Too bad and very sad that Russian health ministry and the WHO will NOT get a divorce. That marriage is toxic and a very unhealthy relationship. The Russian health ministry and the WHO use each other for their OWN selfish needs and abuse the good Russian people at the same time. The World Health Organization will NEVER know and NEVER feel true love.

The main objective is QR code digital ID (COVID = Certificate Of Vaccination ID) for ABSOLUTE control. Love does NOT try to control someone and control someone's freedom.

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Jun 20, 2022Edited
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I love your quote:

Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist.

They are wrong, it is character.

Information isn't knowledge. I'm only interested in the truth.

A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth !

There's a great M Franti song called The world is so f-d up (but I aint never given up on it)

As I'm sure you gather I am an optimist about our world as my view is its actually only a few who are truly inverted/completely evil and most simply go with the flow and need to either have integrity in leadership or claim their sovereignty. I believe we have tremendous help from within ourselves as well as beyond.

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Jun 20, 2022
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:) :) :) Shine on. Timeline changes ahead <3 <3 !!

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So nice to be on line when you are on line however my lunch break is over and I have got to get back to work outside. I am ALWAYS in a pleasantly positive state of mind although I felt disappointed that the Russian government reneged on their NO PCR test entry requirements flying into Russia for foreigners like me. I IMMEDIATELY got over it and will buy my train ticket to Russia and my airplane ticket back to Belarus tomorrow. Already made my hotel reservations from 6 to 9 July. I am staying at my favorite hotel with a beautiful view of Moscow. I will post a photo of the view one of these days.

I hope to post an briefing / Q & A video of a scientist who works for DARPA by the end of year on my future bitchute channel. The scientist admits his work could be used for disingenuous reasons however he trusts his "boss".

Brainwashing is the root cause of people being asleep sheep in my opinion.

Trust is so important these days and finding/connecting with trustworthy people is a challenge and takes keen judgement. Brainwashing (like a computer virus) "infects" judgement of the human software "free will" operating system.

Thank you very much for engaging and energizing my mind!

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I overlooked "...let us prove that loves transcends borders!"... since I was in a hurry. Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to agree with and expand on transcending love. My personal definition of love is a spirituality feeling between souls that combines the divine utmost respect with shared compatible wavelength frequency of thought. Therefore, love is a feeling that can be felt across oceans and distance.

Jealousy plays NO role in love. I believe these evil people are jealous of us who choose to make a sovereign personal decision on NOT getting injected. These evil people have an obsessive infatuation with power and control. Yes, it seems since the beginning of time, humans have a character flaw of controlling others. However, I believe the "core" of a human is the seed of love that we are ALL born with. (With notable notorious exceptions of Bill Gates and Klaus Noseswab). And very unfortunately, a brainwashing "computer virus" can easily hack the human operating system and corrupt the person. The result is a world gone "rotten".

I am NOT suggesting that everyone on this posting board join a lovefest of posting "I love you" to one another. However love can be felt when people support one's endeavors to keep their sovereign decision about injections while defending freedom. So many people are simply embarrassed by rejection if the words "I love you" are NOT returned and so many people also misunderstand the meaning difference of "love" and being "in love" and even more people do NOT understand my personal definition of love. In my opinion, this is why people avoid using the word "love". Also in my opinion, love is under rated and absolutely NOT X-rated. (That is one reason why I started watching very old movies.)

I could talk to you and someone like you (Riley for example) for hours upon hours WITHOUT getting bored. You are special and I support your endeavors in the light that you shine in defending the sovereignty and freedom for the human race.

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They are ALL in it together:

A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order


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Pillow talk themes: depopulation and control.

Russia is a WHO, WEF, and UN node.

Putin's "war" just reinforces the One World Gov agenda.

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Spot on! You know Brzezinski right? And Dugin, the man that whispers to Putin's ears?

Well you won't be deceived by Dugin's remarks about the opportunity of a war in Ukraine:


At 17:17

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Of course, in the integral video, Dugin is not sincere. There is no multipolarity. The world will be bipolar (China/Russia/India and the States). Europe will be destroyed (it is already on its way thanks to QE, to covid, to war..) and submitted to Eurasian block.

And Putin is directly linked to NATHANIEL ROTHSCHILD through BEREL LAZAR as I explained before.

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Nice sad sounding song. Want to write the title in clear text so's I can cut and paste into google translate and see what it is? I can't write those characters on my keyboard. My stumbling attempts to read such script can't handle that last word at all.....

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tip: open the video on YouTube, then copy-paste the Russian into a translator. Some browsers will allow you to auto-translate the page/text. But for now: the title of the song is called "Shut the door behind me, I'm leaving"

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The world's statists are united in their determination to increase control over society as a whole and the individual societies over which they have jurisdiction. They will have their disputes, which may rise to the level of open war, but they are united on this point. The 99+% have no friends in that social layer. None!! We only have each other, all over the world. Thanks again, Riley!

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Why don't you write about the situation with closure of rail transit to kaliningrad? Please

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Thank you, Ed for all the details.

Your blogs demonstrate that the "leaders" (aka. people in powerful positions) of Russia are also participating in the global crime against humanity.

Can you, please, break it down to some kind of typology with a segmentation, whose aspects are based on the controllers' objectives? That would be something everybody will have to read around the world!

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Maybe, we could help Riley...

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Friends that exchange fluids and genetics. Very accurate in this case. The should at least use a condom and be honest with everyone involved.

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Yep, thanks for that. Makes me feel a bit dumb. I already knew to do all that but I've just failed to note it could be viewed in Youtube. Ah well.

So here's what I got - for anyone else wants to know;

they say

to take risks because they have


arina hastily


and who is right

someone is waiting for me

Street house


second hall


with you suddenly your affectionate sounds

the light of you or I have become

rain party


look at the clock look at the row at

wall and listen there

hear our eyes




some me

come follow me

close the door for me







hmmm... :)

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You have convinced me a while back that Putin is unfortunately in the pocket of the UN & WHO-WEF. He may be showing his supporters that he is acting on behalf of them but when onw observes how he is continuing with the support of the WHO and Gates of all people, one has to worry about his true intentions.

I think he he is sorry that Trump is not at the helm in the US as he was busy cutting the umbilical cord that was connecting the US to UN & NATO.

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Where did I see that Russia excepted their military from hacksxxxxxination? They don't want pilots to be kicking the bucket.

So they are smarter than we look?

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Jun 20, 2022
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Good observation. Quote by Alexandra Dronova> “We support joint work ....... based on the principles of consensus, transparency, impartiality." Consensus = Common agreement of QR code ID based on injection agenda. Transparency = Secret handshake deals. Impartiality = No prejudice against Sputnik V.

To answer your question depends on if our monumental freedom movement succeeds or fails.

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The word be con (censorship) us con (non) sense (us) = their version of consensus

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Jun 20, 2022
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Dr. Lee Merritt : The Russians and Chinese didn’t force their armies to take this genetic agent...


Regarding Russia: is there merit in this claim of Merritt?

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re: Russia, completely wrong.

"the decision of the chief state sanitary doctor of the Ministry of Defense of June 18 introduced mandatory vaccination of all categories of military personnel, workers involved in socially important facilities, as well as certain categories of federal civil servants."


The Russian Armed Forces have completely completed vaccination, 34,000 people have been revaccinated, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. "Vaccination in the army was completed about three months ago. Revaccination is now underway. Considering that everything is going according to schedule, that is, we know who and when was vaccinated and where revaccination should begin, we have already revaccinated 34,000 people. In general, we have vaccinated one million 400 thousand people," Shoigu said on Friday at a meeting with the staff of the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant (Krasmash).


Putin even praised the compulsory vax policy:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that almost 100% of the personnel in the Armed Forces were vaccinated against coronavirus, but there were also deaths associated with the disease.

“I would like to emphasize that the army has implemented all the necessary measures to combat the coronavirus infection. Almost 100% vaccination of personnel has been carried out. This has helped to avoid the massive spread of the disease, protect the life and health of military personnel, and thereby guarantee high combat readiness of units and formations,” Putin said. on Tuesday at an expanded meeting of the collegium of the RF Ministry of Defense.


What is Merritt basing this claim on? It's 100% false. Zero nuance here.

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I guess Lee Merritt based her claim on the belief that the Sputnik vaccine isn't genetic technology. In any case, I sent her links from which she can learn about it. She absolutely can, since she is one of the few medics in the world that have the rare ability to acknowledge that viruses are a fiction.

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Jun 20, 2022
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Indrek, for once you made me laugh. Thank you.

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She also thinks that it was a bioweapon.

Mind you that in most nations in 2020:

-total deaths in line with past years

-average age of cv death is around life expectancy (and most had comorbidities l

What engineered virus?!? Bioweapon my ass.

21 and 22 have more death because of the shots...

This is how every scamdemic happens in the past, caused by the treatments, not the "disease"

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Except that one of the largest causes of death is traffic accidents, at least here in the USA. And because of the lockdowns - you should have had a dramatic DROP in deaths, since traffic was greatly reduced. That you didn't see that, proves a significant increase of deaths, caused by the BioWeapon.

Of course, most of those who died, were actually killed by Iatrogenic Murder. Refusal to provide life saving medications, and the mandated provision of deadly poisons (see: Remdesivir) and contraindicated treatments to the sickened (ventilators and propofol, as opposed to nasal cannulas with hi-flow O2, and inhaled Budesonide).

Just because it wasn't designed to be lethal, by itself, in most cases, doesn't mean it wasn't a deliberately engineered and released BioWeapon. This flawed line of reasoning that you're repeating was put forward by the Event201 narrative management team, early-on in the Plandemic, as a counter to the well-reasoned positions of Dr. Luc Montagnier, and the team in India (and others), who recognized the improbability of a natural or zoonotic genesis, based on the number of mutations from any known, natural origin Coronavirus. The "Furin Cleavage site" was the dead giveaway, to some of them. And of course the Pentagon has notably been doing work in these areas... http://dilyana.bg/project-g-2101-pentagon-biolab-discovered-mers-and-sars-like-coronaviruses-in-bats/

By this kind of reasoning (that you're using) most anti-personnel landmines would have to be natural and organic, as well. The goal of most mines isn't to kill - but rather, to injure and incapacitate. A dead soldier can be buried, or just left behind on the battlefield. A wounded and ideally crippled or permanently disabled soldier must be kept alive, and extracted to receive medical care. It has a much more dramatic effect upon the fighting effectiveness, combat mobility, and morale of a unit, to have one or more seriously injured, but still alive soldiers, who were injured by a mine, than to simply have one or more killed by it.

The Psychopaths who were behind this plan didn't want to fall victim to the plague that they created and then released. So they were careful to make it be of generally low lethality - and easily treatable, given access to appropriate medical care. And in the early stages they wanted to cripple societies, and create a medical treatment burden. The lethality is pushed upwards, by the refusal to allow proper medical care, and normalization of toxic therapies. As a further increase in lethality is the further addition secondary BioWeapons, in the toxic jabs, which turn people's own cells into the factories for the BioWeaponized spike proteins, which then leads to autoimmune issues, ADE and paradoxical disease enhancement, CJD and the rest of it.

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Bioweapons as a concept require germ/virus theory to be be true. Any proof of that? The article you cite not only believes in viruses, the author also asserted that there are special bioweapons which have been designed to target Russians, as if Russians are biologically distinct from Ukrainians, indeed as if Russians form a biologically distinct group rather than a language/culture group, people who speak Russian, who are in fact from a wide variety of tribal ancestries. But some people love that kind of narrative. Just because the Pentagon believes in something scientifically does not make it true. Pentagon scientists are brainwashed in official science ideology, mechanistic materialism.

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I am not opposing any of you and both analysis has some relevance.

Specific genetic weapons have been studied for decades an to my knowledge (flawed but at least the fruit of some lay man researches) the focal point was in South Africa under the supervision of wouter basson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wouter_Basson ). I haven't read the wikibabylon source but at least, it is a reference for the sake of my comment and I have read much more on the case for at least ten years. If bio weapons didn't exist, why would Israel, Germany, France, segregationist South Africa, the Pentagone, etc... invest in such researches? I mean, let's say I don't know if viruses and ilk didn't exist, then why would there be researches?

Riley is in search of true debate, so I wish that my agnosticism might not spark accusation of 'trolling' or whatever non sense accusation bugging down sane disagreement on the internet.

Jeffrey, I spent 4 months in Berkeley in 1990, living in Albany, Cerrito Street and as raving mad I found the US society to be at that time compared to France and the countries I have visited in Europe, I learned a lot there and am somehow indepted to the place you live..

Jah (or whatever transcendant system pleases you) bless you.

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We've done this before, Jeff. I love ya', so I'm not going get into a pissing contest... But yes I believe that germs exist, and certainly bacteria are germs, and that's been proven. It's why syphilis and gonorrhea happen, and why they are both easily treated, with penicillin.

As for viruses, that's harder to show, because they're tiny, and don't operate as unicellular life, outside of the human cells that they hijack and co-opt. But that doesn't stop people from getting and giving each other chickenpox (and other herpatic viruses), and measles, and ebola and the rest. To me that point has been adequately demonstrated, and so I don't bother addressing it, under normal circumstances.

Certainly the Pentagon believes in Germ Theory - it's why they spend money on BioWeapons labs, the way that they do. And having large groups of people, working closely with each other - they're in a perfect position to observe the reality of contagion, as concept ... ALSO - they inherited all of the work and research of Unit 731 and Dr's like Mengele, from the Nazis. If there was no truth to the ideas that form the premises for all of that - then why continue?

Yes. The Pentagon has been looking for genetic/ethnically targeted viruses since the 1950's. This is known. I'm fairly certain that Dick Cheney and PNAC actually reiterated and expressed support for that idea, in "Rebuilding America's 'Defenses'".

That's your "terrain", right there. I don't personally believe that Pasteur OR the guy that he was arguing about it with, were actually wrong. It's not a question of "either/or", it's "YES, AND" - like improv. People with weakened immune systems, or who are otherwise more susceptible to a given 'bug', are more likely to get sick, and show symptoms, when the come into contact... And when they don't get sick, it's because their immune responses worked, and they build their immunity, for the next time that they come in contact with the same thing. It doesn't seem super complicated, to me. If you're around people with the flu, or a cold - then the odds are much better that you're going to get it. Most of us have experienced this.

I know several people who believe exactly as you do. And at least one of them claims that she hasn't gotten a cold, or gotten sick since high school (and she's older than me). I'm happy for her - and hope that whatever she's doing continues to work...whether that's diet and exercise, or alkaline ph water, or whatever... But I don't think that disproves that viruses are a real thing.

I've seen what people SAY are viruses in electron microscopy photos. That's plenty enough for me. A virus as I understand it is a protein coat, and some self-replicating RNA or DNA, inside. When a cell gets successfully taken over by that hijacker, it produces more of those little things, and then it often explodes - which will create cellular debris.

There's people who claim to have satisfied Koch's postulates relative to some common viruses - and people like yourself, who say that they're ALL LYING... If we couldn't see the way that viral diseases spread through a population, I'd spend more time researching who's right. Instead, I accept that viruses exist, as a given. And I accept that the CDC, and CIA and the Pentagon have placed BioWeapons labs around the world, for a valid reason - at least in their own minds.

Denying that entire paradigm, seems like a fruitless effort - particularly when I've caught whatever it is that gives people "Covid" (or "Mysterious Vaping Illness" - as it was called, in the Summer and Fall of 2019) symptoms, personally - in December of 2019...before it was thought to even be here... So psychosomatic illness doesn't explain it, in my case ... And by that point I wasn't "Vaping", or even smoking weed, or anything else - so scratch that off of the list of suspects.

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Jun 20, 2022
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there is some info here but it is not very reliable in my opinion:


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Jun 20, 2022
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Blackseed oil, however increases sperm count.

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Jun 20, 2022
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