hello friends, I wrote this as a brief overview of the biggest red flags re: Sputnik V. please share if you find it useful. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! :) time for some champagne...
Good research, Edward. Especially it was interesting to me to see the report from the grounds of Gamaleya Institute in Moscow by Novye Izvestia. What a stark difference between the administrative building and the research building of that Institute, where research facilities look like it's a time of war. Well, it's actually likely that during the WWII these buildings looked better since even though there was no money for big renovation projects back then, the system was actually working and regular maintenance was performed. No evidence of maintenance today and for years past, probably since Soviet days. And this is where the brain and the center of Russian medical and biochemical sciences supposed to be today, if we trust the propaganda flowing from every TV screen and even every "steam iron" as they like to joke in Russia. Unlike in the old days, there is no lack of money today. Money given by the government to perform renovations and regular maintenance is funneled into the pockets of the Institute's management and everyone up above pretends that they don't see anything. This actually gives me a far better view of who Dr. Gintsburg actually is. He is not just an apparent scientific fraud, but he is also an ordinary public funds thief, shamelessly stealing money given for development of his own Institute. Anthony Fauci, while being a megafraud and outright criminal responsible for deaths of hundreds of thousands, starting with AZT affair, at least doesn't steal funds from his NIAID, as buildings there appear to be in a good state of repair. Did you know Gintsburg was awarded by Putin an Order of Alexander Nevsky in November for "achievements in public healthcare"? View by Russians of this event, judging by likes/dislikes on RIA.ru is 2 to 1 negative vs. positive and I suspect they monkeyd with these numbers at RIA making it look less bad for authorities.
Well... We don't know for sure. But the buildings of the campus of NIH and its subdivision, NIAID, for sure look nice, taken care of and modern, unlike Gamaleya Institute in Moscow.
Fauci is highest paid US government official and public (or, more accurately the world’s citizens) gets a negative return his ‘service’... do consider this grand theft of taxpayer funds.
According to the alternative media I read, insofar as the coronahoax is concerned Russia doesn't exist. This "omission" has driven me nuts for the past two years because all the information from Russia I have been able to obtain regarding has been anecdotal, passed on to me by my wife and daughter. What they tell me sounds horrific but is it true? My wife's cousin is a cardiologist in Moscow and she has been twice "mobilized" by the government as if she were in the military. They made her stay in a barracks type place with other medical person away from their families and work 12-14 hour shifts. My wife is from Siberia and she also has doctor friends there who say pretty much the same. It sounds as if a "virus" were actually deadly to everyone--but only in Russia. What is really going on? Is it the same scam being perpetrated in the west? Sounds like it to me, but my wife really believes the virus exists. I say it just the flu that been blown out of proportion by NWO propaganda.
you bring up a number of questions that are important but difficult to answer briefly. I have also heard this theory -- that while COVID is mild elsewhere, it's seemingly more serious in Russia. I will try to address this is a future article.
The ´virus' indeed is a bad flu, of the corona family and never cause a pandemic, which was a PLANdemic initiated by the BigPharma. All Corona related illness is easily treatable by Ivermectin, Hydrochloroquin and a various other none side-effect medicines that were banned as they were cheap over the counter medicines used for many years in various countries. Google and Facebook have banned all info and discussions about those medicines, but those countries that implemented them such as Japan, Bangladesh, Parts of India have had great success. Info can be found at https://covid19criticalcare.com/ Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
"According to virology professor Vitaly Zverev, the available data points to a close correlation between the increase in vaccination and the increase in morbidity and mortality from COVID in Russia." Honestly, that comment is just gibberish to me. Virology is so very, very fraudulent. That's why Stefan Lanka, who won his second trial in which he was up against a researcher who claimed that there was a measles virus, no longer refers to himself as a virologist. (See "The Origin Of Modern Day Virology" by Sam Bailey: https://www.bitchute.com/video/G9gewa9C75RI/)
what i should have added is that his comments are particularly meaningful because he's considered a top expert, and is even cited by state media. so when he presents data showing sputnik v might actually be making things worse, that's definitely noteworthy
Things are more complicated in this regard. While Lanka convincingly shows that virus isolation procedures used by virologists are fraudulent, neither him nor his followers show an alternative method of passing what we call viral disease from person to person. And transmissability of infection, based on our experience as humanity, as well as personal life experience can not be disputed. I used to travel a lot across North America and even the World, exposed to thousands of people during my trips. Often I'd bring with me some kind of flu or cold that I almost invariably would pass on to my wife who stayed home. She would then get sick with delay of 3 or 4 days showing same symptoms and phases of ilness as I did, that would confirm that she was infected with the same variant of pathogen as I was. Theories that we get sick on our own without external influence and that this is the way for body to cleanse itself don't withstand a thorough analysis too well.
"...neither him nor his followers show an alternative method of passing what we call viral disease from person to person." You perhaps haven't seen that but I have. I've heard them explain it many times. I've read those explanations many times. Tom Cowan and his co-author Sally Fallon Morell talk about it (in connection with chicken pox for example and the Spanish flu) in "The Contagion Myth" (which I didn't think was a good book, but did give me lots to think about and said much that I agreed with). Andrew Kaufman has talked about contagion many times. Probably Sam Bailey has talked about it many times as well. I just don't recall specifically. Dawn Lester and David Parker talk about that in their great book titled "What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong."
Some of the explanations for 'contagion' is actually rather obvious. WWI and the so-called Spanish Flu is a good example. They had just created all kinds of chemical weapons (largely based on very toxic chlorine) and were using them for the first time in battle. And, Tom and Sally report, there are other factors [that capitalists would rather not talk about], like electricity. Arthur Firstenberg wrote "The Invisible Rainbow" and noted how the roll-out, on a massive scale, of electricity-carrying lines corresponded with the outbreaks of illness. After a period of adjustment by the survivors, such manmade causes of illness became tolerable to most. But with each qualitatively new roll-out of some electrical innovation, like 5G, you get an upsurge in illnesses. Will we always be able to adjust?, supposing that this old toilet world will never be destroyed and the predator-parasites will always be free to do bloody business as usual.
Tom and Sally: "Health officials in those days believed that the cause of the Spanish flu was a microorganism called Pfeiffer's bacillus..." (pg XII) They then look at what researchers at that time did in order to confirm or disconfirm the theory that their supposed pathogen was contagious:
"To answer that question, doctors from the US Public Health Service tried to infect one hundred health volunteers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five by collecting mucous secretions from the noses, throats and upper respiratory tracts of those who were sick. They transferred these secretions to the noses, mouths, and lungs of the volunteers, but not one of them succumbed; blood of sick donors was injected into the blood of volunteers, but they remained stubbornly healthy; finally they instructed those afflicted to breathe and cough over the healthy volunteers, but the results were the same: Spanish flu was not contagious, and physicians could attach no blame to the accused bacterium." (pg XII)
When they thought that a tiny pathogen was making seafarers sick, someone ate a lime and was spared the 'disease'. The deadly contagion (scurvy) that those mariners were experiencing wasn't a result of some microscopic pathogen.
As for the bacteria on fleas on rats theory that was the main explanation for the Spanish flu for years, even the mainstream medical establishment has had to tweak that theory. Why? It required massive die-offs of rats for it to fly. Supposedly, those massive die-offs of rats meant that the fleas now had to go somewhere else and so jumped to humans. But archeological digs and records show that there was no massive die-off of rats. They then tried to switch their story to gerbils. The problem there was that there were no gerbils where deaths were recorded. Then again, as Jon Rappoport explains, the virus and the pandemics are a cover for the real culprit, namely toxic manmade chemicals.
It's better to chop the tree at the branches rather than go straight for the roots at this point in time. If he comes out against virology as one big lie, he's asking for a "sudden heart attack" or "fatal car accident".
I don't agree. If everyone takes that view... I myself don't lie. Period. If I don't lie, that means that I don't think it's right to do it. If I don't think that it's right to do it, I really can't see any way to support others doing it. It doesn't mean that I don't understand your argument. But if you go that route, as Jon Rappoport notes, "Bit by bit, and piece by piece, people would be accepting the official COVID story, until there is very little to argue about." That's from his blog post titled "COVID: Going to the root of the poisonous tree." / https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/08/20/covid-going-to-root-of-the-poisonous-tree/
Since people have been lied to about literally everything for many generations, you'd want to go "bit by bit piece by piece" on just the COVID part first, instead of hitting them with "virology is a total farce" straight away.
I can't speak on the beliefs and motivations of specific people though, so who knows what they believe and say.
"Hitting" them with this or that can be done tactfully. Some of us are better able to do that than others. I can express myself and I'm informed. I don't possess specialized knowledge and don't have formal education worth mentioning, but I'm self-taught. I've always been a reader and I've always liked writing. I'm not a writer but I am a communicator. I don't have the talent to be a writer, as most people understand "writer" to mean. But I have the ability to state clearly what I'm trying to say because I am always thinking about how to say what I want and need to say.
Honestly, Is that bit by bit way working with people?
I have my issues with C.J. Hopkins but I get what he says when he says that he's done with trying to talk to people about the medical aspects of this hoax. He now just wants to bluntly ask them "Do you realize that what you're doing is fascism?" That's more extreme than what I propose. There's two points to be made about C.J.'s proposal: 1. There is no reason why you can't do both. 2. You can't know beforehand what kind of person you'll be talking to, and so deciding to be blunt with everyone, period, is an unreasonable position to take. (I have had many conversations with people who have been jabbed and completely agree with me. And I've seen too many people who just put their heads in the sand and hope for all of this to go away. My family is in that category. My nephew doesn't buy the baloney at all. But he'd rather watch tv than get informed. And what's he up and do? He gets himself and his family, including his young children, jabbed, just so that they don't have to quarantine after going on a trip that they didn't have to go on.)
In C.J.'s case, he is somewhat hostile to those of us who think that the subject of the virus's existence is important. (So is Reiner Fuellmich, mildly, and Vernon Coleman, harshly and without class, and Joseph Mercola, who I don't pay attention to even though he's written some good articles, and Richie Allan, harsh, unclassy.) And I'm sure that his medical knowledge is limited 'and' faulty Rockefeller medical dogma. Therefore, It's just as well that he doesn't bother with that.
Although I bet that he didn't stick with his plan. C.J.'s an intelligent and caring, but imperfect, man. (He did an interview with Jeremy Nell, aka Jerm, in which he made it clear that he's not getting injected with their poison, while he smoked and filled his lungs with poison.) My guess is that the first time C.J. comes across someone who got jabbed but didn't want to and that jabbed person is interested in what we we know about the hoax and open to discussion about it, C.J. will tell him all he knows.
C.J.'s website, by the way, it called "Consent Factory Inc."
Ask your eye doctor to check your retina for micro blood clots, if you got one of the vaccines. The clots arent normally visible through the skin, but can be seen there.
On the one hand, seeing the Gamaleya building gives me hope that total digital slavery won't happen while the "Soviet-era public funds thiefs" are still in power. China is the world leader in "digital slavery" by far, and they hang officials for corruption no questions asked. Corruption in the West is more complex and requires more effort, and is only reserved for the highest echelons of power, unlike in Russia where everyone can be bribed at every level.
On the other hand, if Gamaleya steal all the money for research and development, that means the vaccine could just be pure 100% rat poison or whatever cheap substance they can afford after buying a mansion made of pure diamonds with golden wallpaper and emerald floors for each of the top managers.
Russia worked hard in modeling their corruption schemes after the West, slowly but surely they are succeeding. There too, corruption becomes a privilege not easily accessible to laymen.
The main reason of this virtual war is not only to justify incoming crisis, but it is one of the 3 elements needed to trigger full scale global conflict with atomic bombs on the first plan. They need to imprison obedient people in towns, and then they will use nuclear weapons to destroy them. It is not as precise as vaccines, but it will let them to accomplish the great reset faster. Today cities are logistically and energetically inefficient. They has to be rebuild. They are dens for degenerates and criminals. That's why there is pressure to have own power source and food supply.
Thank you Edward for the info about Sputnik, info that I have been looking for. I find the threat of the gene editing injections horrifying and have been wondering if those two blocks of powers - The Collective West and Russia/China + the BRICK countries have any major different goals, both seem to be aiming at Global Power structures and Transhumanism. What the military invention/war in Ukraine is concerned it is obviously a proxy war USA/NATO/NAZISM against Russia/Ukraine in order to grab their Natural Resources - the food basket of the world first and foremost. Monsanto and other poisonous enemies of the Earth already have gained hugs splices of land in Ukraine already since 2014 bending all former rules banning GMO. There is no, or hardly any attention spent on this fact. Peace talk between Zelenski and Putin is a waste of time, as it is the USA that runs this show. My guess is that US and the Nazis worldwide are colonizing Europe, demilitarizing EU by sending all their weapons to Ukraine/Black Market, in order to rebuild by purchasing new US military weapons, and German is increasing their investment in building up their military power, not to fight Russia but to become the head of the United Europe on behalf and under the USA command. The Nazis have been more or less dormant in the media, but very active in training military groups, s.a. Ukraine. Entertainment and too much info, is dumming populations around the world making the road to destruction wide and clear.
"Data from other nations using Sputnik V suggests that while the drug is not the most dangerous currently on the market, it’s still far from harmless.." - Slavsquat
"There is no perfect leader, but, if anyone is close to it, then it is Putin. That is why they hate him, those pale and anemic Westerners...." - "Mina" - comment from "Staying cozy inside the "Russophile media"
Syllogistic Conclusion: Putin is a man, who tho far from 'harmless,' yet far more dangerous are the pale and anemic Westerners ... full speed ahead, icebergs be damned!
hello friends, I wrote this as a brief overview of the biggest red flags re: Sputnik V. please share if you find it useful. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! :) time for some champagne...
Good research work deserves champagne. Hope there is someone to pickup the tab!
TMK, Sput is only used in Russia, Hungry and perhaps some other poor countries. It is definitely NOT used in English speaking countries.
some American & European expatriates are getting Sputnik or Sputnik booster.
mix & match
It's like Pokemon to these morons at gamelaya, they think having all the vaccines give you more powers.... Gotta catch em all
Good research, Edward. Especially it was interesting to me to see the report from the grounds of Gamaleya Institute in Moscow by Novye Izvestia. What a stark difference between the administrative building and the research building of that Institute, where research facilities look like it's a time of war. Well, it's actually likely that during the WWII these buildings looked better since even though there was no money for big renovation projects back then, the system was actually working and regular maintenance was performed. No evidence of maintenance today and for years past, probably since Soviet days. And this is where the brain and the center of Russian medical and biochemical sciences supposed to be today, if we trust the propaganda flowing from every TV screen and even every "steam iron" as they like to joke in Russia. Unlike in the old days, there is no lack of money today. Money given by the government to perform renovations and regular maintenance is funneled into the pockets of the Institute's management and everyone up above pretends that they don't see anything. This actually gives me a far better view of who Dr. Gintsburg actually is. He is not just an apparent scientific fraud, but he is also an ordinary public funds thief, shamelessly stealing money given for development of his own Institute. Anthony Fauci, while being a megafraud and outright criminal responsible for deaths of hundreds of thousands, starting with AZT affair, at least doesn't steal funds from his NIAID, as buildings there appear to be in a good state of repair. Did you know Gintsburg was awarded by Putin an Order of Alexander Nevsky in November for "achievements in public healthcare"? View by Russians of this event, judging by likes/dislikes on RIA.ru is 2 to 1 negative vs. positive and I suspect they monkeyd with these numbers at RIA making it look less bad for authorities.
Gamaleya is a very shady organization. There are a lot of strange rabbit holes to go down. And the award Gintsburg received... a sad day for Russia. I wrote about it, actually: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/putins-favorite-scientist-calls-for
" ... at least doesn't steal funds from his NIAID ..."
How would we know?
Well... We don't know for sure. But the buildings of the campus of NIH and its subdivision, NIAID, for sure look nice, taken care of and modern, unlike Gamaleya Institute in Moscow.
Fauci is highest paid US government official and public (or, more accurately the world’s citizens) gets a negative return his ‘service’... do consider this grand theft of taxpayer funds.
According to the alternative media I read, insofar as the coronahoax is concerned Russia doesn't exist. This "omission" has driven me nuts for the past two years because all the information from Russia I have been able to obtain regarding has been anecdotal, passed on to me by my wife and daughter. What they tell me sounds horrific but is it true? My wife's cousin is a cardiologist in Moscow and she has been twice "mobilized" by the government as if she were in the military. They made her stay in a barracks type place with other medical person away from their families and work 12-14 hour shifts. My wife is from Siberia and she also has doctor friends there who say pretty much the same. It sounds as if a "virus" were actually deadly to everyone--but only in Russia. What is really going on? Is it the same scam being perpetrated in the west? Sounds like it to me, but my wife really believes the virus exists. I say it just the flu that been blown out of proportion by NWO propaganda.
you bring up a number of questions that are important but difficult to answer briefly. I have also heard this theory -- that while COVID is mild elsewhere, it's seemingly more serious in Russia. I will try to address this is a future article.
It's called biosecurity theater. The hoax is everywhere and so is biosecurity theater. "Biosecurity Theatre" / https://hive.blog/coronavirus/@corbettreport/biosecurity-theatre
Thanks for the link.
You're welcome.
The ´virus' indeed is a bad flu, of the corona family and never cause a pandemic, which was a PLANdemic initiated by the BigPharma. All Corona related illness is easily treatable by Ivermectin, Hydrochloroquin and a various other none side-effect medicines that were banned as they were cheap over the counter medicines used for many years in various countries. Google and Facebook have banned all info and discussions about those medicines, but those countries that implemented them such as Japan, Bangladesh, Parts of India have had great success. Info can be found at https://covid19criticalcare.com/ Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19
Great job on the Geopolitics podcast. Would love to hear more audio content too. Thanks.
Great article
Not much transparency for sputterkick
Sputterkick sounds too dangerous to chance using like every other poison hacksxxxine
I had a doctor tell me I may scare people in calling it poison
I am tired of being scared
Poison is too polite a word, not scary enough
These are injected chains that enslave if not kill
These creeps that inject and change our dna own us...
Who gave them title to my being ?
"According to virology professor Vitaly Zverev, the available data points to a close correlation between the increase in vaccination and the increase in morbidity and mortality from COVID in Russia." Honestly, that comment is just gibberish to me. Virology is so very, very fraudulent. That's why Stefan Lanka, who won his second trial in which he was up against a researcher who claimed that there was a measles virus, no longer refers to himself as a virologist. (See "The Origin Of Modern Day Virology" by Sam Bailey: https://www.bitchute.com/video/G9gewa9C75RI/)
There's nothing mysterious about getting sick, and dying, after being poisoned and after being poisoned repeatedly, as David Parker notes in this presentation: https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/debunking-bossche-and-bigtree/
what i should have added is that his comments are particularly meaningful because he's considered a top expert, and is even cited by state media. so when he presents data showing sputnik v might actually be making things worse, that's definitely noteworthy
Yes. No argument here.
Things are more complicated in this regard. While Lanka convincingly shows that virus isolation procedures used by virologists are fraudulent, neither him nor his followers show an alternative method of passing what we call viral disease from person to person. And transmissability of infection, based on our experience as humanity, as well as personal life experience can not be disputed. I used to travel a lot across North America and even the World, exposed to thousands of people during my trips. Often I'd bring with me some kind of flu or cold that I almost invariably would pass on to my wife who stayed home. She would then get sick with delay of 3 or 4 days showing same symptoms and phases of ilness as I did, that would confirm that she was infected with the same variant of pathogen as I was. Theories that we get sick on our own without external influence and that this is the way for body to cleanse itself don't withstand a thorough analysis too well.
"...neither him nor his followers show an alternative method of passing what we call viral disease from person to person." You perhaps haven't seen that but I have. I've heard them explain it many times. I've read those explanations many times. Tom Cowan and his co-author Sally Fallon Morell talk about it (in connection with chicken pox for example and the Spanish flu) in "The Contagion Myth" (which I didn't think was a good book, but did give me lots to think about and said much that I agreed with). Andrew Kaufman has talked about contagion many times. Probably Sam Bailey has talked about it many times as well. I just don't recall specifically. Dawn Lester and David Parker talk about that in their great book titled "What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong."
Some of the explanations for 'contagion' is actually rather obvious. WWI and the so-called Spanish Flu is a good example. They had just created all kinds of chemical weapons (largely based on very toxic chlorine) and were using them for the first time in battle. And, Tom and Sally report, there are other factors [that capitalists would rather not talk about], like electricity. Arthur Firstenberg wrote "The Invisible Rainbow" and noted how the roll-out, on a massive scale, of electricity-carrying lines corresponded with the outbreaks of illness. After a period of adjustment by the survivors, such manmade causes of illness became tolerable to most. But with each qualitatively new roll-out of some electrical innovation, like 5G, you get an upsurge in illnesses. Will we always be able to adjust?, supposing that this old toilet world will never be destroyed and the predator-parasites will always be free to do bloody business as usual.
Tom and Sally: "Health officials in those days believed that the cause of the Spanish flu was a microorganism called Pfeiffer's bacillus..." (pg XII) They then look at what researchers at that time did in order to confirm or disconfirm the theory that their supposed pathogen was contagious:
"To answer that question, doctors from the US Public Health Service tried to infect one hundred health volunteers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five by collecting mucous secretions from the noses, throats and upper respiratory tracts of those who were sick. They transferred these secretions to the noses, mouths, and lungs of the volunteers, but not one of them succumbed; blood of sick donors was injected into the blood of volunteers, but they remained stubbornly healthy; finally they instructed those afflicted to breathe and cough over the healthy volunteers, but the results were the same: Spanish flu was not contagious, and physicians could attach no blame to the accused bacterium." (pg XII)
When they thought that a tiny pathogen was making seafarers sick, someone ate a lime and was spared the 'disease'. The deadly contagion (scurvy) that those mariners were experiencing wasn't a result of some microscopic pathogen.
As for the bacteria on fleas on rats theory that was the main explanation for the Spanish flu for years, even the mainstream medical establishment has had to tweak that theory. Why? It required massive die-offs of rats for it to fly. Supposedly, those massive die-offs of rats meant that the fleas now had to go somewhere else and so jumped to humans. But archeological digs and records show that there was no massive die-off of rats. They then tried to switch their story to gerbils. The problem there was that there were no gerbils where deaths were recorded. Then again, as Jon Rappoport explains, the virus and the pandemics are a cover for the real culprit, namely toxic manmade chemicals.
It's better to chop the tree at the branches rather than go straight for the roots at this point in time. If he comes out against virology as one big lie, he's asking for a "sudden heart attack" or "fatal car accident".
I don't agree. If everyone takes that view... I myself don't lie. Period. If I don't lie, that means that I don't think it's right to do it. If I don't think that it's right to do it, I really can't see any way to support others doing it. It doesn't mean that I don't understand your argument. But if you go that route, as Jon Rappoport notes, "Bit by bit, and piece by piece, people would be accepting the official COVID story, until there is very little to argue about." That's from his blog post titled "COVID: Going to the root of the poisonous tree." / https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/08/20/covid-going-to-root-of-the-poisonous-tree/
Since people have been lied to about literally everything for many generations, you'd want to go "bit by bit piece by piece" on just the COVID part first, instead of hitting them with "virology is a total farce" straight away.
I can't speak on the beliefs and motivations of specific people though, so who knows what they believe and say.
"Hitting" them with this or that can be done tactfully. Some of us are better able to do that than others. I can express myself and I'm informed. I don't possess specialized knowledge and don't have formal education worth mentioning, but I'm self-taught. I've always been a reader and I've always liked writing. I'm not a writer but I am a communicator. I don't have the talent to be a writer, as most people understand "writer" to mean. But I have the ability to state clearly what I'm trying to say because I am always thinking about how to say what I want and need to say.
Honestly, Is that bit by bit way working with people?
I have my issues with C.J. Hopkins but I get what he says when he says that he's done with trying to talk to people about the medical aspects of this hoax. He now just wants to bluntly ask them "Do you realize that what you're doing is fascism?" That's more extreme than what I propose. There's two points to be made about C.J.'s proposal: 1. There is no reason why you can't do both. 2. You can't know beforehand what kind of person you'll be talking to, and so deciding to be blunt with everyone, period, is an unreasonable position to take. (I have had many conversations with people who have been jabbed and completely agree with me. And I've seen too many people who just put their heads in the sand and hope for all of this to go away. My family is in that category. My nephew doesn't buy the baloney at all. But he'd rather watch tv than get informed. And what's he up and do? He gets himself and his family, including his young children, jabbed, just so that they don't have to quarantine after going on a trip that they didn't have to go on.)
In C.J.'s case, he is somewhat hostile to those of us who think that the subject of the virus's existence is important. (So is Reiner Fuellmich, mildly, and Vernon Coleman, harshly and without class, and Joseph Mercola, who I don't pay attention to even though he's written some good articles, and Richie Allan, harsh, unclassy.) And I'm sure that his medical knowledge is limited 'and' faulty Rockefeller medical dogma. Therefore, It's just as well that he doesn't bother with that.
Although I bet that he didn't stick with his plan. C.J.'s an intelligent and caring, but imperfect, man. (He did an interview with Jeremy Nell, aka Jerm, in which he made it clear that he's not getting injected with their poison, while he smoked and filled his lungs with poison.) My guess is that the first time C.J. comes across someone who got jabbed but didn't want to and that jabbed person is interested in what we we know about the hoax and open to discussion about it, C.J. will tell him all he knows.
C.J.'s website, by the way, it called "Consent Factory Inc."
Ask your eye doctor to check your retina for micro blood clots, if you got one of the vaccines. The clots arent normally visible through the skin, but can be seen there.
On the one hand, seeing the Gamaleya building gives me hope that total digital slavery won't happen while the "Soviet-era public funds thiefs" are still in power. China is the world leader in "digital slavery" by far, and they hang officials for corruption no questions asked. Corruption in the West is more complex and requires more effort, and is only reserved for the highest echelons of power, unlike in Russia where everyone can be bribed at every level.
On the other hand, if Gamaleya steal all the money for research and development, that means the vaccine could just be pure 100% rat poison or whatever cheap substance they can afford after buying a mansion made of pure diamonds with golden wallpaper and emerald floors for each of the top managers.
Russia worked hard in modeling their corruption schemes after the West, slowly but surely they are succeeding. There too, corruption becomes a privilege not easily accessible to laymen.
The main reason of this virtual war is not only to justify incoming crisis, but it is one of the 3 elements needed to trigger full scale global conflict with atomic bombs on the first plan. They need to imprison obedient people in towns, and then they will use nuclear weapons to destroy them. It is not as precise as vaccines, but it will let them to accomplish the great reset faster. Today cities are logistically and energetically inefficient. They has to be rebuild. They are dens for degenerates and criminals. That's why there is pressure to have own power source and food supply.
Thank you Edward for the info about Sputnik, info that I have been looking for. I find the threat of the gene editing injections horrifying and have been wondering if those two blocks of powers - The Collective West and Russia/China + the BRICK countries have any major different goals, both seem to be aiming at Global Power structures and Transhumanism. What the military invention/war in Ukraine is concerned it is obviously a proxy war USA/NATO/NAZISM against Russia/Ukraine in order to grab their Natural Resources - the food basket of the world first and foremost. Monsanto and other poisonous enemies of the Earth already have gained hugs splices of land in Ukraine already since 2014 bending all former rules banning GMO. There is no, or hardly any attention spent on this fact. Peace talk between Zelenski and Putin is a waste of time, as it is the USA that runs this show. My guess is that US and the Nazis worldwide are colonizing Europe, demilitarizing EU by sending all their weapons to Ukraine/Black Market, in order to rebuild by purchasing new US military weapons, and German is increasing their investment in building up their military power, not to fight Russia but to become the head of the United Europe on behalf and under the USA command. The Nazis have been more or less dormant in the media, but very active in training military groups, s.a. Ukraine. Entertainment and too much info, is dumming populations around the world making the road to destruction wide and clear.
Wow. Incredible exchange from Vasily, Arby, Stanley, Jerome. You have given me much to think about. And I will.
The value of any blog is measured by both contributions of the blogger and the commentariat. You might be losing a bit of ground, Riley.
Thanks! A nice collection of important facts. I already researched some of them a while ago, but this article rounds it up and compiles them.
"Data from other nations using Sputnik V suggests that while the drug is not the most dangerous currently on the market, it’s still far from harmless.." - Slavsquat
"There is no perfect leader, but, if anyone is close to it, then it is Putin. That is why they hate him, those pale and anemic Westerners...." - "Mina" - comment from "Staying cozy inside the "Russophile media"
Syllogistic Conclusion: Putin is a man, who tho far from 'harmless,' yet far more dangerous are the pale and anemic Westerners ... full speed ahead, icebergs be damned!
he's perfect, aside from the digital cattle tags and occasional medical maiming. come on! :)
"Let's just get totally vaxxed and speedball this Pfizer with this Sputink, man! We call it "vaxx-flipping duude!"