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NAC is a precursor of glutathione, but yes, you can take both (Dr. Horowitz uses both, I just use NAC, glutathione precursors as they are absorbed better than just glutathione, see below a quote from Dr. Horowitz).

It is recommended to use NAC in higher doses for people who have "Covid" or "vaxx" injuries - between 2000-3000mg a day. But even higher doses were well tolerated according to multiple studies.

So, yes - Antioxidants!!! NAC, Iver- if available, Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin C - and others: Q10, K2MK7, Vit E, Resveratrol, Vit D, Vit B, Beta Carotene, Nigella Sativa, Turmeric, etc.

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1365-2990.2002.t01-1-00410.x " The present findings demonstrate oxidative, glycoxidative, lipoxidative and nitrative protein damage, accompanied by increased oxidative responses, in the cerebral cortex in sporadic CJD. These results provide support for the concept that oxidative stress may have important implications in the pathogenesis of prion diseases." -

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0197458005003350?via%3Dihub "

The present findings demonstrate oxidative, glycoxidative, lipoxidative and nitrative protein damage, accompanied by increased oxidative responses, in the cerebral cortex in sporadic CJD. These results provide support for the concept that oxidative stress may have important implications in the pathogenesis of prion diseases.

Although the mechanism of neuron death in prion disease was not fully understood, brain inflammation and oxidative stress were widely considered to play an important pathogenetic role. Uric acid, a natural antioxidant in the serum and brain, was found to have a neuroprotective effect in several neurodegenerative disorders. A growing number of evidences have correlated higher serum uric acid levels with a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, a slower rate of disease progression and better cognitive performance [5], [7], [8]."

The Role of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases - PMC (nih.gov) / https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26713080/


Oxidative pathomechanisms play an important role in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease (AD). It has been shown that lipid peroxidation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma is increased in AD. To assess the role of oxidative stress in Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), we investigated the oxidizability of lipids, the lipid composition and the levels of the antioxidants ascorbate and α-tocopherol in CSF and plasma of 15 CJD patients and 12 neurologically healthy controls. CSF and plasma lipid peroxidation was increased in CJD patients and polyunsaturated fatty acids were reduced in CSF of these patients. Ascorbate levels were lower in CSF and plasma of CJD patients, while α-tocopherol was found to be decreased in CSF but not in plasma. These results support the hypothesis that oxidative mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of CJD and provide a rationale for the use of antioxidants in the therapy of this disease.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30641367/ and https://www.hindawi.com/journals/neuroscience/2019/7547382/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6500609/pdf/NEUROSCIENCE2019-7547382.pdf and https://madsa.org.my/how-nac-should-be-part-of-stroke-prevention-diet/

This is important - lists many antioxidants and Myeloperoxidase biodegrades graphene https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00433/full - Medicinal Herbal Compounds With the MPO-Inhibiting Activity Showing Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation, and Neuroprotective Effects - https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/528444/fphys-11-00433-HTML/image_m/fphys-11-00433-t002.jpg - Table 2. Natural compound inhibiting MPO for protecting ischemic stroke injury.

Here is the information what markers can be done to find out if oxidative stress is present: A limitation of our study, apart from the small sample size however, is that we were unable to do laboratory testing in our patients, including checking oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxides) as well as inflammatory markers (CRP, ferritin, D-dimer) and LDH which might demonstrate a change post GSH administration [[76], [77], [78]]. A randomized, controlled trial of GSH, glutathione precursors with inflammatory/oxidative stress markers should be done in the future to fully elucidate the effects of blocking NF-kappaB, and to determine the effect of GSH and antioxidants on the clinical course of COVID-19 pneumonia and ARDS. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172740/ - Efficacy of glutathione therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of 2 cases

The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation, which could make a dramatic difference for those living with HCCAA. The study’s lead author, Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, director of CHOP’s Center for Applied Genomics, said in a news release:10

“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.

Additionally, since we already have genetic testing available to identify these patients, we could conceivably give this treatment early in life and potentially prevent that first stroke from ever occurring.”

In Pfizer Document - Postmarketing Experience, different Amyloidosis as an adverse result of vaccination is mentioned as well - including Cardiac Amyloidosis and Renal, Skin Amyloidosis - etc.

This is another glutathione precursor: https://immunotec.com/now/shop/product/00010000

Azithromycin has antioxidant properties - so obviously this is why it works so well for Covid: https://rosacea-support.org/azithromycin-zithromax-is-anti-oxidant.html and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4368079/ - same for Doxycycline.

Ivermectin is Zinc ionophore and Zinc prevents oxidative stress. But by itself Zinc ionophores prevent apoptosis, death of the cell, that is the outcome of oxidative stress (Other ionophores are Quercetin & Vitamin C - administered together and HCQ, also Nigella Sativa, black cumin seeds) - So good you take those.

https://www.lymedisease.org/pfeiffer-preventing-covid/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172740/

Dr. Horowitz’s comment on how the supplements work to treat and potentially prevent COVID

“Although anecdotal, I have heard from patients who were on NAC and glutathione when they were exposed to COVID-19, that they did not get sick or test positive for the virus, when others around them did. This can potentially be explained by the antiviral effects of NAC and glutathione, which have been published in the peer-reviewed medical literature, years before COVID was on the scene.

Supplements like NAC, alpha lipoic acid and glutathione also have anti-inflammatory effects. The way the viral machinery turns on is with oxidative stress, driving inflammation, and these supplements lower inflammation, by blocking a switch inside the nucleus called NF Kappa B. I have used this approach for over two decades, lowering cytokines and inflammation in Lyme disease patients.

Some of the same cytokines seen in COVID-19 are exactly the same cytokines seen in Lyme patients, especially during Herxheimer reactions, which is how I knew to use this approach, which has been effective. I also used to treat Babesia patients with shortness of breath with IV glutathione and would see similar results, i.e., improvement of shortness of breath.

So all of my years of treating tick-borne diseases have given me a perspective that other doctors or researchers may not have regarding the efficacy of this approach. I would suggest however, until a randomized, controlled trial is done, that patients bring my articles to their doctor and speak to them about taking NAC, alpha lipoic acid and glutathione. I believe it will help protect them against the inflammatory effects of the virus.”

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Thanks so much for all of that. I'll save it for future use. Anything I take I have to get hold of myself from the internet - no point whatever in asking an NHS doctor for anything other than the jab! Ivermectin, which costs pennies to make, cost me £480 for 120 pills from goodness knows what country (probably India). I was keeping it in case I or any of my family got covid - have only taken 3 one time when I'd knowingly visited my daughter when she supposedly had covid. Maybe I should just take some of it. Pierre Kory also mentioned intermittent fasting for cellular regeneration, I think. I haven't had the willpower for that yet, but at least it's free. And it would be good practice for when the WEF deny us social credits if we won't get jabs. :-)

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Sea vegetables (kelp/seaweed etc) and blue green algaes (like spirulina and chlorella) are helpful due to their antioxidant content and do to the fact that they contain compounds/nutrients that increase the regeneration rates of mitochondria (and adult stem cells) which can help to replace damaged cells and detox contaminated tissues.

Pine Needle Tea/extract is also helpful for mitigating the damage caused by (and potentially reversing some of the damage caused by) the various ingredients in the 'genetic slurry' injections as well.

You can harvest your own pine needles for free if you take a bit of time to learn to identify tree species and live near a forested area.

Here is a link to a blog post I put together that goes into some of the science relating to the medicinal effects of pine needle tea/extracts: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/an-encounter-with-an-ancient-healer

And here are a few more links related to a species of pine that you may be able to forage for around your neck of the woods

- https://www.scottishwildfoodfestival.co.uk/new-blog/foraging-in-winter-the-marvellous-scots-pine

- https://www.highlandquietlife.co.uk/post/pine-needle-tea

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Thanks for all that, Gavin. I've heard about the pine needle tea, although I haven't tried it. Todd Callender also recommends ClO2 for disabling nano-transmitters. And Astrid Stuckelberger has protocols on her Telegram account too.

On the other hand, Andreas Noack, before he was assassinated, said that graphene (hydr)oxide cannot be biologically removed, so there's that!

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The more research the more I think that NAC is the very key. Yes, Ivermectin is good. From studies we see that Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin seed is ivermectin alternative

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Thank you for that very humane and informative conversation. Good health to SheilaB.

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We are definitely playing a Russian roulette with those toxic injections. My observation is that for many, if they don't die or get injured quite immediately, it takes between 5 months to about one year. Definitely one of the mechanisms of this nano technology and peptides (proteins) in addition to just causing acute oxidative stress with all its outcomes, such as blood clotting, organ failure, strokes, heart failure, etc., is AMYLOID PLAQUE FORMATIONS in presence of quantum dots. Those self-assembling structures grow under the influence of certain factors including temperature, UV light, ultrasound, PH, etc.

So, the tactic of prevention and treatment should be to address oxidative stress and to disassemble those self-assembling peptide nano semiconductors. From my research it is clear NAC (N-acetylcysteine) does it and all other antioxidants, including antioxidant rich diet would help to reach the goal. NAC doses should be high, at least in the beginning.

Those antioxidants and detox should be continued for as long as it is needed. Since those toxic ingredients deposit in bone marrow, ovaries, spleen, etc., it may take a long time for one to eventually biodegrade those. So, people should have good amounts of life saving antioxidants and research in this direction.

I am sorry, this is a slaughter. We MUST STOP IT.

Here are very good hearings organized by Australian senators, with abundance of arguments and facts regarding this crime by most of the "leaders", WHO and other perpetrators: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/the-covid-inquiry-2-0/#htoc-julian-gillespie1

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Some weeks ago, I told the story of a friend of mine (a psychologist) who wanted her father (she is a staunch anti injection) to get vaccinated in order for him to see his very tired wife who is in a retirement home. No "independant" doctors, nor the local hospital wanted to inject him.

You hear more and more people talking about very bad side effect. Dolores Scahill and many others like Alexandra Henrion-Caude had warned that we will see many death in the coming years... Yes it is a slaughter.

Outraged Human, thank you for your input, please keep on and take care of you.


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I am not sure if you've seen this my post - This would be a short summary (I can elaborate on this based on science) :

We are definitely playing a Russian roulette with those toxic injections. My observation is that for many, if they don't die or get injured quite immediately, it takes between 5 months to about one year. Definitely one of the mechanisms of this nano technology and peptides (proteins) in addition to just causing acute oxidative stress with all its outcomes, such as blood clotting, organ failure, strokes, heart failure, etc., is AMYLOID PLAQUE FORMATIONS in presence of quantum dots. Those self-assembling structures grow under the influence of certain factors including temperature, UV light, ultrasound, PH, etc.

So, the tactic of prevention and treatment should be to address oxidative stress and to disassemble those self-assembling peptide nano semiconductors. From my research it is clear NAC (N-acetylcysteine) does it and all other antioxidants, including antioxidant rich diet would help to reach the goal. NAC doses should be high, at least in the beginning.

Those antioxidants and detox should be continued for as long as it is needed. Since those toxic ingredients deposit in bone marrow, ovaries, spleen, etc., it may take a long time for one to eventually biodegrade those. So, people should have good amounts of life saving antioxidants and research in this direction.

I am sorry, this is a slaughter. We MUST STOP IT.

Here are very good hearings organized by Australian senators, with abundance of arguments and facts regarding this crime by most of the "leaders", WHO and other perpetrators: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/the-covid-inquiry-2-0/#htoc-julian-gillespie1

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OH, in terms of the timing, I think we don't know yet. I had my two doses in Feb and May 21 (they went for a 3-month gap here to get the initial vaxx into more people) and I'm still fine, although I'm aware that could change any day.

A small group of (distant) friends I have took the booster, ignoring my warnings, in Oct/Nov 21. One had already had a heart attack 2 months after her second shot (she'd already had covid, so should not have been 'vaccinated' anyway, plus it's more dangerous if you're had covid). In November she had a brother-in-law drop dead suddenly, and another brother-in-law drop dead suddenly in April. Another friend in the same group (of just six of us) lost her husband to a heart attack in March. Then my main friend from the group, who was as fit and healthy as they come, died of a catastrophic heart attack in May. So it happens any time from the day you got the shot to months later, and we will likely find that it happens years later, when it is much harder to connect with the vaxxes. We will never have proper data, as 'they' chose not to follow up individual 'vaccinated' people's medical records, for obvious reasons.

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So tragic. Yes, there are plenty of factors. I was just sharing my observation from what I see and talk to the people. And this is according to the statistics:


I have people that were in critical condition, just a few days from death and thanks to NAC, etc. (what you already know) they recovered. However, they need to take them - perhaps less, less regularly, but they do need them. Until we know more or until they will detox.

We all are sitting on a bomb now, no one knows anything what those "overlords" plans are, so I take it from a spiritual angle - I have enough time to develop my love for God and my longing for Him, so I am in His hands, instead

Best to you :) All is perfect, it is just a passing, fading show, this all would pass

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Thank you. I take that view too. If God wants me here a bit longer, then he'll keep me here. Principally I worry about my kids and my grandson. I managed to get my daughters to at least listen to some of the material I sent them, but they went and got vaxxed anyway, which was devastating. It was only because of my age that I was quite early in the year getting mine, before we knew so much. Best to you too.

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Should have also said that my husband, who is a part-time out-of-hours GP, collapsed unconscious a week after his booster in December and is still being followed up by a cardiologist, although he hasn't had any further problems. He's not going to get another booster (until they starve him into submission anyway!) although he won't openly acknowledge that I'm right about what's going on. I'm shocked at the cognitive dissonance generally.

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