Interesting, how someone named Graft, oh I mean Gref would represent the height of corruption.😁

And it’s also fascinating how all the financial criminals worldwide are enamored by AI and all its numerous possibilities, especially the ways in which it'll further control discontented proles.πŸ€‘

Every new invention is touted as something that'll enhance humanity.πŸ˜‰

Weren't we told that television would enlighten and educate all populations, but turned into a "propaganda box." And wasn't the internet going to be a beacon for free speech, but devolved into another surveillance tool.

So if you actually believe AI is being developed to elevate humankind then you must also believe 95% of China's population are loyal believers in XI and during the 2020 US election "Basement Biden" received more votes than any other previous president.😁

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Jul 22, 2023
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That's called marketing.😁

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AI has become one of the dominant ideas of our age, and all the dominant ideas of a given age are the ideas of the ruling class of that age. The ruling class does not create all of them, but it shapes them in such a way as to be in its service. So is the case with AI. AI was conceived of in the 1950s by a small circle of intellectuals as a vision to build machines on the basis of an understanding of how humans think. Such an understanding was, and remains, a mirage, happening amid an increasing civilizational desert. But across that desert walks the restless creature of financial capital, eyeing opportunities to turn anything genuine into a zombified entity subordinated to its schemes. So, half a century after the conception of the AI idea, the big media started to execute a terminological sleight of hand by which any instance of computer functioning that is new & unusual can be called an AI.

To realise some of the implications of this sleight of hand, we might ask ourselves:

How do we feel about the words 'a new computer function'?

How do we feel about the words 'Artificial Intelligence'?

What is the difference? And who benefits from it?

Roger Schank on the AI hype


Emanuel Pastreich : The AI propaganda campaign


From the link:

"People talk about AI as if it is a phenomenon, or a technology, or some aspect of science. It is nothing of the sort. AI is a massive propaganda campaign funded by multinational corporations to justify fascism, and the dumbing down of the population by the repetition of images and words in the media designed to disrupt cognition. Describing this campaign, this war of the billionaires against the rest of humanity, as a natural and scientific consequence of some inevitable, and beneficial, evolution of technology dictated by the Almighty, is a horrific sin, an abomination before truth."

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I was never interested in computers and this shit science fiction movies.. it is so unhuman and unreal, it destroy our nature.. i grow up in a village, we didn't watch tv, i was reading books , we were building houses with wood and falling leaves, the most time we played outside, we didn't have much money but i think it was fine.... i only want that my daughter will be free but where?

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The problem I have with this framing of "AI" from many sides is that they who are not involved or familiar with the technology address it as a singular "it", as if it's some kind of sorcery or property -- even if you think "it" is a campaign -- controlled by a handful of select companies. In reality, there's no singular thing to AI. It's just code that anyone can learn and create and use for himself. There really needs to be a demystification of the technology so that people stop treating it some singular product or set of products offered by others and/or government and instead treat it akin to programming web servers and web pages, again, something people can do for themselves.

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"Probably some of you are sick of reading about Gref and his deranged visions for Russia. But if you want to understand where Russia is headed, you gotta watch this weirdo like a hawk. He has a technocratic finger in every pelmeni, with the full approval of the Kremlin."

Its not Gref. Gref is just the surface coating. It is the underlying communist degeneracy that is steering it all. What is Russian oligarchy but a communist regime in disguise. Of course, it is communism 2.0, not the old KGB kind of communism/bolshevism. And there are mountains of evidence that marxist/communist movement is jewish trojan horse type deal.

Being an anti-semite is a logical conclusion of being well informed while being cognitively able.

Besides, anti-semitism is a jewish invention. There are 10 semitic tribes, but only one is into usury and satanism. So jews hide behind other semitic peoples. Much better to say that one is anti-jewish and then explain why.

Why? Because I oppose usury/banking/slavery and satanism/trans/lgbtq, THATS WHY I am anti-jewish!

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I’m invested β€œin every way” in these technologies, especially AI, except for how the Eugenicist-owned politicians of the world plan to use it to literally replace humanity, rather than help people. Seriously, if we don’t mentally institutionalized these monsters, now, today, they will indeed replace humanity, in short order, with full-on synthetic bots, plus a few leftover less-than-human slave-botsβ€”for total control over β€œtheir” organ transplant β€œsystems” for themselves, after they finish killing off the majority. Please place this chat-post-quote on your icebox to keep reminding you, I told you so: that if we don’t stop getting distracted killing each-other, they will eventually crawl into their bomb shelters like the roaches they are and finish humanity off. They no longer need us, and we surely have never needed them or their bloody vaccines & warsβ€”for our end-of-times security.

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You had me right up until "they no longer need us." They will be ground into the depths of hell before they will admit that they do need us.

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Thanks, Kathy. But for less the effort and cost, we could just dump all of them into one active volcano, but then there’s the question of pollution.

Of course, I was speaking from within β€œtheir” minds, rhetorically, when I said β€œthey no longer need us.” That’s what they really believe. But now that I’ve thought about it, the truth is, they are beginning to realize this absolute reality: with today’s technology, we, the majority humans no longer need β€œthem,” at all. Think about it. I’m 100% certain I could replace every single politician on earth with one Apple iMac tablet on solar power out in the middle of the desert capable of performing all government functions humans required for about $2000…and they bloody well know it. The function of government for over two thousand years has been an overreaching, monstrously-wasteful over-expenditure, especially all of their bloody wars.

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And thats why we need new challenges for the administrative AI class to solve.

Did I say new, like novel, like coronavirus?

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Bloody Hell Correct, Dieter. You are the very first I’ve heard to say it. There’s never been an overpopulation problem, or a β€œshortage” of electricity & water, which is β€œtheir” basis for all the wars they’ve trapped us to: warningβ€”warningβ€”it’s coming for yaβ€”too many & shortages. It’s total bullshit. My mind works like a quantum computer, but autistic-dysfunctionalβ€”as in atypicalβ€”and so all I’m capable of is complex problem-solving, 24-7, (what the hell’s wrong with the worldβ€”problems) and totally incapable of being social-tolerant, like masking-up to go shopping without the need to tip over shelves of shit I find incomprehensible. Not exaggerating.

Nobody is saying what you just said, or what I keep saying: we humans have all of this advanced β€œgoddamn” technology, yet ALL of it is being used against us, rather than a tool to help humanity; tools to assist the individual reconnect to human-self to spark our natural-creativity, compete fairly and build infrastructure solutions (which the 1984 Orwellian-monsters have destroyed via our educational systems). So now you’ve forced me to change gears this week to write an additional article on this very topicβ€”rather than data-dump it here in chat.

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Jul 23, 2023
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Thank you, Sarah. I was speaking figuratively, of course. In grade school I was labeled retard-autistic, then punished frequently to learn better. At least once, I was beaten unconscious, as a reminder to β€œlearn” to never question authority. But I just kept goingβ€”challenging everything. Being retarded, I couldn’t help it.

I’d like to be generous to you, then perhaps you can help me sharpen my β€œcognitive abilities.” Seriously. Please visit my substack, then get a free subscriptionβ€”unless you’re wealthyβ€”and in turn I’ll upgrade you a Free Lifetime Paid Subscription, which will allow you to educate me via β€œunlimited” chat-posts. I’ll never silence or ban you, ever, respecting all of your critical views. I’m not being sarcastic, but sincere when I say, β€œplease help me” save humanity. I could use your help.

If you’d rather not, then please click on the following link and listen to John Gallo’s 5hr interview about American education, economics, Rothschild & Rockefeller Eugenics programs, slavery, war… I swear, no matter how smart you are, watching this interview will make you greater at whatever you do. Have a beautiful day.

John Gallo:


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In Russia they also harvest babys and organs?

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Putin - everyone knows I don't use email but I want Russia to become a digital hellhole

Putin - at my age of 70 for most people the pinnacle of technical wizardry equals handling of a remote, yet I claim to be mesmerized by modern tech

Putin - many times we have been tricked by our western esteemed partners, and we know Russian digital ID and CBDC will eventually lead to a global CBDC and control, but we hope to get a seat at the table!

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It's not fashionable - but count me as an AI skeptic - yes the search engines have improved remarkably and yes software agents can respond to and with human speech content - but: "Herman Gref: .... I hope not in my lifetime, but everything is moving towards this" ... well, yeah - but then who is going to create the content that the AI agents search and respond with? They are not creating their own content - it's not like a software agent somehow learned - without human intervention - how to be a brilliant banker. Think: humans playing computer-assisted chess and NOT computers playing chess.

There's a reason why the AI agents are uniformly woke. Think it out!

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So depressing. From the land of Kosyrev and Gariev.

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Leaders rarely have technical expertise ... in anything. Leaders can think critically, but whatever 'expert' they consult, will have a huge influence (Fauci anyone?). They are also susceptible to 'fads' like most people. There are people still working on 'artificial intelligence' (and getting nowhere), but most of these stories are actually about 'expert systems'. That does not sound as sexy as AI though.

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well, apparently some Amish ladies have discovered that it is easier to ride the electric bike to meeting then to Hitch up the horse and buggy...

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did someone mention AI robots? meet Aladdin...Black Rocks AI robot...the dream child of the very kosher Larry Fink...want to see what REAL economic power looks like?....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWBRldjVzuM

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But it is just an idea of control. What is money? Kapitalismus? That money is not real it has no worth , they enslave us with the idea of something that has to meaning...

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And all along I thought Putin was human.

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I've followed developments in AI since GΓΆdel, Escher, Bach. If you don't know the reference, then you are probably late to the game. I hold the same view today as I held back then when I was a system level programmer. A machine (call them what they are) can only do what we tell it to do. Present day machines can pass the Turing Test, but all that proves is that people are easily fooled. If I program a machine to fool you, then chances are that's what it will do. Point is, we should be looking at human intentions, not at the possibility of an independent intelligence arising that replaces us. That to me seems very remote and probably not even possible.

Meanwhile, would you rather the machine land the plane (given the correct inputs of course) or rely on that thrice-vaccinated pilot who's feeling a bit 'under the weather?' Would you like your car to warn you if you're about to back over a small child, or would you rather rely on your own vision? I'd look of course, but having a machine to check my performance is not necessarily a bad thing.

On the same theme, the truck I drive (Volvo VNX) has an automated transmission. Where I used to have to shift 10 or 13 gears, I can now pay full attention to the actual driving with both hands on the wheel. Does that sound like a bad thing? Oh, and I can override that anytime I feel the computer isn't meeting my expectations, like descending a long grade with a heavy load.

There's a lot of issues here, and superficial characterizations don't really cut it, especially when they're linked to a controversial political figure. That's just a distraction, or perhaps even an agenda? Hard to tell sometimes with emotions running as strong as they are these days.

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I remember GΓΆdel, Escher, Bach (when I was a student), but SchrΓΆdinger's cat caught me off-guard.

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My favourite SchrΓΆdinger moment was on the Big Bang Theory when Penny kissed Leonard and said " The cat's alive! Let's go!

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Hey, that's my truck! I don't haul logs with it though, just paper. Heavy as hell, that's why the extra axle. I drive a VNL when hauling groceries, which I did all through the pandemic. Hero to Zero. Thanks Justin.

Here's MY hero: https://www.theconvoybook.com/

She's got a sense of humour too:

"The media said the Canadian truckers were Russian agents, controlled by Vladimir Putin."

Hey, maybe they were right?

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A simple question: Is Vladimir Putin Russia? I ask because you do seem to go on about him.

Another question: What sort of risks are you running as a critic of Putin compared to say, Gonzalo Lira as a critic of Zelenskyy?

Yet another question: Why is your moniker and image that of a gopnik? Are you aware of how patriotic gopniks are? For example:




They're not singing in English because they can't speak Russian. They're trying to get your attention. Is it working?

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probing and profound questions. You have exposed me and I have no answers to them.

My honest and sincere advice is to just not read the blog, as it clearly drives you wild with rage.

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You're projecting buddy. I save my rage for people who've caused me or my family harm. As for probing and profound, I read your "Russia beyond the headlines" intro on the pandemic and Ukraine. Curiously missing is the possibility that Russian authorities may have thought they were facing a bio-warfare attack, hence the draconian measures, which granted were ham-fisted, but that's apparatchiks for you. Nothing new there. Consider the chain of events. Serious outbreak in China, followed immediately by a serious outbreak in IRAN, which took out several top leaders. Put that together with NATO encroachment since 1999, including intermediate range missiles and bio-warfare labs on their frontier, and what would YOU do if you were charged with protecting a nation of 140+million people with a long history of being invaded? Err on the side of caution, maybe?

Nothing personal, I have the same issue with many commentators who never seem to put themselves in the other guy's place and ask, 'what would I do'? Not, what would I like to do, but what can I actually do, and what are the consequences of that? Being American, I'm sure you're familiar with the term, Monday morning quarterback.

As for Ukraine, curiously absent is any mention of the glorification of Stephan Bandera and his Azov fan club. I would have thought that central to any introduction to the topic. Plenty of emotional appeal though, like having your apartment flattened, but again, curiously no mention of 8 (now 9) years worth of flattened apartments, not to mention 14,000 dead. How did that get left out?

I'm not outraged, just curious. How do manage that?

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re bio-attack: How do PCR tests, QR codes, and mandatory genetic injections protect against a dangerous pathogen? (answer: they don't--but they do destroy public health.) Besides, if Russia was under bio-attack from the West, why would it remain in the WHO, which is almost completely funded by the Collective West?

As for Ukraine, I laid out my position on the current state of the conflict here:


Please read it carefully before continuing your lecture.

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Actually, I will respond to that because you're not the only one reading this. I didn't say Russia was under bio-attack, I said they may have believed something like that was in the offing. China, Iran... who's next? I can imagine them thinking that and making preparations. Why can't you? As I said, the response was ham-fisted, and they quite likely were getting bad advice from the wrong people, but you've draw the conclusion that they were complicit in some globalist scheme to rule the world. Am I allowed to doubt that, or is that an article of faith around here?

As for membership in the WHO, WEF, UN or any other such agency, it proves nothing. Russia is a major power so it's only logical they'd have a seat at all of those tables if only to keep an eye on things.

And now for my rhetorical question: If they're all in on it, then why the war? The top levels of Western and Eastern power, whoever they might be, are all party to the great covid scam, and yet they're at war with one another? How do you spin that?

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I am simply reporting on policies pursued by the Russian government that are harmful to the Russian people and Russia's national security. I don't see why that should bother anyone who cares about Russia and her future.

In fact, I have written (again and again) that it wouldn't even matter if Russia had completely extricated itself from various nefarious global organizations (such as the WEF) if it continued to pursue the same destructive and dangerous policies that these groups promote.

My blog is also largely sourced from patriotic Russian media outlets and commentators -- so again, I'm not really sure what the issue is here.

You are more than welcome to your own opinions, and I am happy to engage in respectful banter about these issues. Your original comment that I replied to was asinine and not appreciated.

When you finish reading my article about Ukraine, I would be happy to continue our talk.

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"I am simply reporting on policies pursued by the Russian government that are harmful to the Russian people and Russia's national security."

Really? Looks to me like editorializing.

"You are more than welcome to your own opinions, and I am happy to engage in respectful banter about these issues. Your original comment that I replied to was asinine and not appreciated."

How is asking pointed questions "asinine?" Like it or not you're a public figure, which means you can expect hard questions. You dismissed mine with sarcasm, then call them asinine, but now you're all reasonable and willing to engage? Sounds like damage control to me. I think I've made my point. Last word's yours if you want it.

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Jul 23, 2023
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Latypova and Webb seem to have drawn that conclusion. Not fool-proof, just the best apparent fit for the data as it becomes available. Clearly you have a different opinion. I stated mine as an alternate theory, not as a fact. I'm not Russian BTW, if that was directed at me, although I understand why you might think that.

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Not a lecture, a critique - specifically of your introduction. And why would I want to engage further? You've already dismissed me, remember?

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Did I miss the part where you identified all that "intelligence" your title boasted of ?

.....and the more important question - have you been reunited yet with your 'chip off the old block'?

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Riley, this is further support for my BRICS assertion. Both Ramaphosa of South Africa and Putin support the UN's 4th industrial revolution which is AI driven.

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In a sane world AI and all technology would be used to save labor and thus create more leisure for mankind. Instead it will be used to enslave mankind.

It is obscene to talk about AI when all of the technological advances of the past have not brought material benefits for the vast majority of the world population. All of the technological advances of the past have been misused. So instead of ABUNDANCE, we still have SCARCITY.

No matter how much AI is introduced into the world, the vast majority of the world will still live in poverty and will still continue to be wage slaves.

All of this talk about AI and about progress in general SICKENS ME. Technologically, we are advanced. Spiritually, psychologically and emotionally, we are BACKWARD. BARBARIISM IS THE THE NORM.

There is only one question: To what degree is Putin stupid and to what degree is he corrupt. Regardless, for him to spew this UNORIGINAL bullshit, shows he is LOST.

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scarcity, the whip that keeps the slaves compliant..

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Perfectly said.

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