Will Moscow join the WHO's digital "health certificate" system?
The WHO is marching forward with plans to cattle-tag the planet. Will Russia be spared?

By now you’ve probably heard the news that the World Health Organization is going to create a global “digital COVID-19 certification” system based on the vax pass developed by the European Union.
The “landmark” initiative will “help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,” the WHO said in a June 5 press release.
For a “big picture” view of this extremely gross but entirely predictable announcement, take a gander at Kit Knightly’s musings on the subject.
We are going to narrow our focus, and ask a question I think many people (inside and outside of Russia) are asking: What is Moscow’s position on this new (it’s not really “new”, admittedly), WHO-led global cattle-tagging venture?
As of June 8, 2023, 11:00am Khachapuri (Tbilisi) Time, there are no official statements from federal agencies, ministries, or the Kremlin, in response to the WHO’s visionary plan to “strengthen global health security”.
This is obviously subject to change, but I spent an hour this morning combing government websites, and experimenting with all kinds of Yandex search terms, and came up with nothing.
If you’ve seen an official response from Moscow to the WHO’s big announcement, please share it in the comments section, and I will update this blog post accordingly.
However, there are a number of (fairly unambiguous) indicators, which can be used to make an evidence-based assessment of Moscow’s stance on the creation of a global vax pass. Obviously, the evidence could change—and I will do my best to update you in a timely manner if/when it does.
Below is an incomplete list of past statements and policy decisions that might help us evaluate how Moscow feels about the WHO’s cattle-tag evangelism.
The timeline is in chronological order, starting with the most recent developments.
June 7, 2023: State Duma deputy says Russia should create “electronic [health] certificates”
Although there has been no “official” response from Moscow, at least one Russian lawmaker has hinted at support for Russia’s inclusion in a global health pass scheme.
State Duma deputy Alexander Petrov (from United Russia, of course) told Russian media on Wednesday that the country should transition to “electronic [health] certificates,” seemingly endorsing the WHO’s plan to create a global digital health certificate system:
Member of the State Duma Committee on Health Alexander Petrov (United Russia) considers it necessary to abandon paper medical records. He told the Moscow City News Agency about this, commenting on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) to create and distribute a global system of digital health certificates in preparation for future pandemics.
“Of course, paper patient records should be a thing of the past. This is absolutely correct. Their digital counterparts could be called an electronic certificate. But, probably, in Russian, it will sound like an electronic patient record,” Petrov said.
According to him, work is currently underway to create unified databases on the health of patients. “There have been attempts. I know that many Russian IT specialists are working on this. Of course, it is the task of the state to create such an electronic database,” the deputy added.
Earlier, the media reported that the European Union and WHO proposed to expand digital COVID-certificates to the whole world and create a global system of digital health certificates in preparation for future pandemics.
(Thank you to the always excellent Anna Rudneva for alerting me to this worrying statement.)
November 16, 2022: Moscow endorses G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, which calls for the creation of a “proof of vaccination” system based on “the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates”
Let’s not forget that in November, Moscow joined its G20 comrades in calling for a global vax pass system:
We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.
We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.
If you want to read all 17 pages of this blueprint for worldwide sadness, you can download the PDF generously hosted on the Kremlin’s official website:

The declaration was non-binding, and if that makes you feel better about Moscow signing this affront to basic human decency, without making any vax pass-related objections, I am genuinely happy for you.
November 12, 2022: Moscow suggests creating a “global health” panopticon
Truth is, Russia openly advocated for strengthening “global health” measures when the G20 gathered in Bali to discuss cattle-tagging the Earth, and other ways to terrorize the proles.
During the G20 powwow, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov pitched the idea of a global “Sanitary Shield”—a “biosecurity” system that Moscow was already installing back home:
The head of the Russian Ministry of Finance noted the need to prevent fragmentation of the global healthcare system and maintain the central role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in it, and also shared the experience of creating a rapid response system to pandemics in Russia within the framework of [Russia’s] current “Sanitary Shield,” which involves the creation of a system for the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases, accelerated development of test systems and vaccines in the event of new epidemiological threats.
“We believe that a similar sanitary shield could be built at the global level,” the Minister said.

Announced in April 2021, Russia’s Sanitary Shield program aims to rapidly develop “vaccines” (based on Sputnik V’s genetic platform) and PCR tests after the emergence of a purported health threat. Under the program, bio-checkpoints will be installed along Russia’s border—a process that began in December 2021.
While the Shield does not specifically call for the mandatory use of digital “health” certificates, it’s not difficult to imagine how it could usher in and normalize the use of international vax passes.
If Sanitary Shield is supposed to serve as a kind of international “health” checkpoint system, then surely these “border crossings” will require special “health” passports? And what better way to do this than to streamline this process with a globally recognized “health” passport? Curious minds want to know!
July 11, 2022: Russia’s Health Ministry says digital IDs should become “the key to information about all the vaccinations of each individual person throughout his life”

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but on the domestic front, there’s no reason to assume Russia is opposed to deploying “health” certificates. Quite the opposite, actually.
Russia’s Deputy Health Minister Pavel Pugachev opined in July 2022 that QR codes may become “the key to information about all the vaccinations of each individual person throughout his life.”
In an interview with Izvestia, Pugachev said that “with the help of such a system it will be possible to assess collective immunity for a particular disease with an accuracy up to a specific region, locality, and predict the risks of the spread of infectious diseases.”
There have been highly imaginative attempts by our beloved alternative media to reassure disaffected Westerners that Putin has been fighting a 5D shadow war against the globalists to put an end to compulsory vaccination, and the implementation of digital “health” IDs—but extraordinary claims require extraordinary amounts of evidence. And there is no evidence Putin is invested in stopping permanent medical tyranny.
On the contrary, there is a huge amount of evidence that suggests he is fully on board with these deranged initiatives—including his open and unapologetic support for Russia’s national QR code system, which was shelved after massive public backlash.
I mean, he even awarded Sputnik V Papa Bear Alexander Gintsburg—who demanded that a “line be drawn” to “sharply distinguish” between Sputniked Citizens and No-Jab Vermin—with the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
Seriously, what are we supposed to think, here?
February 2, 2022: Moscow applies to join the EU’s vaccine passport verification system
Then there’s this savory morsel of multipolarity, from February 2022:
The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia sent an application to the European Union to join the mechanism for checking certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, which is an important condition for the mutual recognition of certificates.
“The Ministry of Digital Development is negotiating with European colleagues. In January 2022, we sent an application to join the mechanism for generating and verifying a certificate with a QR code. The application has been prepared in accordance with EU requirements. A decision on its consideration has not been received,” the ministry’s response to the agency’s request says.
The ministry explained that the integration of Russian and European platforms for mutual processing of COVID-certificates of citizens is possible, and in case of successful connection to the EU infrastructure, the ministry plans, at the request of a citizen, to generate a certificate according to European standards in addition to the Russian one.
I searched in vain for a status update on this application, but to no avail. If someone has newer intel, please share it.
Only the Russian people (not their cattle-tag-obsessed government) offer a glimmer of hope
As usual, it is the Russian people themselves—and not their WHO-loving government—who offer the best hope for a Cattle-Tag Free World.
The first step to escaping this system is to immediately withdraw from the World Health Organization. (Every country should do this, as Dr. Alina Lushavina urged in a recent interview.)
Russian activists (sorry, “6th columnists”) have redoubled their efforts to declare the WHO a national security threat to the Russian Federation. Sure, it’s a longshot, but it’s better to go down fighting.
Unfortunately, when we look back on history, and the creation of the first international cattle-tag (the international passport, which sadly has become a prized and highly sought-after Object of Validation), one must concede that the future looks rather bleak.
As your correspondent observed more than a year ago:
The introduction of an international clot-shot passport required for traveling across state lines is basically inevitable; the only way to stop it is if the United Nations, and also the entire international political system, trips and falls into an active volcano.
Efforts are underway to create the illusion that BRICS, or some other Goldman Sachs-invented confederacy of dunces, will gift the world a more joyous alternative to what the WHO (which is militantly backed by BRICS!) is promoting.
Evidence, please?
If anything, BRICS is gonna get tagged just as mercilessly as the rest of us. Europe is obviously doomed, of course. No question about it.
I’ll tell you right now what will probably happen: Everyone will get tagged, and then the debate won’t be about whether or not cattle-tags are necessary, but rather, who has the best, most multipolar cattle-tag.
“My cattle-tag is anti-NATO; your cattle-tag is not. Therefore, I am cool, and you are stupid”—I can’t wait for that one. It’s going to be great fun.
But do not despair. For those who wish to preserve their dignity, come what may: you are about to embark on a great adventure.
You will be slimed and marginalized by your terrible government. Probably you will lose friends, and become estranged from family members.
Do not lose hope. There are many just like you. We will find each other, and eat tacos, untagged, together.
Things are going to get weird.
Stay safe out there.
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As for whether the Kremlin will comply with an upcoming "recommendation" from the WHO to weld the taxcattle's assholes shut to save everyone and the entire planet from the next plandemic and "climate change", here's a fresh hint straight from the mouth of the beast:
"Meeting with Mikhail Oseevsky, Head of Rostelecom
Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom Public Joint Stock Company.
June 7, 2023 13:30 Moscow, Kremlin
The issues of eliminating digital inequality, increasing the share of mass socially significant services available in electronic form, achieving "digital maturity" of key sectors of the economy and the social sphere, in particular healthcare, were discussed.
The targets characterizing the achievement of the national goal "Digital Transformation" are established by Presidential Decree No. 474 "On National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030" dated July 21, 2020."
Note that it says that "in particular, healthcare" was discussed.
"Will Moscow join the WHO's digital "health certificate" system?" What a question, OF COURSE. The communists (Russia) are in the center of the madness. They are all in it together. This is the last war against the 99 percent. You know what Rabbi Stephen Wise said about communism, don't you?
"The European Union is a strategic deception operation. Masquerading as a means of institutionalising 'cooperation'.
It has been more accurately described by the cynical former President Mikhail Gorbachev as 'the new European Soviet'.
Far from primarily representing a vehicle for furthering the various interests of its members, the European Union is in reality a Political Collective -- modelled along classically Leninist lines.
Its Member States have collectivised most of their interests in perpetuity -- a collective act of revolutionary madness, since the EU's real purpose is to strip European countries of their residual political, social and economic independence and sovereignty, and to control and absorb them within itself.
It is indeed 'the enemy of its Member States'. The time has long since come for exposure of this corrupt collectivist geopolitical menace, and Christopher Story's book does just that. "
— Christopher Story - The European Union Collective - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFA4B1rCKvg