coward, liberal globalist [2] and traitor to Russia!

[1] The perils of Putin tea-leaf reading - Edward Slavsquat https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/the-perils-of-putin-tea-leaf-reading

[2] Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution ( Riley Waggaman aka Edward Slavsquat | Whitney Webb | Unlimited Hangout ) https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/07/investigative-reports/resetting-without-schwab-russia-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/

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Putain is a supposed "elephant" afraid of a mouse.

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"Chief sanitary doctors of the regions or the federal government."

What an odd way to describe physicians in charge of mRNA injections. Does their title infer that the unvaccinated are unclean, or will monitoring experimental injections entail ridding society of the "too expensive" to subsidize useless.

Is a sanitary doctor like a sanitation company who regularly picks up and disposes of garbage.

In any event, this mRNA/scamdemic jab enterprise has attracted some of the most loathsome creatures in Russia and in the West. All the usual mobster pharmaceutical companies were given carte blanche to operate unhindered by the security state as long as everyone gets something in exchange.

Only phase "one" of the scamdemic is over, as state sanctioned gangsters are now extremely cognizant of how much fast cash can be secured in computer generated mRNA biosecurity schemes.

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Sadly, so many westerners - even some fairly informed ones - are under the (misguided) impression that Russia is a maverick state, intent on bucking the globalist (depopulation) agenda and leading an independent order.

If only it were so!

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No fkn jab. Simple. Or you try & kill me whilst I return the favour. Dead simple. Fuckers can rule my dead body, not me.

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Thanks, Riley. Sounds so much like... over here. No matter where, the question remains as to the very notion of "safe and effective" or "safe and beneficial." "Effective"/"beneficial" for what? Protection against an alleged disease defined uniquely only via a test which looks for some computer code in your body? A computer code based entirely upon a computer-generated entity which has been passed off as if it's an actual material being, a virus which has in fact never been physically isolated and purified. Do the shots also protect against unicorn bites? Or Yeti flu?

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I'd suggest BOYCOTTING anything from the government. Or the bank! Or any other business or institution which is on board with globalist scum...

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Two good things: now you start to understand that Russia is playing its role of a bad guy of the global agenda for the outdoor use to cheat those who believes it's leaving WHO and such. The controlled opposition is working for this image for the large money. Guess the source. For the indoor use it's the frontline with CDBC, vaxes and increasing terror. I'm tired to tell it all these years!

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mandatory shots for half the population is horrible, horrible news. Would have expected such measure from countries which either had stricter measures in place already (Canada, Australia) or more authoritarian (Middle East).

If I am not mistaken from more civilized world only Austria went ahead with fully compulsory shots for 18+ and even they backed off at the last minute when at the deadline they had still 20% of population unvaxxed. In Greece there was a period of 100euro fine/monthly for all unvaxxed over 60y. In Italy you couldn't work if not vaxxed I think. Germany considered compulsory vaxx but didn't go ahead, also Czechia for all 50+ (or 60+?) but there was a change of government.

Time to become a hermit in Siberian wilderness?

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Sorry, Ed, but it's never been about money, although the globalists do get a kick out of their victims paying for the rope they are hanged with, and are even taunting them (e.g. monkey pox for monkeys and omicron for the moronic). Still, it's about power and control:


Money is only the tool, especially with the CBDC, which as you also wrote about it, has been introduced in Russia:


It's coordinated worldwide, and it will be the last nail in the coffin of what humans thought their freedom was:


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