A superpoor, outside the bugman vanity cities poverty is abundant. Large population? They are going extinct for similar reasons to western europeans. Their institutions are owned by bugmen traitors. Modern high tech army???? HAHAHAHAHAHHA they are using soviet shit from the time of Stalin
A superpoor, outside the bugman vanity cities poverty is abundant. Large population? They are going extinct for similar reasons to western europeans. Their institutions are owned by bugmen traitors. Modern high tech army???? HAHAHAHAHAHHA they are using soviet shit from the time of Stalin
'it could end this war very quickly'
The krimelin rats fear rus nationalism, so entering a military economy is a nono
NEVER underestimate the potential of the Russian people and the Russian POWERFUL civilization, that's what Napoleon and Hitler did... And yes: "Their institutions are owned by bugmen traitors." But the "Kazachok" can start at any moment, unexpectedly... It should be well remembered that neither the European nations nor the American nation won the great wars, but the Russian people and the Russian power. So NEVER UNDERESTIMATE RUSSIANS! Neither the European nations nor the American ones will dance Kazachok, they don't know that dance, so the world doesn't expect anything from them. When the Russians are losing and when they are occupied by traitors, and when they are few and weak, the world expects a fight and victory from them, and the world expects nothing from the European nations and America, do you understand now, or do I need to explain it better and in more detail?!
Their potential to be enslaved by brutal tyrants? Yeah i'm counting on that lol Russia is difficult to invade due to it's vastness... not the russians. The russians lost the first world war to the west, agent Lenin took care of business.
Is that a quote from the History channel or from National Geography? Or from Smithsonian University? You forgot to add that, in addition to the vastness of the Russian land, the winter also defeated the invaders! Don't leave out important details, someone was racking their brains to come up with all the narratives...
Tactical depth, very important. The nazis crushed europe because they could overrun the small nations with ease. Even at blitzkrieg speed the steppe goes on forever
I didn't see the comment, I'm sorry, I don't want to argue about it, it's a broad topic. There is an excellent Russian documentary series "Великая война" (сериал 2010 – 2012), it is very well explained from the beginning to the end, from the first attack of the Wehrmacht, all the way to the war in Japan. There are 18 episodes of 40+ minutes each, and there is an English version of the series, "Soviet storm wwii in the east", I downloaded both versions and watched them simultaneously, episode after episode, first the Russian and then the English. I was shocked at how much the English version cut out the most important parts, everything that didn't suit them. That tells you everything about modifying history. I'm not saying, it's also possible that the Russians embellished something, but for the English version to be so brutally butchered is unbelievable. I suggest you watch both versions if you know Russian of course.
Edit: the best way to find out the "true" history, (I put it in quotation marks because it is almost impossible to find out the complete truth), is to read domestic historians and foreign historians about the same event, so compare several domestic historians and give preference to them , and then check what other parties say. But what is the sure path to wrong history? It means that you see history only through foreign historians, or even worse from the TV screen. So, for example, when we study the second great war, we should read in this order: Russian historians from several eras, not only from Stalin's era, then German historians immediately after the war and today, then European historians mixed, and those who were at one and these on the other hand, therefore, English, Italian, French, and even Romanian and Yugoslav. This is how you can reach the approximate truth, but building your judgment according to, for example, the History channel, is a sure way for a person to be manipulated and fed with narratives that are far from the truth. Another example, if we are studying the Kosovo battle from 1389, we will first read old charters and records from Serbia, then we will read contemporary Serbian historians, and then of course Turkish, old records and new historians, and finally European the same event. Recently, Turkish archives were opened, and Serbian historians went there to study, they discovered many things from old Turkish charters, etc. Of course, Erdogan will tell some story about that event, that the Turks won, etc., but the old charters were written quite honestly (although that should be taken with a grain of salt), for example, it was revealed that since the Serbian knight Obilić killed Murat with a knife from a boot, that since then the Turkish pashas have introduced a no-approach rule. That battle was a draw, a massacre, and it delayed for almost 100 years the penetration of the Turkish empire into Europe, or, the Turks won but it was a Pyrrhic victory, or, the Serbs lost because they were occupied for 400 years, but they won because created a victorious myth, which gave them enormous spiritual strength. And all in all, it can be looked at from several angles.
And since there are provocateurs here, who do not want to maintain cross-cultural mutual respect, so they write about Russians in a derogatory tone, as an answer I will cite a quote from the great Russian poet Yesenin, about his impressions from America and Europe:
That's how Sergei Yesenin wrote in the newspaper Izvestia in 1923: "He who knows America through New York and Chicago knows only that festive or rather parade America." Americans - both blacks and whites are quite primitive, especially when it comes to spiritual culture. The rule of the dollar has destroyed their pursuit of any more complex spiritual matters. The American immerses himself completely in «Business» and does not want to know anything more. Art in America is at an all-time low… The world of America can be awful sometimes. A sea of lights from Broadway shines in New York on crowds of venal and unprincipled journalists. They don't even let such people in front of our house, regardless of the fact that we live with kerosene lamps or often without lights... Huge buildings and the force of iron and concrete pressed the brain of the American and narrowed his view. Listen - an American told me - I know Europe. I traveled to Italy and Greece. I have seen the Parthenon, but this is not new to me. Do you know that in our country, in the state of Tennessee, there is a much better and newer Parthenon than the one in Greece. After such words, one does not know whether to laugh or cry. These words uniquely characterize everything that makes up the spiritual culture of America.''
In a letter to friend A. Sakharov, Sergei Yesenin wrote about Europe in 1922: "What can I say about this most terrible empire of the petty bourgeoisie that borders on idiocy. Apart from foxtrot, there is almost nothing here, here they eat and drink and again foxtrot. I haven't met the man here yet and I don't know where I could find him. Mr. Dollar is in the greatest fashion, and they are crazy about art - their greatest achievement is the musical. I didn't even want to publish books here, regardless of the low price of paper and translation. Well, nobody here needs them... Here in the West, they hypocritically sell the soul for a dollar for the sake of self-interest, or exchange it for heartlessness as an unnecessary commodity. Let us be poor, let us be oppressed by cold and hunger... but that's why we have a soul that is not for sale.''
''Here in the West, they hypocritically sell the soul for a dollar for the sake of self-interest, or exchange it for heartlessness as an unnecessary commodity.''
Yes, you are right, but the point is that the disease does not spread from the Russians, but from the West, and consequently, no cure should be expected from the sick...
That is precisely the point I think Dostoyevsky was trying to make in his "The Possessed". The demonic ideas brought home from the West by the returning youth were infecting/infesting Mother Russia. But, the "adults" allowed themselves to be influenced in a vain attempt to remain relevant, so, they kind of deserved what they got.
Thanks for the reminder, I read it a long time ago, now I will read it again, carefully and with intense concentration. This is a very, very interesting read. I will have to put aside my attempt to read 10,000 pages of the collected works of Saint Bishop Velimirović.
There is a Russian-made adaptation of "The Demons" in a film that was produced in, i think, 2012. It was a year that I believe the Russian Government were trying to promote Russian Culture. It is a two-part, and very well produced. There were some interesting motifs and scenes that stick in my mind - the dancing in the pig sty, especially. They, of course, couldn't display the whole and all the nuance, but, wow, a heartbreaking story, with a little bit of hope. Worth watching.
Thanks for the comment, the problem is that people don't read, not only Russian writers but also domestic ones. I have personally read many writers from the West, and I do not think that they are less valuable than Russian ones, but Russian writers have one great advantage, which is that they have an old traditional culture, which is rooted in Christianity and the virtues of the old world. Western writers are without solid ground, perhaps their success is even greater because of the bad circumstances of their starting point.
I read everybody, or at least attempt. I allow myself to set down, unfinish, that which I find to be unworthy or not entertaining. I do love the few Russians of the 19th Century that I have read (and re-read), although I think it is wise for first-time readers to give themselves both time and solitary space to sink into the story. For cadence and names, the names can be tricky to keep straight at first.
I completely agree the essential component of Christ in...well, everything that is expressed to give understanding since his coming. And there is a profound arrogance in the Western writers for a good long time now who have attempted to explain anything they have deemed worthy of explaining without including Christ and what He Is. This has led to a flatness and superficiality that renders their efforts meaningless - it speaks more about the author than the reader. I read fiction to connect with mankind as a whole - same with film - and everything hinges on the ultimate question "What is Truth?" Since the scandalous murder of God, we know that it is the Person of Christ and yet the rebels continue to argue for "naught" and, therefore, art & literature has has devolved to the point of - forgive me here - painted shit.
But on a happy note, I do find much read and watch that does stimulate my soul and keeps the fire of divinity burning away the imperfect ideas that have attached to me through the world. Much work to be done.
Beautifully said, I am glad that there are people in the west who are returning to the true values, which are Christian values. I notice that after the corona violence many people return to these values, especially in the west. I used to read a lot of everything, as you say, Bukowski and Henry Miller, and Nietzsche, etc., but now I can't do that anymore, the only thing I can read is spiritually imbued literature, and in fact, I read almost exclusively Orthodox literature. I wouldn't impose anything on you, but I was completely delighted when I discovered Seraphim Rose, he was an American, extremely educated and intelligent, even a genius, who converted to the Orthodox faith, there are his books and lectures in English, so that would be my recommendation.
EDIT: He was especially well educated in philosophy and later theology, no one explained the moral and spiritual decline of the West better than him.
PS. Seraphim Rose is widely read and appreciated in Russia.
It is clear, my new friend whose name I cannot type due to keyboard issues, that we have both made intellectual and spiritual journeys that would be a delight to discuss. This forum, wonderful as it is, makes me feel like a hen pecking the ground for seed. I intend to search out this Seraphim Rose as well as the Bishop of 10,000 pages you mentioned elsewhere. Like you, I dabble in writing exercises of poetry and prose; unlike you I do for the purposes of purging the idea or thought so I can move on. It may either be a treasure for my grandchildren or a danger they may have to burn to keep from being shot-by-association.
The basic (spiritual) shortcomings of Western society are the reason for today's hegemony of the ruling elite of the West, their Malthusianism, eugenics, depopulation ideas, overbearing American "exceptionalism", etc. Russian thinkers explained a long time ago that the soul should not be sold for a dollar, but no one in the West wanted to hear these warnings, and the world is now on the verge of a new slave society, renamed in masked terms: technocracy and transhumanism.
A few more quotes. The great Russian writer, playwright, founder of Russian comedy, Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, wrote in 1778 from France to his friend; "The deity of the French is money... a selfishness that has affected all classes to an unprecedented extent, not excluding philosophers. Although they have the right to freedom, the French live in total slavery. The lack of culture and lack of education of the nobility cannot be compared with anything.''
In the middle of the 19th century in Russia, there was a lot of talk about the crisis of Western culture. They underlined that Western man has essentially replaced spirituality - for rationality, Christian humanism - for secular "Voltarianism". Westerner Herzen is horrified by the "spiritual barrenness" of Western man. "I peered into the soul of the bourgeois and into the soul of the worker and I was horrified... Wherever you look - barbarism is blowing from every side. The only god of the modern generation is - capital. Here the spirit of the petty bourgeoisie rises and dominates.''
Russian sociologist, geopolitician, culturologist, founder of the civilizational approach to history, Nikolai Danilevsky, unlike other Russian thinkers, does not criticize the Western spirit from a general point of view. In his theory of cultural-historical types, he opposes European messianism, which only considers its own culture as the only true and "generally human" one. Europe considers this as a sufficient reason to be aggressive and to impose its culture on other peoples by grace or force, to subjugate and suppress other cultures.
Writer and philosopher, Konstantin Leontiev speaks directly about the birth of Western Europe. He writes: "the average rational European with his business benevolence crawls around the country in his ridiculous clothes, with a chicken's conceited mind.... So is it possible to love such humanity?"
The famous Russian linguist, philosopher and publicist Nikolay Trubetskaya points out: "...European civilization causes unprecedented devastation in the souls of Europeanized peoples and at the same time causes immeasurable greed for earthly treasures, as well as the mortal sin - pride, making them faithful companions of this civilization".
Not only the Russians are pure, but every traditional society, including the Australian natives, the problem arose when the garbage of artificial "culture" from the west buried the world. You know who introduced abortion in Russia - Lenin! And he was sent from the West, or to be more precise, he was sent from the governing elites from the West, these are, to name a few: Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner, the Fabian Society and other eugenicists, Papa Gates Senior, Ted Turner, Huxley father with sons, Rothschilds and Rockefellers, etc. Abortion you say? Where did the Planned Parenthood organization come from, where did Margaret Sanger come from, where did the feminism and pederasty and sexual revolution movements come from, where did it come from, which ended with this Trans Sodomy? You guessed it, it's not Russia. And should I continue, who transferred the Nazi scientists in Operation Paperclip, who perfected the Goebbels propaganda and where did Edward Bernays come from, where MK-ultra, and other consciousness manipulation programs originated, where eugenics and racism originated, who kept slaves until the 20th century, who had zoos for humans until the middle of the 20th century, who exterminated the natives in America and Australia? Guessed again? Corruption endemic? And let me ask you, where in the world is the only legalized lobbying? What is it, the virtue of civilization?
Don't get mad at me for hating the elites from the west and the garbage culture they have created, it doesn't mean I hate and disrespect the ordinary people there.
No, the viper crept into their house, even before the revolution, European agents crept into imperial Russia to obstruct and sow their seeds of discord. Then they made a revolution using the innocent peasant people, they sent their demons Lenin and Trotsky, and after the war Stalin kept the house clean for a while, as cruel as he was, he was still a sword to the adder. Then the viper again sent its bastards, and the destruction continues again from the poisonous snakes of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The devil is the most skilled liar, swindler and bandit, and the manipulative elites from the west are his generals, including the papacy, who are the Komodo dragon and serve the same leader.
"Besides, can't you see that there is nothing western about "western" so-called elites?"
I partially agree, in the sense that they don't have cultural values from the so-called West (those values that have melted in the meantime in the cauldron of garbage-culture), but they come from that area and maybe have a little Anglo-Saxon cunning and Germanic aggressiveness, just a little? But wait, didn't Carroll Quigley write the book "The Anglo-American Establishment", exactly about these so-called elites, so why did he call the book that?
Now you made me laugh, what expressions are you inventing there... So you are one of those who believe that their ancestors were monkeys? It is a very "noble" philosophy, and funny at the same time. I will not continue, we are not from the same worlds, (because I am not from the planet of the apes), but to correct you, there are no fundamentalists in Orthodoxy, there are only among Muslims, (jihad warriors), and among Catholics who sold indulgences and burned people on pyres, and flogged to the point of blood, and most importantly, the Catholics have a Jesuit warrior order whose motto is: everything is allowed when defending the Catholic Church, including fraud and lies and murder. And from there came the violence of converting other peoples, and cruelty, and pedophilia, etc., it's no wonder that you all fell away from God there and sank into sectarianism and nihilism, anarchy, atheism, and a lot of other monkeying around. Spiritually miserable "culture" of garbage and brutal inhumanity and materialism - stay where you are, as far as possible from us Orthodox Christians, (except for those of you who are honest Christians, we extend the hand of friendship to them).
"Reality"? Yes, you have tailored this world according to that small-minded "reality" of yours, the relativization of everything, amorality, unethicality, passionate lust for enjoyment, dumbing down entertainment, and the motto: man is a wolf to man... Damned godless and god-fighters, you have defiled the whole world, you have no honor, no honesty, no shame...
Oh my god, where do I begin? I'll start with this, I noticed that even intellectuals from the West repeat only one and the same mantra: Solzhenitsyn, Solzhenitsyn... They seem to have read only him from Russian literature? Or maybe, we say just maybe, the narrative about the 60 million killed in the gulags, which Solzhenitsyn wrote in his most famous book, suits them. However, hold tight now, it is a lie, because according to the latest research, and it is well known from before, that this is an inflated number, tenfold. But that narrative fits and we will push it until the doomsday, please prove this figure below, because I have read Russian authors who all agree that this is an overblown lie. Moving on, Soviet tyranny you say, okay, I can only partially agree, but when I say partially, I mean one small part, so small it's negligibly small. Because, I believe you are not aware that many Russians and other nations loved their country, and considered it a warm home, and many still mourn for it. What are we going to do now? Unlike you, I read some renowned Soviet intellectuals of the USSR era, I deliberately do not say Russian intellectuals, for example I read a great book by the world-renowned intellectual Sergey Kara-Murza, I say world-renowned because he also taught in Spain, and collaborated with many world-renowned intellectuals. scientists. He himself had a doctorate in social and natural sciences, history and chemistry, and was an academic. The book I was reading is called "Consciousness Manipulation", it has almost 1000 pages, and the sequel to this book is called "Dismantling People". Look it up, it may have an English translation, but I doubt that such a pro-USSR work could have passed the western censors, yes, they are amused by printing and reprinting, publishing and republishing "The Gulag Archipelago"... Another author that I recommend is Olga Chetverikova, try to find something from her, according to many Russians, she is currently the leading Russian intellectual, and she also considers the Soviet Union a great country, powerful, but above all, with a developed sophisticated culture, science, etc. And yes, I almost forgot, these intellectuals from the west somehow always forget that Hitler, (who took racial ideology from the eugenic societies of America, and admitted that he admired them), attacked Russia first, not the other way around, and was defeated from Russia, or the Soviets if you like. These intellectuals never ask what would have happened if Hitler had won, what would the world be like today, nobody in the West respects those 25 million dead Russians and Soviets. But, um, some in the West would perhaps like Hitler to have won and created a world according to his model, where all Slavs are destined to be exterminated, and some to be kept as slaves? It would be a nice world, yes, maybe for the Germans, the English, the Americans... But after all, he didn't even have to win when the elites who financed him are still in power everywhere in the world, and here they are creating their "Brave New World" ", in which, uh, there is no place for any nation, because only Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas are meant to be there...
So I'm a double "perfect example" or are you going to add more to that? Well, I see that the cultural distance has started to disappear here (as expected), so I'll just say a little more, and I'll try to say a lot with a few words this time. You people who live in the west have thought that you are the "first world", that you are special and the only civilization, by the way, you hardly accept criticism because you are overbearing and unjustifiably proud, maybe you are the "perfect example" for this? You consider the whole world to be your property, and your culture, which can no longer be called Christian, or even culture, but garbage, you forcefully impose on everyone, and along the way you practiced slave ownership and colonialism for centuries. And finally, you see yourself as a worthy and good and beautiful Cinderella, but in reality you are her envious and selfish sisters, ugly on the outside and even uglier on the inside, whose souls have been crippled by evil deeds and thoughts. You don't recognize another culture, you want to humiliate and trample on it, and now you have even trampled on your own culture and civilization, and now that your own elites have turned their fangs on you, you whine to the heavens, and you didn't care while they bit the rest of the world. I root for every original culture and every nation and civilization to be freed from your age-old usurpation, for all peoples to throw off the yoke of slavery and rigged governments that you have installed everywhere in your empire "where the sun does not set", your black sun, I root for all races to be freed , and white and black and yellow and brown, and to collapse the "international" institutions with which you scourge the world. Your Anglo-American empire is in decline, you will soon crash like pagan Rome into the filth of history, and the world will be reborn when evil finally eats itself.
Immediately there is an attack on the personality, insults... You do not refute anything that I wrote, because you cannot refute the truth. Disney World was invented by you, that small-minded idiotic nonsense, and you grew up watching it to become very "smart"... It's amazing how full of yourself you are, you don't even notice, someone presents you with facts, and you don't respond to it, even you don't try to answer, instead you sulk like little kids when their cartoons are turned off. Whatever you write next, I will not answer you, you are not worth it. You can "Haaaaaа" as much as you want, and the best is in front of a mirror, if you don't find it too disgusting.
A superpoor, outside the bugman vanity cities poverty is abundant. Large population? They are going extinct for similar reasons to western europeans. Their institutions are owned by bugmen traitors. Modern high tech army???? HAHAHAHAHAHHA they are using soviet shit from the time of Stalin
'it could end this war very quickly'
The krimelin rats fear rus nationalism, so entering a military economy is a nono
NEVER underestimate the potential of the Russian people and the Russian POWERFUL civilization, that's what Napoleon and Hitler did... And yes: "Their institutions are owned by bugmen traitors." But the "Kazachok" can start at any moment, unexpectedly... It should be well remembered that neither the European nations nor the American nation won the great wars, but the Russian people and the Russian power. So NEVER UNDERESTIMATE RUSSIANS! Neither the European nations nor the American ones will dance Kazachok, they don't know that dance, so the world doesn't expect anything from them. When the Russians are losing and when they are occupied by traitors, and when they are few and weak, the world expects a fight and victory from them, and the world expects nothing from the European nations and America, do you understand now, or do I need to explain it better and in more detail?!
Their potential to be enslaved by brutal tyrants? Yeah i'm counting on that lol Russia is difficult to invade due to it's vastness... not the russians. The russians lost the first world war to the west, agent Lenin took care of business.
Is that a quote from the History channel or from National Geography? Or from Smithsonian University? You forgot to add that, in addition to the vastness of the Russian land, the winter also defeated the invaders! Don't leave out important details, someone was racking their brains to come up with all the narratives...
Tactical depth, very important. The nazis crushed europe because they could overrun the small nations with ease. Even at blitzkrieg speed the steppe goes on forever
I didn't see the comment, I'm sorry, I don't want to argue about it, it's a broad topic. There is an excellent Russian documentary series "Великая война" (сериал 2010 – 2012), it is very well explained from the beginning to the end, from the first attack of the Wehrmacht, all the way to the war in Japan. There are 18 episodes of 40+ minutes each, and there is an English version of the series, "Soviet storm wwii in the east", I downloaded both versions and watched them simultaneously, episode after episode, first the Russian and then the English. I was shocked at how much the English version cut out the most important parts, everything that didn't suit them. That tells you everything about modifying history. I'm not saying, it's also possible that the Russians embellished something, but for the English version to be so brutally butchered is unbelievable. I suggest you watch both versions if you know Russian of course.
Edit: the best way to find out the "true" history, (I put it in quotation marks because it is almost impossible to find out the complete truth), is to read domestic historians and foreign historians about the same event, so compare several domestic historians and give preference to them , and then check what other parties say. But what is the sure path to wrong history? It means that you see history only through foreign historians, or even worse from the TV screen. So, for example, when we study the second great war, we should read in this order: Russian historians from several eras, not only from Stalin's era, then German historians immediately after the war and today, then European historians mixed, and those who were at one and these on the other hand, therefore, English, Italian, French, and even Romanian and Yugoslav. This is how you can reach the approximate truth, but building your judgment according to, for example, the History channel, is a sure way for a person to be manipulated and fed with narratives that are far from the truth. Another example, if we are studying the Kosovo battle from 1389, we will first read old charters and records from Serbia, then we will read contemporary Serbian historians, and then of course Turkish, old records and new historians, and finally European the same event. Recently, Turkish archives were opened, and Serbian historians went there to study, they discovered many things from old Turkish charters, etc. Of course, Erdogan will tell some story about that event, that the Turks won, etc., but the old charters were written quite honestly (although that should be taken with a grain of salt), for example, it was revealed that since the Serbian knight Obilić killed Murat with a knife from a boot, that since then the Turkish pashas have introduced a no-approach rule. That battle was a draw, a massacre, and it delayed for almost 100 years the penetration of the Turkish empire into Europe, or, the Turks won but it was a Pyrrhic victory, or, the Serbs lost because they were occupied for 400 years, but they won because created a victorious myth, which gave them enormous spiritual strength. And all in all, it can be looked at from several angles.
And since there are provocateurs here, who do not want to maintain cross-cultural mutual respect, so they write about Russians in a derogatory tone, as an answer I will cite a quote from the great Russian poet Yesenin, about his impressions from America and Europe:
That's how Sergei Yesenin wrote in the newspaper Izvestia in 1923: "He who knows America through New York and Chicago knows only that festive or rather parade America." Americans - both blacks and whites are quite primitive, especially when it comes to spiritual culture. The rule of the dollar has destroyed their pursuit of any more complex spiritual matters. The American immerses himself completely in «Business» and does not want to know anything more. Art in America is at an all-time low… The world of America can be awful sometimes. A sea of lights from Broadway shines in New York on crowds of venal and unprincipled journalists. They don't even let such people in front of our house, regardless of the fact that we live with kerosene lamps or often without lights... Huge buildings and the force of iron and concrete pressed the brain of the American and narrowed his view. Listen - an American told me - I know Europe. I traveled to Italy and Greece. I have seen the Parthenon, but this is not new to me. Do you know that in our country, in the state of Tennessee, there is a much better and newer Parthenon than the one in Greece. After such words, one does not know whether to laugh or cry. These words uniquely characterize everything that makes up the spiritual culture of America.''
In a letter to friend A. Sakharov, Sergei Yesenin wrote about Europe in 1922: "What can I say about this most terrible empire of the petty bourgeoisie that borders on idiocy. Apart from foxtrot, there is almost nothing here, here they eat and drink and again foxtrot. I haven't met the man here yet and I don't know where I could find him. Mr. Dollar is in the greatest fashion, and they are crazy about art - their greatest achievement is the musical. I didn't even want to publish books here, regardless of the low price of paper and translation. Well, nobody here needs them... Here in the West, they hypocritically sell the soul for a dollar for the sake of self-interest, or exchange it for heartlessness as an unnecessary commodity. Let us be poor, let us be oppressed by cold and hunger... but that's why we have a soul that is not for sale.''
''Here in the West, they hypocritically sell the soul for a dollar for the sake of self-interest, or exchange it for heartlessness as an unnecessary commodity.''
Russia sure caught up quick...
Yes, you are right, but the point is that the disease does not spread from the Russians, but from the West, and consequently, no cure should be expected from the sick...
That is precisely the point I think Dostoyevsky was trying to make in his "The Possessed". The demonic ideas brought home from the West by the returning youth were infecting/infesting Mother Russia. But, the "adults" allowed themselves to be influenced in a vain attempt to remain relevant, so, they kind of deserved what they got.
Thanks for the reminder, I read it a long time ago, now I will read it again, carefully and with intense concentration. This is a very, very interesting read. I will have to put aside my attempt to read 10,000 pages of the collected works of Saint Bishop Velimirović.
There is a Russian-made adaptation of "The Demons" in a film that was produced in, i think, 2012. It was a year that I believe the Russian Government were trying to promote Russian Culture. It is a two-part, and very well produced. There were some interesting motifs and scenes that stick in my mind - the dancing in the pig sty, especially. They, of course, couldn't display the whole and all the nuance, but, wow, a heartbreaking story, with a little bit of hope. Worth watching.
the dancing in the pig sty
A days work in the Gremlin
Yes, I found it, with a quality Serbian translation, thank you, I didn't watch it.
Thanks for the comment, the problem is that people don't read, not only Russian writers but also domestic ones. I have personally read many writers from the West, and I do not think that they are less valuable than Russian ones, but Russian writers have one great advantage, which is that they have an old traditional culture, which is rooted in Christianity and the virtues of the old world. Western writers are without solid ground, perhaps their success is even greater because of the bad circumstances of their starting point.
I read everybody, or at least attempt. I allow myself to set down, unfinish, that which I find to be unworthy or not entertaining. I do love the few Russians of the 19th Century that I have read (and re-read), although I think it is wise for first-time readers to give themselves both time and solitary space to sink into the story. For cadence and names, the names can be tricky to keep straight at first.
I completely agree the essential component of Christ in...well, everything that is expressed to give understanding since his coming. And there is a profound arrogance in the Western writers for a good long time now who have attempted to explain anything they have deemed worthy of explaining without including Christ and what He Is. This has led to a flatness and superficiality that renders their efforts meaningless - it speaks more about the author than the reader. I read fiction to connect with mankind as a whole - same with film - and everything hinges on the ultimate question "What is Truth?" Since the scandalous murder of God, we know that it is the Person of Christ and yet the rebels continue to argue for "naught" and, therefore, art & literature has has devolved to the point of - forgive me here - painted shit.
But on a happy note, I do find much read and watch that does stimulate my soul and keeps the fire of divinity burning away the imperfect ideas that have attached to me through the world. Much work to be done.
Beautifully said, I am glad that there are people in the west who are returning to the true values, which are Christian values. I notice that after the corona violence many people return to these values, especially in the west. I used to read a lot of everything, as you say, Bukowski and Henry Miller, and Nietzsche, etc., but now I can't do that anymore, the only thing I can read is spiritually imbued literature, and in fact, I read almost exclusively Orthodox literature. I wouldn't impose anything on you, but I was completely delighted when I discovered Seraphim Rose, he was an American, extremely educated and intelligent, even a genius, who converted to the Orthodox faith, there are his books and lectures in English, so that would be my recommendation.
EDIT: He was especially well educated in philosophy and later theology, no one explained the moral and spiritual decline of the West better than him.
PS. Seraphim Rose is widely read and appreciated in Russia.
But...the corona violence was also at play in Russia...At least as we knew by Edward Slavsquat....
No one denies that.
It is clear, my new friend whose name I cannot type due to keyboard issues, that we have both made intellectual and spiritual journeys that would be a delight to discuss. This forum, wonderful as it is, makes me feel like a hen pecking the ground for seed. I intend to search out this Seraphim Rose as well as the Bishop of 10,000 pages you mentioned elsewhere. Like you, I dabble in writing exercises of poetry and prose; unlike you I do for the purposes of purging the idea or thought so I can move on. It may either be a treasure for my grandchildren or a danger they may have to burn to keep from being shot-by-association.
Those demonic ideas are rooted in a certain tribe
Mankind is sick, the cure is to embrace it. No more hopium lies
The basic (spiritual) shortcomings of Western society are the reason for today's hegemony of the ruling elite of the West, their Malthusianism, eugenics, depopulation ideas, overbearing American "exceptionalism", etc. Russian thinkers explained a long time ago that the soul should not be sold for a dollar, but no one in the West wanted to hear these warnings, and the world is now on the verge of a new slave society, renamed in masked terms: technocracy and transhumanism.
A few more quotes. The great Russian writer, playwright, founder of Russian comedy, Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, wrote in 1778 from France to his friend; "The deity of the French is money... a selfishness that has affected all classes to an unprecedented extent, not excluding philosophers. Although they have the right to freedom, the French live in total slavery. The lack of culture and lack of education of the nobility cannot be compared with anything.''
In the middle of the 19th century in Russia, there was a lot of talk about the crisis of Western culture. They underlined that Western man has essentially replaced spirituality - for rationality, Christian humanism - for secular "Voltarianism". Westerner Herzen is horrified by the "spiritual barrenness" of Western man. "I peered into the soul of the bourgeois and into the soul of the worker and I was horrified... Wherever you look - barbarism is blowing from every side. The only god of the modern generation is - capital. Here the spirit of the petty bourgeoisie rises and dominates.''
Russian sociologist, geopolitician, culturologist, founder of the civilizational approach to history, Nikolai Danilevsky, unlike other Russian thinkers, does not criticize the Western spirit from a general point of view. In his theory of cultural-historical types, he opposes European messianism, which only considers its own culture as the only true and "generally human" one. Europe considers this as a sufficient reason to be aggressive and to impose its culture on other peoples by grace or force, to subjugate and suppress other cultures.
Writer and philosopher, Konstantin Leontiev speaks directly about the birth of Western Europe. He writes: "the average rational European with his business benevolence crawls around the country in his ridiculous clothes, with a chicken's conceited mind.... So is it possible to love such humanity?"
The famous Russian linguist, philosopher and publicist Nikolay Trubetskaya points out: "...European civilization causes unprecedented devastation in the souls of Europeanized peoples and at the same time causes immeasurable greed for earthly treasures, as well as the mortal sin - pride, making them faithful companions of this civilization".
But...technocracy and transhumanism...is not also at play in Russia through the Sber promoted inferno?
No one denies that.
Not only the Russians are pure, but every traditional society, including the Australian natives, the problem arose when the garbage of artificial "culture" from the west buried the world. You know who introduced abortion in Russia - Lenin! And he was sent from the West, or to be more precise, he was sent from the governing elites from the West, these are, to name a few: Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner, the Fabian Society and other eugenicists, Papa Gates Senior, Ted Turner, Huxley father with sons, Rothschilds and Rockefellers, etc. Abortion you say? Where did the Planned Parenthood organization come from, where did Margaret Sanger come from, where did the feminism and pederasty and sexual revolution movements come from, where did it come from, which ended with this Trans Sodomy? You guessed it, it's not Russia. And should I continue, who transferred the Nazi scientists in Operation Paperclip, who perfected the Goebbels propaganda and where did Edward Bernays come from, where MK-ultra, and other consciousness manipulation programs originated, where eugenics and racism originated, who kept slaves until the 20th century, who had zoos for humans until the middle of the 20th century, who exterminated the natives in America and Australia? Guessed again? Corruption endemic? And let me ask you, where in the world is the only legalized lobbying? What is it, the virtue of civilization?
Don't get mad at me for hating the elites from the west and the garbage culture they have created, it doesn't mean I hate and disrespect the ordinary people there.
No, the viper crept into their house, even before the revolution, European agents crept into imperial Russia to obstruct and sow their seeds of discord. Then they made a revolution using the innocent peasant people, they sent their demons Lenin and Trotsky, and after the war Stalin kept the house clean for a while, as cruel as he was, he was still a sword to the adder. Then the viper again sent its bastards, and the destruction continues again from the poisonous snakes of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The devil is the most skilled liar, swindler and bandit, and the manipulative elites from the west are his generals, including the papacy, who are the Komodo dragon and serve the same leader.
"Besides, can't you see that there is nothing western about "western" so-called elites?"
I partially agree, in the sense that they don't have cultural values from the so-called West (those values that have melted in the meantime in the cauldron of garbage-culture), but they come from that area and maybe have a little Anglo-Saxon cunning and Germanic aggressiveness, just a little? But wait, didn't Carroll Quigley write the book "The Anglo-American Establishment", exactly about these so-called elites, so why did he call the book that?
Now you made me laugh, what expressions are you inventing there... So you are one of those who believe that their ancestors were monkeys? It is a very "noble" philosophy, and funny at the same time. I will not continue, we are not from the same worlds, (because I am not from the planet of the apes), but to correct you, there are no fundamentalists in Orthodoxy, there are only among Muslims, (jihad warriors), and among Catholics who sold indulgences and burned people on pyres, and flogged to the point of blood, and most importantly, the Catholics have a Jesuit warrior order whose motto is: everything is allowed when defending the Catholic Church, including fraud and lies and murder. And from there came the violence of converting other peoples, and cruelty, and pedophilia, etc., it's no wonder that you all fell away from God there and sank into sectarianism and nihilism, anarchy, atheism, and a lot of other monkeying around. Spiritually miserable "culture" of garbage and brutal inhumanity and materialism - stay where you are, as far as possible from us Orthodox Christians, (except for those of you who are honest Christians, we extend the hand of friendship to them).
"Reality"? Yes, you have tailored this world according to that small-minded "reality" of yours, the relativization of everything, amorality, unethicality, passionate lust for enjoyment, dumbing down entertainment, and the motto: man is a wolf to man... Damned godless and god-fighters, you have defiled the whole world, you have no honor, no honesty, no shame...
Oh my god, where do I begin? I'll start with this, I noticed that even intellectuals from the West repeat only one and the same mantra: Solzhenitsyn, Solzhenitsyn... They seem to have read only him from Russian literature? Or maybe, we say just maybe, the narrative about the 60 million killed in the gulags, which Solzhenitsyn wrote in his most famous book, suits them. However, hold tight now, it is a lie, because according to the latest research, and it is well known from before, that this is an inflated number, tenfold. But that narrative fits and we will push it until the doomsday, please prove this figure below, because I have read Russian authors who all agree that this is an overblown lie. Moving on, Soviet tyranny you say, okay, I can only partially agree, but when I say partially, I mean one small part, so small it's negligibly small. Because, I believe you are not aware that many Russians and other nations loved their country, and considered it a warm home, and many still mourn for it. What are we going to do now? Unlike you, I read some renowned Soviet intellectuals of the USSR era, I deliberately do not say Russian intellectuals, for example I read a great book by the world-renowned intellectual Sergey Kara-Murza, I say world-renowned because he also taught in Spain, and collaborated with many world-renowned intellectuals. scientists. He himself had a doctorate in social and natural sciences, history and chemistry, and was an academic. The book I was reading is called "Consciousness Manipulation", it has almost 1000 pages, and the sequel to this book is called "Dismantling People". Look it up, it may have an English translation, but I doubt that such a pro-USSR work could have passed the western censors, yes, they are amused by printing and reprinting, publishing and republishing "The Gulag Archipelago"... Another author that I recommend is Olga Chetverikova, try to find something from her, according to many Russians, she is currently the leading Russian intellectual, and she also considers the Soviet Union a great country, powerful, but above all, with a developed sophisticated culture, science, etc. And yes, I almost forgot, these intellectuals from the west somehow always forget that Hitler, (who took racial ideology from the eugenic societies of America, and admitted that he admired them), attacked Russia first, not the other way around, and was defeated from Russia, or the Soviets if you like. These intellectuals never ask what would have happened if Hitler had won, what would the world be like today, nobody in the West respects those 25 million dead Russians and Soviets. But, um, some in the West would perhaps like Hitler to have won and created a world according to his model, where all Slavs are destined to be exterminated, and some to be kept as slaves? It would be a nice world, yes, maybe for the Germans, the English, the Americans... But after all, he didn't even have to win when the elites who financed him are still in power everywhere in the world, and here they are creating their "Brave New World" ", in which, uh, there is no place for any nation, because only Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas are meant to be there...
So I'm a double "perfect example" or are you going to add more to that? Well, I see that the cultural distance has started to disappear here (as expected), so I'll just say a little more, and I'll try to say a lot with a few words this time. You people who live in the west have thought that you are the "first world", that you are special and the only civilization, by the way, you hardly accept criticism because you are overbearing and unjustifiably proud, maybe you are the "perfect example" for this? You consider the whole world to be your property, and your culture, which can no longer be called Christian, or even culture, but garbage, you forcefully impose on everyone, and along the way you practiced slave ownership and colonialism for centuries. And finally, you see yourself as a worthy and good and beautiful Cinderella, but in reality you are her envious and selfish sisters, ugly on the outside and even uglier on the inside, whose souls have been crippled by evil deeds and thoughts. You don't recognize another culture, you want to humiliate and trample on it, and now you have even trampled on your own culture and civilization, and now that your own elites have turned their fangs on you, you whine to the heavens, and you didn't care while they bit the rest of the world. I root for every original culture and every nation and civilization to be freed from your age-old usurpation, for all peoples to throw off the yoke of slavery and rigged governments that you have installed everywhere in your empire "where the sun does not set", your black sun, I root for all races to be freed , and white and black and yellow and brown, and to collapse the "international" institutions with which you scourge the world. Your Anglo-American empire is in decline, you will soon crash like pagan Rome into the filth of history, and the world will be reborn when evil finally eats itself.
Immediately there is an attack on the personality, insults... You do not refute anything that I wrote, because you cannot refute the truth. Disney World was invented by you, that small-minded idiotic nonsense, and you grew up watching it to become very "smart"... It's amazing how full of yourself you are, you don't even notice, someone presents you with facts, and you don't respond to it, even you don't try to answer, instead you sulk like little kids when their cartoons are turned off. Whatever you write next, I will not answer you, you are not worth it. You can "Haaaaaа" as much as you want, and the best is in front of a mirror, if you don't find it too disgusting.
Punctuation marks do not separate, you illiterate cattle.
"Hello, thanks Notes ! What's going on ?"
"Half the truth is NOT the truth"
The whole truth is that you are half a lie.
"I just changed the way I speak depending on the intellectual level or personality of the person I'm talking to."
Patent the original philosophy, so you don't get overtaken by those from the "brainless skull" circus. :)