As for whether the Kremlin will comply with an upcoming "recommendation" from the WHO to weld the taxcattle's assholes shut to save everyone and the entire planet from the next plandemic and "climate change", here's a fresh hint straight from the mouth of the beast:

"Meeting with Mikhail Oseevsky, Head of Rostelecom

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom Public Joint Stock Company.

June 7, 2023 13:30 Moscow, Kremlin

The issues of eliminating digital inequality, increasing the share of mass socially significant services available in electronic form, achieving "digital maturity" of key sectors of the economy and the social sphere, in particular healthcare, were discussed.

The targets characterizing the achievement of the national goal "Digital Transformation" are established by Presidential Decree No. 474 "On National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030" dated July 21, 2020."


Note that it says that "in particular, healthcare" was discussed.

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Good find. Thank you.

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Yep, just watch who and how they are aligning with the goals of the UNAgenda 2030. Or the Kalergi plan. Or the commie manifesto and protocols of zion. Who wrote that stuff? Certainly not the tribe of Butterfly Dwarves from Mozambique.

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Take that globalists

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"Will Moscow join the WHO's digital "health certificate" system?" What a question, OF COURSE. The communists (Russia) are in the center of the madness. They are all in it together. This is the last war against the 99 percent. You know what Rabbi Stephen Wise said about communism, don't you?


"The European Union is a strategic deception operation. Masquerading as a means of institutionalising 'cooperation'.

It has been more accurately described by the cynical former President Mikhail Gorbachev as 'the new European Soviet'.

Far from primarily representing a vehicle for furthering the various interests of its members, the European Union is in reality a Political Collective -- modelled along classically Leninist lines.

Its Member States have collectivised most of their interests in perpetuity -- a collective act of revolutionary madness, since the EU's real purpose is to strip European countries of their residual political, social and economic independence and sovereignty, and to control and absorb them within itself.

It is indeed 'the enemy of its Member States'. The time has long since come for exposure of this corrupt collectivist geopolitical menace, and Christopher Story's book does just that. "

— Christopher Story - The European Union Collective - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFA4B1rCKvg

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Any idea How I can buy Christopher Story books, I saw on web he has four but the web was last updated in 2007... Thanks :)

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But China and Russia are rejecting Globohomo and will save our world! /eyeroll

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Jun 10, 2023
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I prefer to think Vox is misinformed or just smoking a big bowl of copium. "The Orthodox Russians and virtuous Chinese pagans are lining the world up to challenge the Satanic, converged West." Though I do get a chuckle out of the narrative.

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This is all part of the strategic plan (over the past 70+ years) of the entire world run by Communists. The WHO is already controlled by Marxists.

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Actually, it's the world's top capitalists who are doing this. Unless you think the world's top capitalists are all Marxists or Communists. Given how much confusion and little knowledge there is out there in 2023, i would not be surprised if that's your bent.

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JR Nyquist’s analysis, books, and writings are spot on. He has interviewed numerous Russian defectors (military brass) and they all tell of the strategy that will soon come to a head and defeat the US. He has studied and written on the Communist movement here for almost 40 years. The Cold War didn’t stop Russia from developing nukes or continuing to build their arsenal. Same with China. But America stopped worrying about these 2 countries after Reagan. The fact is the same old Commies still call the shots in Moscow. And our own nukes are obsolete. We haven’t built a nuclear weapon in 30+ years. Not so with Russia or China. They never stopped. The West has this idea that because we honor treaties and agreements, every other nation will as well. How naive!

Our country’s leaders on both sides of the aisle ignore the threat and the rest are simply clueless or are on the take to turn their head. The Marxists infiltrated the schools and universities decades ago and now we have a generation that has no idea of history or that they are simply pawns. That was all part of the plan....start with the young and they grow up to be good little comrades. Our entire society in America has been infiltrated but no one noticed over the decades. WW3 is coming and my generation is going to witness our own country destroyed and then invaded. It’s already in motion.


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LOL. Any communists or Mrxists in the Soviet Union were put in jail or gulags by 1939. Likewise Mao liquidated them while and after taking over. You are just channeling 1950s Cold War bullshit. intended to created the impression that the Soviet Union was actually something besides State Capitalism,. Nixon, Raygun had no problems working with them once they figured out division of territory.

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LOL And your last comment illustrates my point perfectly as to the ignorance of most that somehow Communists conceded after the fall of the Berlin Wall and now everything is unicorns and rainbows. It’s a matter of record out of the mouths of Russian military defectors that it was a strategy all along to look as though the West won the Cold War and defeated the Marxists.

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In Network in 1976, Arthur Jensen, chairman of the board (played by Ned Beatty), informs Howard Beale that what they do at the Soviet ministries is not discuss Marx and Engels, but input-output charts, rates of return on investment,.......In Feb 1977, Fortune has a special headline article, "The Communist International Has a Capitalist Accent." Soviet state agencies and state enterprises were operating just like capitalist enterprises everywhere else, maximizing income, minimizing costs. One major company, the shipping giant, was managed by.... a veteran American corporate manager. "But now i send my reports to Moscow instead of New York." Almost 13 years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 1980, problems due to Poland's international debt led to austerity measures and the creation of Solidarity. There never was communism in either the Soviet Union or any of its imitators, just state capitalism getting increasingly like capitalism elsewhere as time proceeded. Look it up.

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Right, while they're pushing the CBDC and the general Agenda2030/SDGs/4IR program, in total cooperation with the "West" as Riley discussed yesterday with Jesse Zurawell. https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/riley-waggaman-on-perspective-with-jesse-zurawell-07-june-2023/

Riley Waggaman on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell - 07 June 2023, 56 minutes.

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"The West has this idea that because we honor treaties and agreements, every other nation will as well."...

Was it meant to be funny?

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No, i was not trying to be funny. The Sovietse are very good at strategy, planning and again, defectors have said so. Treaties and agreements with other countries like the US have simply been used to further their own Communist goals. So, over the years/decades our heads of State make these “wonderful” “we all can live in peace” nuclear disarmament agreements with the Soviets, of which we stopped our own efforts in building and keeping an arsenal....Russia and China never stopped.

The Soviets (and China) know that we (the West) place value in holding to our word.

Do you think these totalitarian regimes have the same moral values with something “as keeping your word” as you or I would?

These totalitarian regimes want the US destroyed. Mao, Stalin, Lenin killed millions upon millions of people and the same Communist regimes (just different names now) want all of us in the US dead. China and Russia are working together to defeat us. The Russians want Alaska back. China gets the lower 48 to colonize.

Have you noticed all the South American countries now run by Marxists? China and Russia have troops there. Canada same thing. War is coming here to our own shores and soon. Wake up

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There is a Russian word, Dezinformatsiya (or disinformation). The Soviets are masters of this and have used it to create false narratives and divert attention away from reality for years and years and years. It creates distrust, confusion, and even anger among the masses to which it is originally planted.

The Russians have special services, agents who are assigned to plant these types of narratives, the more sensational the better. For example, using Western media sources, Narrative A gets so much attention that is reported over and over to the public that then Joe Public begins to draw up his own narrative(s) to support Narrative A that was planted all along. It’s a snowball effect. We call them conspiracy theories. One has to ask:

In terms of sourcing, is this coming from identifiable agents of influence? Have defectors shown the information to be “manufactured” by these Russian special services? Or is the information simply planted, ie, a hoax?

The assassination of JFK, the inside job of 9/11, D. Trump is a Russian Agent, 2020 US election fraud...even this “it’s the Jews behind it all” are great examples.

Again, Communists are master strategists in achieving their goals and spreading propaganda and disinformation is one avenue they utilize.

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Jun 8, 2023
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What "communist coup"? You mean the Bolshevik coup in November 1917? The historical evidence shows that the policies adopted by the Bolshevik government actually amounted to an ANTI-communist coup, taking way all power from the factory committees and local councils ("Soviets," in Russian) which were set up after the Czar's overthrown the previous March. Lenin stated his regime was setting up "state capitalism," and he put his words into action. The first targets of his regime were communists and anarchists. Maurice Brinton, "The Bolsheviks and Workers Control, 1917-21," 1970.


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Jun 8, 2023
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Meant to do? What he was able to do. Resistance to his regime was building up, but then the Western powers intervened militarily attempting to restore the Czarist regime, which only served to undermine independent elements. Stalin took things much further than Lenin ever had. Sure, some people think everything is scripted. They never explain how come THEY are not a part of it. :-)

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Jun 9, 2023
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Pretty much everything is. And a tyranny is a tyranny is a tyranny, whatever banners they choose to masquerate under for the benefit of "the little people".

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Russia surely must be in good hands with such strong and proud Russian names leading the charge, like Alexander Gintsburg..

Some people at least change their names from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor to "cleverly" cover their tracks.

Raise your hand if you knew Garry Kasparov real name was Weinstein..

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The name before Windsor was actually "Hanover."

Right, one "Jewish" name shows that Russia is being run by Jews. GRRR!

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Jun 8, 2023
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"We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations...."

Recognizing digital solutions including proof of vaccinations, hmm...

So what will that mean down the road after WHO's Pandemic Treaty and all the other ancillary initiatives go into effect. And of course, part of those digital solutions will include the central bank digital currency, as that's also inevitable.

So if you tie the two together (health records and bank accounts) into a cute multipolar bow you have a system of global governance which extorts compliance from the world's population allowing for no

off-ramp, as where can you escape...

So let's be specific, digital health records will require a certain number of vaccines. These vaccines will all be mRNA computer generated experimental toxins.

So if you do not comply with the vaxx schedule your access to personal financial accounts will be rejected. Sounds like extortion to me. In the end literally and figuratively it'll be your money or your life, but you can bet your bottom dollar they'll take both.

Oh btw, the term "sanitary shield" in the US refers to incontinence pads. 😁

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Jun 10, 2023
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I agree, it's very scary--in 2018 who would've thought the following years were going to be such a dystopian nightmare--and as you say, we're far from over this horror story.

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The WEF-type agendas moving in lockstep almost everywhere, juxtaposed to the Ukraine war, tension with China, etc, create a conundrum:

Are the countries fighting or secretly cooperating? Clearly both are occurring, and understanding the dynamics of this seeming insanity is critical for all of us.

My current perspective is that the elites worldwide are in such positions because they want and lust over that type of prestige and power. This common trait serves as the basis for cooperation and agreement over global mandates such as the digital passes, money, etc that offer control over the masses.

At the same time, there are major cultural differences between countries, and more importantly, a need to be on top by most players. As long as the world was well partitioned into sovereign countries, all the top players could play along with the global agenda requiring only some discussion about various rules and deals. However, as "one world government" approaches, all prestige positions are at risk. Before they were loosely agreeing on how they would cut and eat their own pies. Now, they have to figure out how to cut and divide one pie - running the world. This situation is precarious for all the major players.

Thus, the global tensions are real, not just a show as some people think. The Chinese for example, and especially the ruling Han, consider themselves "the" superior race among humans. Which nationality will take back seat? Which leaders are willing to suddenly switch to become followers?

So, while many people pin their hopes on a savior, Russian leaders or otherwise, the truth may be that we are (strategically speaking) like ants trying to avoid being stepped on during an elephant fight.

The elites try to keep it all scripted, but narcissistic psychopaths are not used to giving way unless they perceive that they are completely overpowered by another force. Some elites have figured this out and openly talk about the need for a strong central figure to enforce their sick plans, what most people would call the Antichrist.

No, I'm not kidding. Macron openly said the beast that must come is already here - you can find video of the speech. And I think Schwab discussed the need for a strong world leader as well.

Russia has one of the strongest world militaries, and well knows what it means to be subjugated. My guess is that, while going along with digitization, etc (perhaps because they would be at strategic disadvantage not to do so), they are resisting strategic military disadvantages that the west is pushing on them (such as accepting a NATO-controlled Ukraine).

When Putin says he is fighting for Russia's future, he means it. The Russian elite can probably well see that the grand happy world government story was always planned as a double cross. (That's what psychopaths do, isn't it?) Russia would not be an equal partner around the table, but fully subjugated and raped, leaving the current Russian elites without their power base, and thus, without a substantial position.

If this picture is correct, Russians are possibly in a slightly better position than westerners. The Russian elite have to preserve Russia to keep their prestige, and in this sense they are fighting for a similar goal as the Russian people. Exactly how much totalitarian-type control the Russia elites want is not clear. The claim to want to preserve traditional values, and that puts them in a vastly different apparent position than the US and Europe, where everything decent is already facing destruction.

Western elites like mouthpiece Schwab, make it clear that the world is to be slave type prison and nationality will effectively disappear under their plan.

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Jun 8, 2023
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You (fortunately) missed your calling, Sarah. Jonestown was 55 years ago.

I wish us all well in deciphering the clues.

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Jun 9, 2023
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I'm sorry you didn't understand, Sarah. Experience teaches most people to avoid cultic, rigid thinking like the plague. The Jonestown event is a cultural symbol of the ultimate danger of this type of thinking, and perhaps is worth reading about for whoever does not already know about it.

Riley provides a valuable service with his blog, but that does not absolve anyone of the need to do their own investigation and thinking. Please feel free to have a different opinion than mine. The world is currently suffering from evil people who do not want anyone to have a differing thought than the one they promote. I hope you are not one of these.

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Yes! Putin is part of young global leaders.Divide and conquer is the art of war.

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Well I'll be damned. What is this? They get the whole world frightened of something it has no need to be frightened of: 'covid', right?

Then on that excuse they invent a 'necessary' 'treatment' - ranging from forced vaccinations to home arrest for indefinite periods.

Then to further and facilitate that treatment they mandate universal compulsory ID etc ?

Is that it?

I've got it right?

The whole thing build on that basic bullcrap: covid?

Then the covid things ISN'T over and we can't relax and the remnants that we see all around the place need addressing, sweeping up, removing, torching...

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You hit the nail on the head Arthur. COVID 19 was is a con like many other cons we have been subjected to. COVID 19 i/was the seasonal 'flu re-branded for many reasons including making large amounts of money for big pharma etc.

What is worse is that we have been led to believe for many decades that you can catch the 'flu but you can't. In fact virology as it is currently understood by the mainstream is a complete fabrication, a lie. Or as someone put it, viroliegy.


As you say we cannot relax, there is a lot to do and fight over.

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Yes. I even have a site where I collected a lot of the links: covidhonesty.com until I got all engrossed in this Ukraine thing.

I still haven't gotten to the bottom of this bigger thing though: the whole virology thing being wrong.

I've read much about it and watched YT a lot - who's that NZ woman 'Dr Sam' is it?? who wrote a book? I have her book and many others.

I may have the answers in the material I have but haven't yet read or absorbed. It just seems obvious there is something there that the virologists are playing with and sequencing etc. You can't just say its all imagination.

But the efficacy of vaccines beginning with the supposed initial great victory: smallpox - is very clearly exposed as a fake I think.

Perhaps the truth is in the middle somewhere. I don't know. I really want to find out.

Just as you say, we cannot relax there is a lot to do.

I took a friend to the doctor yesterday, she has a chest infection.

They wouldn't accept her in the clinic for fear of covid.

she had to go around the back of the building to the 'emergency' entrances.

There she waited 15 minutes for attention.

That turned out to be robotic nurse who simply took nose and throat swabs and opened a file on the computer. No therapy whatever. Not the least.

My friend needed a toilet. They would not let her use one. She had to leave and go look for one outside. Therapy!

Then the doctor came, all masked up, they're all masked up, all of them, my friend too, everyone but me.

He's trying desperately to tie her symptoms down to covid somehow. But the results of the swabs come back 'not covid, not not covid' inconclusive I suppose.

So he declares is a chest infection and give antibiotic, pain killer and sleeping pills.

And that's it.

No mention of Vit D or C or Zinc or sunlight and certainly not prophylactic Ivermectin.

(and incidentally I think it has been discovered that D alone is not the efficacious thing but D with melatonin as produced naturally by sunlight, the pair together. So we have melatonin on hand now but I think I even read that our chemical melatonin does not have the efficacy of natural melatonin produced by sunlight.)

My point is that there was no attempt at therapeutic measures, none.

You know? Just human care and concern, reassurance, not to mince with words: love and affection, comfort.

We have turned into something soulless and mindless living in fear of unemployment apparently is the single driving force behind it all. Economic slavery I think that is called.

For when I ask doctors why they bow their heads to the absolute demolition of the free and untrammeled practice of medicine according to science, knowledge and conscience they tell me they have to do what they are told else they will not be able to practice.

Understandably a very large threat. But a useless threat against humans with confidence, courage, resource etc - unafraid to suffer loss of income, status etc.

In that way a society would mutate we can see and all the unemployed doctors would become the underground of 'good' doctors and the employed 'slave' doctors would become denigrated and forgotten and a better world would arise.

This or anything like it will not happen it seems because everyone is so cowed, from doctors to hall porters, cleaners, clerks, delivery drivers, anyone and everyone: I"m wearing a mask because I'm told to, I'm keeping my distance because I must, I'm in lockdown because they told me... here's my child for you to stab... Not from fear firstly of criminal prosecution and fines and such but simply because of fear of losing a job.

I understand, of course. Mortgages etc. Nearly everyone living poised on the crest, running as hard as they can to keep up. Yep. It is understandable. But it is not right and not good. It spells doom I think. Doom.

Only less 'sophisticated' (read 'enslaved') peoples can save us.

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Very good comment. We have been discussing that very very subject in real life with friends last evening (in Europe). Heart breaking to witness that level of bling submission...

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Putin doesn't like NATO...but he's OK with their evil twin the WHO...red flag alert

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Digital IDs/Digital health passports are.... "safe and effective." 🤣

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I bet they will take part... but it will be funny how they will try to explain why they have to use a EU controlled system to enslave their people:)

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