Here's how this all seems to me.

Say, you're on the road and when you see a shopping mall, your wife says hey, let's make a quick stop there and eat something and have coffee. So that's goal #1, number 2 is that you have to go to the bathroom (no pun intended). Five hours later, you're all back in the car with 3 huge bags of things you've bought and a chair. You're tired, it's dark already and when asked, you have not achieved your goal because you also wanted to check the tire pressure which you didn't do (plus you have to go to the bathroom again).

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Best. Take. Ever. Props.

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No, no we first must go back to approximately 6,000 years ago in the steppelands north of the Black Sea from Ukraine to Kazakhstan where archaeological evidence indicates that the domestication of horses had taken place. Leading eventually to another form of transportation for man in 1886, when German inventor Carl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen. Do you now understand the Ukrainian connection to man and horses and also with this leading to Mercedes Benz which was a go to vehicle of choice for Nazi's. This has great implications for the SMO. We must also must touch on The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II finished in 1877 a four-story double arcade and precursor to the modern day shopping mall...

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Shock the Monkey running through my head, LOL...

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You gotta wonder why Ukraine is shelling and Russia can't stop them with a super duper high tech hypersonic missile or something. They got satellites etc to spy on them yet they can't stop it or retaliate?

5d chess is fucking dumb. 3 real dimensions and 2 dimensions of bullshit.

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It was this thinking that eventually left me here and to Rurik Skywalker and away from the likes of Lira, The Duran and Ritter. The lack in predicting the Progo moment was the final straw and fortunately that's when Rolo/Rurik went on James Corbett and I found him and Riley

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I couldn't follow Ritter cause even though he was honest he had this weird hard on for war.

Probably still does. I think that's why Ritter fell for the Russia winning story... Not knowing that it's another fake endless war.

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he didn't fall for anything. he's either been bought, or being paid.

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Yeah, no side is playing chess. The West is training and supporting its proxy in all kinds of ways, weapons, instructions, money as well as social media training and support for pro-western media outlets (like U-Media*). And Russia "responds" to what they see.

Sometimes, even some of those Russians who respond appear to be trained by the West as well.

* U-Media, one of many examples how the CIA controls and supports Ukrainian media outlets which promote "freedom" (like they did in Libya etc.).

"From 2014-2016 U-Media, with technical assistance from Internews Ukraine, conducted a study on implementation of media literacy education in secondary schools across Ukraine."


Real source:

"Our flagship Ukraine Media (U-Media) project works to (1) promote freedom of speech"


Honestly, I have no idea how any of their military strategies is supposed to work and it's a mystery to me why they haven't stopped the shelling of the East yet. I just want it all to stop and at the moment, it doesn't look like it's stopping.

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A satellite has either a wide field of view with very low resolution or high resolution with a very narrow field of view. You need high resolution to see artillery so you're locked into very narrow fields of view. That means you're not covering more than 1% of the area of interest with your satellite cameras. If your enemies have many units of hardware (March 2022), you'll spot them and kill them. But the more you kill the harder it gets to find the rest. They are rarer so you have to spend more time looking to find any.

Let's flip the argument: if it were so easy to find artillery with satellites, and we know Russians have many artillery pieces, why are Ukrainian troops still being shelled? Don't Ukrainians also have access to satellite ISR (from NATO), and long-range fires? S-400 still can't intercept artillery shells, Ukrainians should be able to kill many many Russian artillery pieces and crews. Certainly all the lower calibers. Yet why are Russians still shelling Ukrainians? For the same reason I outlined above: satellite (or drone) ISR isn't all that good, ultimately. It's still possible to hide, assuming you don't concentrate your forces. Keep them sparse enough and your enemies will have a hard time finding them.

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Yes, that's why "smart" war is bullshit.

Only in genocidal actions it helps as we have seen in Gaza, Iraq etc where the info tech is used to maximize destruction.

War is idiotic and you gotta wonder why the UN can't prevent it or negotiate it to end....

Those who start the wars run the UN.

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AHA! Your position is that "smart war", AKA war that isn't a total genocidal scorched-earth war isn't going to deliver. Like, that it's certain to not deliver. Okay, I can understand why you would take that position. OTOH that does seem too radical and I don't think it accurately reflects reality.

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No, I mean that they use "smart" tech to do genocide. They're using AI and satellite stuff to determine what to destroy.

That's how they monitor and "defend" the wall around Gaza.

This tech is not as useful when dealing with a real war as you stated before where the images are not up to date and they can hide, like you said in Ukraine.

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Oh, okay. Point.

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Great post, Edward. Putin seems to love his "They keep fooling me!" shtick. "They fooled me when they promised they would keep NATO out of Eastern Europe!" "They fooled me with the Maidan Revolution!" "They fooled me at Minsk 1!" "They fooled me at Minsk 2!" "They fooled me when we almost signed an early peace treaty with Zelensky until Meanie Boris Johnson nixed it!" He kind of likes being called incompetent, I guess -- but if you take the next step and accuse his actions as being intentional, you end up like Strelkov...

If one steps back and considers that (1) Ukraine as a whole was under Russian proxy control as recently as 2014, (2) the entire east half of Ukraine more-or-less was neutral-to-friendly to Russia at the start of the SMO, and that (3) Russia went from hoping for a quick decapitation strike against Kiev to getting bogged down in a morass so thick they apparently can't even conquer the rest of the Donbass, it's easy to see how the field of vision to victory has shrunk and shrunk and shrunk, even as Ukraine is being emptied out...what kind of "victory" is possible under these trends?

Ultimately, though, it is *not enough* for dissidents to be reflexively against whatever it is that globohomo purports to be in favor of (or its opposite), as that can be a trap. Being reactively pro-Putin because globohomo purportedly "hates" him is falling into that trap. Reaction is weakness. Only a proactive vision that one can use as one's North Star can avoid the pitfalls of action-reaction-sythesis that globohomo is so famous for.

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The exact position of the North Star seems to be somewhat obscure today.

Otherwise, the North Star is now capable of changing positions.

Perhaps it is those darned Rus in the North, messing with polarity.

Perhaps it is climate change.

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"What Putin didn’t mention is that the Canadian lawmaker who invited Hunka to parliament resigned after it was revealed that the elderly Ukrainian gentleman was an actual Nazi."

just an update here since I follow circus games in Canada - About a week ago it was reported that it was Prime Minister's Office that invited Hunka, and not the office of Canadian House Speaker Anthony Rota. Rota took the blame and resigned, expect him to get a cushy quiet job on a board somewhere for services rendered. People like Trudeau never quit (even if it turns out he spiked more drinks than Bill Cosby, or painted his face black 200 times)

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I heard the interview. It was kind of pointless. Putin started out by talking about Russian history for half an hour. Historical time span was sth between year 0- 1600. Absolutely pointless.

If he really wants to reason the SMO he would have just told people about the the Ukrainian government's war against Donbass starting in 2014. He didn't.

The withdrawal of Russian troops from Kiew was a mystery to me the whole time. So they just went home instead of ending the conflict right away, because of pointless promises. I remember media telling us they went out of gas. Which I found kind of ridiculous at the time.

So they had negotiated a solution to finally end the war and it was overthrown by Putin? Hmmm.

Lots of opportunities to end this war and build a wealthy economy in peace if you ask me.

You know, I get the idea that this war is just not *allowed* to end. And Putin is obviously part of that agenda. Did I mention that Europe farmers protest against restrictions ruining them? And against cheap food coming from Blackrock owned farms in Ukraine?

So keeping Boogeyman Russia around, killing more lives and ruining your own economy to achieve people's acceptance of total enslavement Reset seems to be the intention here. I bet they go for full WW3. This "leaked" German paper (Russia will invade Europe in a few years) is another hint in that direction.

Government is mob.

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right, this war is a convenient cover story to move precious assets of production out of EU and to shift around energy and ownership to China and to US respectively. EU should have known this a few years back when one of the heads of their fake government body said something to the effect of "this is the end of us having surplus".

the Elites worldwide goal is to keep China as the overpopulated factory full of slaves, manage shipping of all raw materials, energy and food to them, and the rest of the world will sell their raw materials to China instead of US (we can't do much with them anymore) and EU.

keeping the war going is a great way to drive the EU into this trap of having too little energy to keep anything going and barely enough for their people.

somewhere along the way, the real master controllers decided that they could raise the world's living standard to that of the west for sustainability issues, so they would instead lower those standards.

USA is set to look like Brazil (a backwater of peons and rich with gated communities and bodyguards, and little genuine production but exporting food and raw goods). it kinda already does, in some places.

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On a serious note, the shelling of Donetsk (by the Ukrainian side) led to thousands of deaths after the war on Eastern Ukraine started in 2014 (does anyone remember the visit of the CIA's head right before the start?), some numbers are on the last page of the linked report. There was indeed much less "activity" in 2021. Then it spiked again in early February of 2022, especially after Western leaders announced their ideas at the MSC (as far as I remember).

"It put the total number of ceasefire violations on Friday at more than 1,500 compared with 870 the day before when monitors reported 654 explosions."

(However, only "one civilian casualty" confirmed by this report.)


Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying any attacks, neither the shelling by the Ukrainian side nor the invasion by Russia. However, it's not that the Ukrainian side has stopped shelling Donetsk in 2021, destroying buildings like in the picture above. And even if these "ceasefire violations" in the first weeks of 2022 didn't kill many civilians, it shows how that region continued to be under attack. Imagine one single explosion next to your house, you would never forget that event if you survive it. There were 654 in the days before Russia's invasion.

There's so much video footage of destroyed buildings before Russia's invasion. Now, there's even more destruction in other places. Russia claimed they're going to stop the war but they have not and when asked, their leadership doesn't seem to consider this actual main goal important enough to mention. Even they're as incompetent as it seems at first sight, let's not forget that there are people suffering. That needs to stop. All of it, not only in one part of the country, but everywhere.

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8-Year Secret CIA Training Program in Eastern Ukraine Helped Prepare for Russian Invasion:

The CIA first sent a small number of paramilitaries to eastern Ukraine when the war started in 2014, which was sparked by a US-backed coup in Kyiv and the Donbas separatists declaring independence from the post-coup government.

As part of the training, CIA paramilitaries taught Ukrainian forces sniper techniques, how to operate US-provided Javelin anti-tank missiles, and how to avoid being tracked on the battlefield by using covert communications and other means. The former officials said at first the CIA was surprised at the capability of Russia and the separatists compared with US adversaries in the Middle East.


The FBI also had an office in Kiev for a couple/few years - either in the same building or next door to the SBU. Now they are working with Ukraine to censor Twitter users and to fight Russian 'cyber crime'.

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Yes, that too. Or the Blackwater mercenaries. The CIA's "media center" (just like the one they had in Aleppo), their training for Ukrainians, both military and otherwise to enable them to help destabilize the country.

> “We’ve been training these guys now for eight years [said the former CIA official]. They’re really good fighters. That’s where the agency’s program could have a serious impact.”

No, this is not from a Russian report. It's from Yahoo news.


Mr. Putin could just quote Yahoo News... Sometimes, it seems they really keep getting tricked and after the fact, they can't say what happened. I wonder how Russian media have covered these things lately (rather than Canada and Brandon)? What happened to protecting the Donbass?

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Just like they can't stop Israeli and US meddling in Syria.

With allies like Russia, who needs enemies? 😂

Hypersonic missiles , for what?

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Okay, so they launch hypersonic missiles, to stop Israel and US meddling in Syria. Then what?

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My point is that if they're trying to defend Syria from terrorism that is trying to overthrow Assad, they would at least try to get those who support the terrorists (USA etc) out.

If they don't leave, then make them leave?

What's the point of these hypersonic 5d chess missiles if they just sit down and let Syria get bombed?

That's not an act of war because the USA and Israel are not supposed to be there in the first fucking place.

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Well the only way to "make them leave" for sure (if they simply refuse to leave no matter how much you prod them) is to kill them all and carry out the corpses. But that will obviously provoke USA into doing something much worse, maybe it even goes nuclear.

Right now Syria is looking pretty stable. There haven't been reports of battles going on, at least none that I saw. It's been that way for a better part of a decade. So Assad is unlikely to be overthrown. If one wanted to, one could claim Russia successfully defended (past tense) Assad from terrorism, so there's no reason to do more. Especially because doing more would certainly provoke USA into doing more.

> hypersonic 5d chess missiles

AFAIK those are mainly for sinking US fleets and killing US generals if WW3 ever started. I'm sure Syria isn't that important. OTOH when USA put it's fleets into Eastern Mediterranean recently and made some noises (I forgot the details, sorry), Russia put 24/7 Kinzhals ready to fire above the Black Sea. https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2023/10/18/Putin-declares-Russian-fighter-jets-with-hypersonic-weapons-will-patrol-Black-Sea Those Kinzhals weren't for Ukraine, nor primarily. They were for the US aircraft carriers around Cyprus. And those carriers didn't do anything big so far (the livestreamed bombing of Kataib Hezbollah doesn't count because it was livestreamed - AKA it was PR/PSYOP). Let's paraphrase Sun Tzu: "the best battle is the one you won without fighting".

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This Nazi thing is just Putin pandering to jews, the Wagner Commander Utkin was a big nazi fan and tolerated/ used by Moscow(?).

To me it seems Russia is a sandcastle, that needs the west to survive. I hear alot of Russian tech like their cruise missles and oil refinereries need western parts and knowledge for it to be able to function so they can't cut off ties from the west completely.

As far as the war goes its seems very phony with no clear war aims at all other then to kill Ukrainians, well the Russians are having a little bit of succes lately, if the tactic really is to grind down Ukraine by using Russians bigger manpower pool then it might work in the long term but at what cost? It will weaken Russia very much and their populations will have to be boosted by migrants like in the west to keep everything going and in the end bow down to their new chinese overlords.

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Just posted my theory on this in the comments section

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You rock Riley. I was waiting for your thoughts about this meeting. To my opinion, it's so fucking staged. Putin had one more occasion to play his favorite part: the victim-savior. Too much ado about nothing. Words, words, words. And all the world a stage. There is no opposition to the Schmocks and the Bloodlines. Everybody walk the line, because there is so much money and power at play. The peasants have been entertained by those two idiots, that's all. Putin is not against the West. He embrace the same false idols. My take is that this is just a lap in the globalist game. The real circus is just about to begin, I mean, to continue to the east with other clowns. The goal of Russia? Same as the US: depopulation. Control of the resources. A war, this one or another, is a good tool for such a noble objective. Brother against brother. It works! This is the old Rot-childs's strategy. Ordo ab chaos. So the nations gets weaker and weaker, demoralized. Those BRICS are preparing crazy shit. Thay are all high on SDG and sell no-carbon fairy tale. Then thay take their private jets, and go get a steak whereever thay want. Bugs is for us. They keep the cows for them. The solution would be a war in fact. A true one. Against THEM. But everybody likes to hear the Donald or the Vladimirovitch. I hate them both with all my heart. They represent corruption. I don't have any admiration for thiefs and lyars. History is a mass grave. All I can do is pray for the innocent victims of those lunatics and psychopaths warmongers.

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Thank you. For the first time in a while I will try to write a serious comment. The truth is that this war is tiring, the propaganda is tiring, I don't want to be engaged at all but all the crazed Zelensky and Putin cheerleaders make it so bad. I just want it to stop, because of us and because of the victims. Now it is a just perverted parody. How does the narrative that Putin was "played" by the West 200 times correspond to his chessmaster reputation? I mean both images came from him and ZAnon. We don't expect a great strategist to be played like 200 times by his enemies. And sure the FSB should have thought about this but they dont care, they know that nonsense works just fine. The Intel agencies spin nonsense for 4 years of covid and it still doesn't bother a lot of people. The same carelessness we see with the nazi thing. Some people think that Putin is obsessed with nazis because he is controlled by the jews. No, it is just a narrative. You have an easy to use boogeyman and you use it like all lazy propagandists. It depends on the audience, what works on them. Obviously the FSB does not have much imagination, Putin should pay them more to boost creativity. Marko exposed the FSB to be incompetent long time ago https://anti-empire.com/so-bad-that-its-good-the-flood-of-fsb-fakery-deserves-an-oscar/

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I miss marko's analysis a lot.

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International foreign policy is a combo of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and World Economic Forum (WEF) psychopathy. Unfortunately, the powerless are always victims in this depraved

ruling elite extravaganza.

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Europe gets destroyed via the Kalergi plan orchestrated by jews. Ukraine gets destroyed via a White Goy Meat Grinder, over a million dead so far (nice depopulation tool). Getting rid of White people is the goal. CIA Tucker hates nationalism and wears the red kaballa bracelet. At the end of the day, this flyer still holds true: https://www.gtvflyers.com/every-single-aspect-of-the-russia-ukraine-war-is-jewish/

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Putin also wears the little red thread.

..and he is a Crypto.

Once this comes out, I reckon he will be even more beloved to his Q-based fan club.

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Lisa McRee: What are they hiding?

SCOTT RITTER: They are hiding their retained capabilities in biological, chemical, nuclear weapons and ballistic missile delivery systems.

Lisa McRee: Can you be more specific about what you believe they have?

Scott Ritter: I think one of the things that has been in the news recently is the VX nerve agent, one of the most deadly substances known to mankind. Iraq clearly produced this agent in large quantities and put it on ballistic missile warheads. They have lied about that, they have said that they have not done this, despite the fact that we have the proof in our hands.

Lisa McRee: What's our appropriate response, then?

Scott Ritter: It's time to call the game for what it is. This is Saddam Hussein's attempt to keep weapons of mass destruction and get sanctions lifted. Saddam is linked with these weapons, there is no way of dealing with the weapons without dealing with Saddam.

Lisa McRee: But do what? Should we have a military strike against Iraq? Should it be unilateral or should we do it only with allies? What do you suggest?

Scott Ritter: These are issues that have to be addressed by the national security policy team in Washington, DC, that's what they get paid the big bucks for.

Lisa McRee: What do you think will work, though? You've been there.

Scott Ritter: I know what won't work, continuing to provide concessions to Iraq only feeds their strength. Iraq is in charge of this game right now. They are the ones calling the shots. It's time for the United Nations, the [national] security council of the United States to seize the initiative to start taking more proactive measures to counter Saddam Hussein. And whatever measures they take, they are going to have to be decisive and not the half steps that have been taken so far.

Lisa McRee: Are you talking about economic sanctions or are you talking about an attack [i.e., war]?

Scott Ritter: Economic sanctions won't work, we know that. Iraq has turned economic sanctions around and used it against the United Nations and United States. I think you are coming to the obvious point, but that is a decision that the national security team has to make, not Scott Ritter.

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Vlad claims that the purpose of the SMO is to denazify Ukraine. Ukraine is the only country outside Israel to have simultaneously a Jewish President and a Jewish Prime Minister. How does that work? I thought the Nazis didn't like Jews...

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Oh, I understand now!

He has to keep fighting until all the Nazis are gone.

Now it all makes sense


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yes, like we (the West) have to keep fighting Terrorism until the sun goes supernova.

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I think Russia is having a very good little war. As to the failed objectives of Tzar Putin...

To halt NATO’s eastward expansion ... This military operation is a slap in the face like Nato has never received before. Will the Swedish really want to jump onto the sinking Nato ship? Maybe.

Finland is having a tough time with the real implications of its new Nato status and the consequent severing of economic relations with its friendly and large spending neighbours.

To protect the people of Donbass .... well it is so terrible that many still live under bombardement, but gradually...hopefully when the war is won, things will be a lot better like in Mariupol and Crimea..

To “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine... again more time is needed and the interview helped to expose the western doublethink and its attempts to hide Natos disasterous performance (ín both strategy and weapons efficiency) on the battlefield and also the pretense that Zombie-Nazi influence is not a real threat in Ukraine.

To ensure Ukraine does not become a “hostile anti-Russia”... Well...don´t Bullies tend to cowtow when they see a stronger boy has arrived on the block.

BONUS GOAL: To demonstrate that Moscow will no longer tolerate Washington’s “empire of lies” Yes

As to the Minsk accords etc, and the trope pushed here and by Ruric/Rolo that Russia was willing to concede too much too easily, don´t you think that if there was a genuine agreement in Istanbul and the western powers had backed off, that such arrangements would have been less costly for everyone. The healing would probably be already happening. The only people unhappy would be those people who wanted Russia forced into a fight. These people thought they had everything in place to humiliate and destroy and disect Russia, but the plan failed miserably.

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why has the plan failed when the war is still raging between two "brotherly nations" according to the words of putin himself?

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Apparently the OG plan was to provoke Russia into attacking (went well in February 2022), institute "Sanctions from Hell" and start the biggest most powerfull PSYOP the world has ever seen (March 2022, when well) and then Russia will crumble, break, riots all over the streets, Kremlin on fire, oligarchs phoning their mistresses in Washington to relay messages to Obama and then somebody replaces Putin as the leader of Russia, PUBLICLY APOLOGISES, Russia is kicked out of UN Security Council, and the lizard people move in for the kill, to dismember Russia into their own little fiefdoms they will rule with an AI iron fist.

As far as I understand, that was the plan. It failed.

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Attacking what?

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Provoke Russia attacking into Ukraine, so that they could unleash Sanctions from Hell and the Biggest PSYOP which were supposed to rip apart Russia.

*EDIT: forgot the "into"

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yeah langley told putin they wouldnt interfere with his smo which gave him the courage to try it. then it became an afghanistan 2.0.

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How can the doomers explain russia's intervention in the Civil war? Do they consider that as another kind of oligarchic spat? And what about russia's intervention in Geórgia in 2008?

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