Aleksey Mozgovoy reminds me of Pat Tillman, an NFL player that left $$$, joined the army, deployed to Afghanistan, realized that the invasion was a huge lie. Pat's communications w/family back home stated a strong desire to blow the whistle on this farce when he returned. (((They))) protected their false narrative and had him whacked, just like General Patton, just like Aleksey. Keep publishing the truth, Riley.

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That was my feeling after reading Jon Krakauer's book, Where Men Win Glory. Tillman went from a hero lauded as an exemplar by the likes of Rumsfeld and other Bush Administration notables to being killed by 'friendly' fire and having his personal effects, including his notebooks, burned by the Army. Very little of it made sense.

Thank you, Riley, for the 'big picture' view. Greatly appreciated, as always.

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for much needed rest from geopolitics check out other Krakauer's book - Into Thin Air. Recommended.

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had no idea these were the same person. Air is a compelling record

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Thank you. I'll check it out.

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Mozgovoy was nothing like Pat Tillman. It was a totally different situation.

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Must be an outlier since the historians and wacko war lovers claim that all other 13,557 wars in the history of man have been good ones. But who's counting.

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Most “alternative” types in the West would rather believe in the US bad/US enemy good mind frame they’ve been trained in since the ‘60s, not realizing that there are no good actors out there in terms of states and elite cliques, just different members of a global gang fighting at times over the right to rape us, the world’s 99% ahead of the other members.

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Peace sells but who's buying?

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Perhaps the bigger question we should be asking ourselves is what is the cost of commodifying relationships, states of being and that which used to be sacred (and then motivating all our actions based on those fiat currency values) ?

In a world where people prioritize what is profitable and the very nature of fiat currency necessitates a "perpetual growth model" of economics, whether humans are at "peace" with each other or not, the inevitable end result will be what I quoted Charles as describing as "the concrete world" in this essay: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/are-there-limits-to-growth?

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all currency is "fiat".

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Right. Plebs have no money. Thats the problem here.

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The irony is that pleb's wealth actually finance those industrial slaughters...

Stay safe

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"All freedom will be lost when the war is won" - the truest thing ever written.

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"the outcome of the Not-War is leaning towards “unfavorable” for all not-oligarch Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, Germans, Brits, Frenchies, Canadians, Poles, Eskimos, and all the rest of you weirdos."

Ahh but that is not so if you are a Canadian pensioner, as our CPP (Canada Pension Fund) is directly funded by investments in war profiteering corporations like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon!

(for more info: https://coat.ncf.ca/research/CPP/CPPtop1002017.htm )

Here in polite and politically correct Canada, War is an "inclusive" racketeering endeavor that welcomes people of all ages to participate and profit from death and destruction!


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"People on both sides are fighting against the oligarchy. But somehow we only kill each other, ourselves. So we’re committing a slow suicide of sort."

A summation describing all gangster turf wars deploying the powerless who are used as cannon fodder while hoodlums sit back and profit.

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Feb 24, 2024
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Agreed. This dragging on is not a good thing at all. Its almost as if this 'Not War' is actually a cover for something else............................but what?

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As Orthodox prophecies say that at some point, when Greece will attempt to reach it's lawful 12 miles boundary, Turkey will briefly atack it. Prior to that Greece and Turckey would have broken diplomatic ties. By closing the Black Sea straights Turkey will atract Russia's wrath and, within days, it will cease to exist (it will broke to pieces and the Kurds will finally get their state, Greece will get it's teritories back a.s.o.), for Russia will wippe it off, with a third of the population to be killed. It'll get worse. The Big War will bring Russia to Jerusalim, but China will be cunningly invade Siberia and change the game. That in a nutshell. For now we are awaiting big earthquakes...

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Very interesting! Thanks for that.

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Feb 24, 2024
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The mRNA is a Red Herring.

All the "Covid" vxx contain (highly toxic) graphene oxide.

These Spanish scientists blew the whistle in 2021:

La Quinta Columna

Substack: Cov - Id Project

Their Substack contains all the info.

See also: GeoEngineering Watch - Dane Wigington


Graphene oxide now permeates the atmosphere via 'weather modification' using nano particulate-laden precipitation that is destroying entire forests, plant and animal life. It has been found across the globe in the food supply.

To top it off, graphene oxide is highly conductive.

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There is a ring around the sun--along with geo-engineering "cloud" cover skies--almost every day now in San Diego. I also see many many jabbed who are coughing and sick.

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Wigington is based in Northern California.

They are destroying California.

Beyond tragic.

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Yes excellent, the Sanctions were against the people not the foreign country. I can not tell you how many people I speak to whom cannot see this. I never went along with closing my business and being told what to do. The sanctions were against we the people and most have never figured it all out.

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On the ball there Gary

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Yes and affect the food supply, and move large numbers of peoples around and killing, killing, death of so many, this beautiful place the creator made for us seems like hell.

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Finish the plan of deindustrialization as in the US.

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I send your writings to my friend in Luhansk where many websites are banned.

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Free Luhansk or occupied Luhansk? I mean banned by Russia/LPR or by Kiev? And how come they have the power to ban? They control all the Internet Service Providers? In a crowded place like Europe you can't find an ISP in a neighbouring country that is better? Only asking.. I don't know.. I wonder...

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Free Luhansk. I was sending her updates on world/local news and she replied back that "unable to open your link". Then I started copying/pasting entire articles via email and she was blown away by the actual truth on matters. I lost count on how many times she thanked me. I warned her about the clotshots, too.

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Could there be love there too?

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well done. but 'free Luhansk' ? Bit sad. Means Russia is censoring and censoring (accidentally I suppose) stuff that would help it. I guess it is sites like FB and X they block? I can see why they would. Total MSM bull as we know. But they block substack here, too, for instance?

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Here in Germany we have two systems (aside from mobile, that is) to connect to the internet.

1.) telephone cable

2.) TV cable

Both are monopolies. Both own the infrastructure completely. I know because I tried to change my provider. It isn't possible. There are very few "competing" companies. They are all 100% owned by the monopolies and if you try to switch to them, they tell you "no service in your area".

It's a scam.

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same thing in USA, the land of 'capitalism'.

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What did Mozgovoy know anyway? He only lived out the actual situation in the Donetsk. I listen to people like Scott Ritter who really know what the world is about and who trust Putin. ( :-) to the 10th). Thanks, Riley!

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Peddling NWO recruit/apparatchik Putin's propaganda here? [1]

P.S. I'm sure you know that he knew a lot and was against Putin's oligarchs - that is why he was eliminated, along with many other patriots like him.

[1] I don't agree with Scott Ritter - Riley Waggaman / Edward Slavsquat


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He was being sarcastic with his statement.

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I think older people just cant process sarcasm.

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No...it's because its a waste of time. Get to the facts!

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you should check out simplicius. nothing but facts. insider information leaked straight from the kremlin to the simp. just reams and reams of data points about which tank column is where and which hill is being shot from and what the polls say about soldier morale this quarter.

i can tell for a man of your discerning taste, simp's garden of minutia is just what you are looking for.

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People can process sarcasm, young or old, but do not want to waste their time with your juvenile antics. No professional employs it, including MSM, and that should tell you volumes. It's just dumb as damaging to both of your careers!

The only reason why Westerners tolerate your and Riley's sarcasm addiction, and also your pathological hatred towards OC and your marcionism heresy, is the fact that the two of you are rare English-speaking people that know Russia very well thus can provide some insight - that's the only reason why you have audience.

Other reason why you and Riley should reconsider and drop you sarcasm addiction is that, once patriots free Russia and start hunting down traitors to be processed, you may end up in the same cell along with Martyanov, as your explanation that it was just a prank and sarcasm, may not be believed. E.g. Riley's article on Strelkov [1] titled sarcastically, "A farewell message from convicted extremist Igor Strelkov", may end up being Riley's undoing when the time comes, i.e. as I mentioned, when patriots free Russia. So think about that.

You are welcome!

[1] A farewell message from convicted extremist Igor Strelkov https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/a-farewell-message-from-convicted

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Thanks. I suspected that, after posting it, but did not want to spend time investigating.

It is indeed supremely unfortunate that both Riley/Edward and Rolo/Rurik, as well as many of their fans indulge in sarcasm and ruin their reputation many-fold. Many times, I did not forward links to their articles as they either had sarcastic titles or first two paragraphs were dripping with sarcasm, as I realized, unless one is completely familiar with Russia, readers would simply be either misled at worst or completely confused at best.

Rolo/Rurik actually prides himself with wasting his readers' time with his silly sarcasm. Both of them would have far bigger audiences had they avoided this exercise in self-pity which what sarcasm is IMHO.

P.S. One cannot find sarcasm in writings of true professionals like Whitney Webb, but Riley/Edward and Rolo/Rurik know "better".

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Literature, because both of them are genuine writers, using humour, poetry, yes sarcasm sometimes... This touches Man beyond pure journalism. I have heard of no one in France who got in touch with Riley Waggaman's work who has not understood the quality of the information provided in a prose they could not always understand appreciate because their English is basic (management school English), but who could check the links provided so as to make their own point of view. The Slavsquating hilarious Riley has already have a great impact. That is a legendary prowess for a hobbit.

I guess the very great Madame Webb would rather have an hilarious conversation while milking cows with Riley than with psychorigid so called patriot...


One Love

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That's why I won't read Rurik's juvenile crap.

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You'll just shit on it and use it to whipe your ass in front of all his Stalkers then instead being a big boy and leaving and going somewhere private. Come on I know you get off on making a public mess.

Unfortunately, it seems besides teaching you to put two or more letters together to form words the US education system is failing the population or in your case was it homeschooling? I'm betting you're a Yank at least as you fail to be able to read between the lines and see sarcasm and irony. That's also what you get for thinking the Bible was written in English by a God.

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This. Rothschids drinking child blood and dancing on pleb's graves while snow niggers killing each others.

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Thank you for that soul piercing quote from Aleksey Mozgovoy my friend. Potent stuff.

I shall guard my humanity (and my sauerkraut) closely (and I shall do so with a little less weight on my heart and shoulders thanks to your humorous way of sharing the hard ugly facts).

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Feb 25, 2024
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I remember by first 6 month leap of faith making homemade miso (not opening the crock or disturbing it for the entire time, just hoping it is still good) man that was hard!

But now I have a few jars of 5 year aged dark miso as a blessing for my faith in the Koji spirits ;)

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Feb 25, 2024
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thanks, it did feel good to be able to transform homegrown beans and amaranth into something that delicious, nutritious and with that long of a shelf life. I looked up how much 3 year old plus organic miso paste cost now a days and i was like daaaaaayyym, it was worth the wait :)

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:) yes indeed, Miso too!

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Putin is bleeding his non-ethnic-Russian provinces dry - of men and of money - to support this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_tFSWZXKN0 And he is looking for other places to rob and plunder, so clearly his troops have their guns pointed in the wrong direction. Same case for Zelensky, who presided over a disarmed citizenry, whose government bled them dry before the war - Russia and Ukraine, both resource-rich, had the two poorest populations in Europe - and the wealthiest oligarch classes. The trouble is that the Russian troops have Chechens behind them, so their guns have to stay pointed in the "right" direction. Take the Chechens away, and that changes things, which is why it's likely the Chechens will stay in place. And if Ukraine wins the war, I'm sure the guns will be re-confiscated and the plunder will continue. If the Russians win, the Ukrainians will be wiped out and replaced, and the Russian troops will have their guns taken from them, leaving Ukraine's resources open for plunder. It's a game where the only way for the working class to win is not to play, on *both* sides. If it's just one side or the other, it's a loss, it's got to be both. It's a version of the Prisoner's Dilemma: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner's_dilemma

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the people will win once they begin to govern themselves as is what they're supposed to do in a democracy.

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Denocracy only exists if everyone has a gun and can use it to defend the rights they fought for.

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This sort of attitude seems very prevalent in America and that's very unfortunate. It is wrong and makes for a future that gets worse daily.

Democracy exists, by definition, when everyone has an effective voice in the decision making.

The problem right now is that no one speaks. All notionally have a voice but no one speaks.

They do not try to be democratic.

It means rule of the people by the people. That means people doing something. Taking an interest, forming opinions and letting them be known.

In extremis a primitive mob forms. Until then: nothing.

Worth noting - very well worth noting for it strikes at the heart of the whole thing - is that when such as 'defending your rights' with violence happens to you are defending your rights against people who are attacking.

It is not 'rich against poor' or 'good against bad' or anything other, ever, than simply people

against people.

It always gets down to people against people. Which is the sad sick awful ludicrous fact.

That we see in Ukraine now for instance.

Now if people saw themselves as effective citizens of a democracy they would talk, not fight.

That's what democracy is for.

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Yep. Thanks for that. I saw it and I disagree so I posted a comment. :)

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A few disjointed thoughts:

What we need is memes, slogans, catch phrases, pithy, terse, to the point, memorable, resonating....

To catch the 'sheeple'.

We need elucidation, investigation and revelation of exactly who these 'oligarchs' are and what/where their interests and profit motives are.

We should understand that it could/should be that many global oligarchs have interests on both sides of the dispute and hence want resolution as much or more than we do.

We should stop referring to the dispute as 'Ukraine v Russia' this is a meme and a deception, a falsehood and a propaganda coup for the liars.

It is USA v Ukraine in the first instance. The USA is hurting Ukraine more than anyone; that why 'first instance'.

That would seem to indicate USA oligarchs profiting from that specifically. So then identify, reveal, quantify and publish their profit. Doubtless much of this is in the MIC but maybe not all. Maybe some surprises.

Considering the history it would see clear the Biden's have close financial interests in Ukraine hence it may well be fruitful to discover and reveal just what profits they are making today from all this - I'd incline to think the family would find it impossible to overlook opportunities such as would be presented by the influx of billions to Kiev.

There is one invader in Ukraine and that is Kiev Ukraine invading Donbas. Where they still are. Since 2014. Invaders. Conquerors. Civil war. Prime importance. Needs 'meme - ing' and getting out there.

Though I say there's one invader: Kiev in fact the invader is the USA. The USA (meaning its oligarch rulers) has invaded, white anted, not only Ukraine but the whole of Europe with the intent to keep it down and profit from it.

The USA is, in fact, at war with the whole world. It has that mind set. I has that attitude. More to the point it performs those actions: look anywhere, any time.

The USA is the problem. Nothing and nowhere else. Only the USA.

This truth cannot be accepted because it is too huge. Too much of a paradigm shift. It's of the order of the earth going around the sun instead of the other way around.

Biggest single problem in the English speaking world is a lack of good English - good enough to describe things accurately.

For instance today in public English the word 'Ukraine' in fact refers only to 'Kiev Ukraine' - and that itself is the USA.

In public English 'Russian' actually refers to the soldiers of Russia and the Donbas Ukrainians who've been fighting for ten years, whose land is invaded and just want the invaders out.

This kind of bad English is not semantic quibble. It represents a propaganda coup of such magnitude that a fair proportion of half a million dead can be laid at its door.

But this 'bad English' comes from the mouths of everyone, most notably all the 'observers' and 'pundits' and 'experts' , public figures and so on. Those the dumb masses have been schooled to look to for advice and information. All misled.

There has been and still is a total lack of any indicated direction the people might follow to improve thing. i.e. there is no 'looking for solutions' any more than there was during the covid debacle.

There is a clear simple correct path for the masses to follow: bug the elected rep ceaselessly demanding they be aware the people want it all to stop and they get up in the chambers and say so. This is never put to them as any kind of procedure at all.

Hence we can see the people are on their own. There is no government help. We all know. That's the very beginning of the problem. But there's no 'community leader' for want of a better phrase, help either. For two years. None. So a first step is to inform the people of this simple fact.

And so on...

We need a central place to begin putting together positive real assessments and descriptions of our reality and finding sensible proposals to deal with it.

Like listing some of the oligarch realities I mentioned.

Like listing discoveries of Biden family profiteering.

Like listing 'bad English' facts such as above.

Like listing reliable good sources of information.

Like allowing for interchange of views.

An assembly area. A focal point. A point of origin. A reference point. Something that is ours.

We are still in the ludicrous situation where our most impassioned 'revealers of the truth' and 'champions of justice', etc. use 'social media' platforms, owned by the media, the oligarchs and the govts they necessarily rail against: and run crying 'foul' when those platform owners de-platform them !

This ineptitude of our 'leaders', our 'betters' or whatever I should call them is staggering. The most astute and scholarly of internet sites devoted to Covid truth was/is Sunetra Gupta's 'collateralglobal.org' ! The most unintuitive name. Totally unfindable by any normal google search for covid or vax facts. And when you get there a coffee table nicely presented sleek and inoffensive site.


In regard to Ukraine we don't even have a 'collateralglobal'. ! Or it is so much like it that I've failed to get to be aware of it. Please tell if you know.

So we need to see the truth and disseminate the truth and have a point or points of focus. Divided we fall and we're totally divided.

So just to put my money where my mouth is I will confess that though I'm totally remiss in just about every aspect - particularly bugging my elected reps which I actually should be the FIRST thing anyone does and am therefore a total hypocrite - I have put up a tiny lame little site call 'ukrainehonesty.com' and have all sorts of plans for it. But have done nothing with it for months. But it is there.

It is even interactive. It has a forum that anyone can join/use for free. And from a quick look just now it appears the spammers haven't found it yet.

Yea. My disjointed thoughts. I hope some sense in them somewhere, of some use to someone. I have been watching this thing from the beginning and I just get sadder and sadder - let's hope we can turn things around...

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Sheeple are not relevant. They close their eyes and let it happen. Always. Oligarchs understood this long ago. Strong Pleb man must understand this too.

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well they are relevant. they are all there is. you and I are sheeple until we make ourselves different and even then we simply become better behaved/better operating sheeple.

'sheeple' means the people and it indicates that the norm is for people to want someone else to handle the problems. that people are generally fairly lazy and insular, self centred etc.

Yep. this is true and it might not be good. Doesn't matter: good or not it is the truth. The people are the way they are. We are the way we are. So we need to build a system that deals with that reality.

There's much 'system building' , in fact nearly all of it, that attempts to devise and institute, impose, systems that will change people. 'For the better' is always the claim, of course.

No. What is needed are systems that cater for the truth. For people as they are.

People: sheeple, are not stupid and they are not bad. There's good reasons for their performances being the way they are the current time in all the different places on the earth.

They don't need making over or changing, forcing into a different mold.

They need acccess to a voice, one man one voice, voices only from genuine living people, voices expressing informed opinion because coming from people who have ready access to reliable true information. they need the ability to easily express their opinion and have it conveyed to their 'representatives' in the legislature ( a kind of person doomed to become extinct, superfluous), an easy way to interrogate those 'representatives' as to what they've been doing and demand of the performances and reports.

They need, in short, access to democracy as the landed gentry had in ancient Greece.

A lovely system that didn't scale well. Became impossible to duplicate on the large scale.

Until now.

Given the smartphone and the web and the computing power, the databases and the applications, the citizen today is a far cry from anything that ever existed prior to this.

That's the sheeple of today. On the brink of waking up and knowing their ability, their power.

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One thing that gets overlooked on this blog is just how courageous Riley is. The man has some serious stones to speak the truth. Even though he approaches the seriousness of war in an often hilarious and ironic way, it is still risky business. Truth in any time of conflict is the first thing to be crushed, thankfully the rise of alternative media is showing all of us the reality of this ugly business by exposing the powers-that-shouldn't-be. Mighty forces are working hard to shut it all down and we should all do what we can to support the brave folks who fight war with words. Something about a pen being mightier than the sword comes to mind.

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Western Defector: "Except that - Mozgovoy didn't actually say what the writer infers he said."

Except, "the writer" has shared a VERBATIM QUOTE. Unlike yourself, he didn't have to "infer" anything, for Mozgovoy's words are SELF-EXPLANATORY.

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