Today marks two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine.
Edward Slavsquat is an outcome-focused blog and according to my calculations, the outcome of the Not-War is leaning towards “unfavorable” for all not-oligarch Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, Germans, Brits, Frenchies, Canadians, Poles, Eskimos, and all the rest of you weirdos.
If you want to know how I came to this conclusion, you can read a very long blog post that I typed up in June. Actually, I was warning about the Not-Good Outcome of the Not-War before it even began:
Scam alert: WAR!
I wish I could type something novel and groundbreaking to mark Two Years of Not-War, but absolutely nothing has changed since One Year of Not-War:
However, in keeping with tradition, I will quote the words of LNR militia leader Aleksey Mozgovoy, who was assassinated by Shadowy Forces in 2015:
I'd like to appeal to everyone who is fighting—on both sides. People on both sides are fighting against the oligarchy. But somehow we only kill each other, ourselves. So we’re committing a slow suicide of sorts.
The “gladiators” need to break out from the “Colosseum”. Instead, a new Colosseum is being organized. We’re burying ourselves. Do we need it all? War for the sake of war? It’s stupid.
Does anyone remember why we have rebelled? Isn’t it clear that the ones we rose up against are ruling us now? For both sides. Isn’t it time for us to come to our senses, military gentlemen? Otherwise, there won’t be a single one of us left.
And the ones we should be fighting against…they will be living on. Without problems. And everything’s going to be as it was before.
So I appeal one more time: start thinking. Your brain should be working, not your grenade launcher. That’s when there will be order. While the guns are working, there will only be deaths.
Aleksey Mozgovoy reminds me of Pat Tillman, an NFL player that left $$$, joined the army, deployed to Afghanistan, realized that the invasion was a huge lie. Pat's communications w/family back home stated a strong desire to blow the whistle on this farce when he returned. (((They))) protected their false narrative and had him whacked, just like General Patton, just like Aleksey. Keep publishing the truth, Riley.
Must be an outlier since the historians and wacko war lovers claim that all other 13,557 wars in the history of man have been good ones. But who's counting.