More brazen disdain for the Russian people
Sputnik V's trial results are a confidential "trade secret," says Russia's health ministry

By Riley Waggaman, a former “senior editor” (newsroom errand boy) at RT
Please forward this article to anyone who thinks Sputnik V is “safe and effective”:
State Duma Deputy Alexey Kurinny sent an appeal to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov about the illegality of hiding information about the results of research on Russian vaccines.
“The results of clinical trials of Russian vaccines ‘are confidential and contain information constituting a trade secret.’ This is exactly the answer I received from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in response to my request for the results of clinical trials of domestic vaccines,” Kurinny said on Facebook.
At the same time, information is necessary not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of people, the parliamentarian noted.
“I sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation about the illegality of hiding socially significant information,” Kurinny wrote.
According to the response of the Ministry of Health signed by Sergey Glagolev, “documents and data containing the results of clinical trials submitted to the Russian Ministry of Health are confidential and contain information constituting a trade secret owned by the drug developer and making available such documents to persons who are not drug developers is not provided for by applicable law.”
For those interested, has a copy of the letter:
(This is why RT publishes braincell-murdering slop about San Marino “studies” and gets excited when Sputnik V is mentioned in passing on Joe Rogan’s podcast: this is all they have.)
For the record, Sputnik V’s hyper-rushed “Phase III” trials will not finish until the end of this year. In February 2021, the Lancet published a report containing 6 months’ worth of interim data. A year has passed. Surely there is some more very encouraging data to share with the world? There is, but it’s a confidential trade secret.
Russia’s health ministry is really on a roll. Less than a week ago, the Russian government announced it would be “inappropriate” to publish information on the number of deaths among people vaccinated against COVID-19:
“such information does not objectively reflect any relationship between deaths and vaccination and may cause a negative attitude towards vaccination.”
Meanwhile, Russian authorities continue to withhold data on post-vaccination complications because transparency is obviously pointless when you’re forcing millions of people to take an unproven genetic injection.
Why such brazen disdain for the Russian people?
Ukrainian lawyer Vadym Kobiakov made an inquiry to the Cabinet of Ministers about the results of clinical trials of vaccines that are currently being used in Ukraine and about the state budget funds spent on those vaccines. The response was that 1) the Ministry of Health has NO data about completed clinical trials of any of the covid vaccines used in Ukraine, 2) the funds spent on vaccination cannot be disclosed because "if the Ministry of Health violates the requirements of vaccine suppliers, it may result in their refusal to supply vaccines to Ukraine", thus "the damage from provision of such information outweighs the public interest".
I wonder what the requirements of vaccine suppliers are exactly. I'd really like to know because, well, my taxes paid for these concoctions that I neither want nor need.
Here's the said reply from the Ministry of Health, just for the sake of evidence Sorry, I don't have enough time to translate it all.
Ed didn't you get the memo that this is part of 5d chess, to be exactly like your enemy and even help them by promoting their bullshit .
We were always at war with Eurasia
And Emmanuel Goldstein says get the Eurasian shot for freedom!