One month ago your humble Moscow correspondent typed up an article titled, “Russia Is Rapidly Adopting QR Codes. How Does This End?”. In it, we argued the Russian government was using a “slow boil” strategy that would likely result in the same Vax Caste System being deployed across the world.
Well, here we are.
Probably some of you are thinking, “oh my goodness, how did this happen so fast, I do not remember seeing it on my Facebook feed!?” Actually, there were clear warning signs six months ago; it’s just that the so-called Incredulous Russophile Indy Media was not interested in talking about what was happening in Russia. Which is odd, if you think about it.
Presently there is quite an enormous mass of Russia Experts who—in spite of the fact that their Twitter feeds and blogs are concentrated on nothing else but Russia—are nevertheless neither doing nor trying to do anything that deserves to be called thinking about Russia at all.
The one exception is Dmitry Orlov, who recently proved the Kremlin masterfully avoided Big Pharma Genocide by conducting joint trials with Big Pharma and telling Russians that Big Pharma clot-shots are great and should be used in Russia forever.
For the sake of cultivating constructive dialogue, we have decided to offer our own 11D analysis of what awaits Russia. We will focus less on trying to dunk on the West, and more on discussing what’s happening inside Russia—which is typically what one does, when providing “Russia analysis.” But please understand we are just being contrarian and fully agree with Orlov about everything.
“Experimental legal regimes” and rule-by-health-decree
On July 31, 2020, Putin signed into law legislation allowing for “experimental legal regimes” in Russia. The bill aims to “reduce legal risks” and bypass “barriers” that might otherwise impede corporations and government entities from test-running a new economic model based on artificial intelligence and robotics.
Specifically, the legislation carves a path for “innovation” in “medical and pharmaceutical activity”, “the financial market”, “the provision of state and municipal services and the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control”, as well as “other areas of development, testing and implementation of digital innovations established by the Government of the Russian Federation.”
There’s nothing to fear, though: the legislation promises that any participation in such “experimental legal regimes” will be entirely “voluntary” and will not violate “the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.”
We have read baseless theories on the internet about how this harmless experimental legal framework is Act I of an AI-powered Hell on Earth—as if corporations and friendly public servants would abuse regulation-bypassing robots! Get real. Haven’t you seen the romantic comedy, RoboCop?
On October 13, the Russian government and the World Economic Forum (WEF) signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia.
Hailing the partnership, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said the Russian government was already working with the WEF to introduce experimental legal regimes involving AI and the Internet of Things.
Meanwhile, the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) is seeking sweeping powers to ensure “mandatory compliance by citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities with legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.”
As one Russian media outlet observed:
Upon closer examination, it turns out that these amendments actually introduce in our country a new branch of government independent from anyone—the “sanitary and infectious” one.
Rospotrebnadzor—headed by an actual witch—has already flexed its seemingly unchecked powers: the agency recently extended mask and social distancing rules until 2024.
Disastrous (but anti-NATO!) inflation
In Russia, prices are rising faster than Bill Clinton’s heart rate when he locks eyes with a Girl Scout:
From January 1 to October 25, inflation gained 6.28%—twice as much as on the same date a year ago.
“This is an absolutely catastrophic picture,” notes Evgeny Suvorov, an economist at Centrocredit Bank. “We are not dealing with a rise in prices for individual product groups. The acceleration is on a broad front.”
But this is old news. Here’s RT on November 18:
The Central Bank chief explained that the current rate of overall inflation is around 8% and that it is necessary to halve it to just 4%. “Now it is twice as high as our target, and food inflation has spiked in the double figures.”
The Russian economy has been “stagnant” since February and is currently wallowing in an “inflationary stupor.” Russia’s Central Bank recently warned of a “sharp rise” in food prices next year—not great news considering a very large number of Russians are reportedly at risk of poverty-related demise.
Russian economists and lawmakers are warning that soon the ruble could face a catastrophic devaluation, “zeroing” the savings of ordinary people.
Don’t worry, Russia has a solution.
Get excited for a central bank digital ruble
It seems the thousand-year-old myth of the Gold Ruble can finally be euthanized: instead we’re getting a digital ruble pegged to Putin’s receding hairline. If you missed out on Dogecoin, this is your chance!
A Central Bank Digital Ruble is the future of finance because it reduces transaction costs and allows rich people to consolidate their massive fortunes as wage slaves scramble to convert their worthless Monopoly money into digital tokens that can be controlled by the government:
The famous Russian economist Valery Katasonov spoke out more categorically and harshly about digital money. […]
Such a large-scale monetary reform with the replacement of money will lead to the fact that people may lose the right to exchange their savings or savings into a new digital ruble. Moreover, on a completely legal basis, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be able, when transferring money to digital, to demand from the owner to prove whether he honestly earned it, explained the doctor of economic sciences.
But that's not all. Another aspect of the scam will be that people will lose the right to secretly spend their own money, says a professor at the Department of International Finance at MGIMO. The digital ruble will be completely “visible” when buying something or transferring to someone. So a person cannot spend a dime without the permission of the state.
But when will the Bank of Russia introduce Putin NFTs?
Biometric databases, digital passports & baby DNA
Purely by coincidence, Putin recently announced he wanted to collect everyone’s biometric data… data that could then be used to pay for stuff:
As the president explained, this primarily concerns data that is used in financial transactions - for example, to pay for fares in the Moscow metro. […]
Putin also suggested that the government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation think about providing access to anonymized data of the largest Russian companies, while paying special attention to the “security of personal information of citizens.”
Don’t worry, your biometric data will be encrypted and safe in the hands of the Russian government.
Meanwhile, Russia’s health ministry is reportedly gearing up to collect baby DNA to be used for “genetic certification of newborns.” Because Russians should be tagged early and often.
Case in point: several regions of Russia will soon begin experimenting with digital “smart passports.” These are the high-tech equivalent of the Soviet-inspired internal passport and should not be confused with the digital health passes that will probably be required to use public transportation and do other normal human stuff.
Digital internal passports provide a level of convenience that most of you NATO normies could only dream of:
A digital passport is, in fact, a digital profile (account) for personal identification when receiving services. […]
The Ministry of Internal Affairs believes that an electronic document is better protected than a paper one. If a smart card is lost, it can be quickly blocked. It will be especially convenient to use electronic passports for migrants from the CIS countries [Commonwealth of Independent States: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine].
Speaking of which…

Moscow’s Gattaca-inspired gene-nightmare
Probably soon the worst place to live in the entire world will be Moscow.
Under the yoke of Mighty Virus Khan Sergey Sobyanin, Russia’s capital is poised to become a “smart city” featuring “genetic passports,” gene therapies and medical implants that determine how much health insurance you need to pay each month.
It’s just like from that movie where Jude Law plays the cripple who sells his genetic passport to the guy who makes out with Uma Thurman and then escapes to the Moon.
Occupied territory
So what should the average Russian expect going forward (aside from CHECKMATING NATO WITH 5,000 HYBRID WAR S-600 SURFACE-TO-PFIZER MISSILES)?
Get jabbed. Get tagged. Hand over your biometric data so you can “pay for fares in the Moscow metro” (this is already happening, btw) and other things; everything, eventually, probably. You are a barcode.
With time, Russians will learn their place. As a State Duma deputy recently observed:
[Government officials are] already talking to us in the same way they usually talk to animals.
The state now speaks so boorishly to the people. This is how they talk to the population of the occupied territories, who for some reason do not understand that they are occupied.
What a party-pooper.
The changes mentioned in the article are the goals of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. They will be meeting again in Davos January 2022. These are worldwide global goals they are planning for every country. Look at what’s going on in Australia, Austria, Scotland, Ireland, and other countries. The people are resisting this top down control which aims to tag us all like cattle and reduce us to complete subservience. The only solution is resistance. Every day more people are waking up and seeing exactly the direction they are attempting to steer us into. There are more of us than there are of them. This terrifies them. They can’t control us if we refuse to comply. Once the camel gets its nose under the edge of the tent the body will soon follow. Resistance is the only solution.
Geez this is crazy. I wonder what the next turn of the screw will be here in the States. Not looking forward to it.