By Riley Waggaman, a former RT “senior editor” (newsroom errand boy)
Probably soon things are going to get very, very weird in Russia. The situation is already quite dicey, obviously.
The State Duma is expected to finalize and vote on nationwide QR code legislation in the coming weeks. If everything goes according to plan—and it probably will—this law will come into effect in February.
Where is the discussion on this civilization-altering bill? There are so many self-professed Russophiles and Russia Analysts on the interwebs—and hardly a peep about one of the most consequential moments in Russian history.
Instead, we see a lot of hedging and second-guessing. People are creating laundry lists of What Ifs to console themselves. Yes, things look very, very bad, but what if Vladimir Putin pops out of a giant birthday cake and arrests Bill Gates?
With each passing week, the hypothetical scenarios become more disconnected from observable reality.
Believe whatever you want. But our question is this: Where is your red line? What are the conditions under which you say, “this is totally and completely unacceptable and there is no way to rationalize what is happening”?
The red line will be different for everyone depending on personal circumstances. We fully sympathize with those who understand things have gone terribly awry but risk severe consequences for speaking out.
Others continue to pretend there is no reason for alarm, that it is somehow “different” in Russia. Despite their flamboyant self-assuredness, they will not debate this issue. They will not even weigh the evidence. We’ve tried reaching out to these types in good faith. Again and again—crickets.
But surely, even these Russia Experts must have a red line?
Time is running out, friends. If you’re still on the fence—if you’re still hedging or second-guessing—we have a few questions for you.
Do the Russian people want QR codes? Yes or no?
It’s a simple question with an easy and obvious answer.
Many people are (rightfully) outraged over the obscene and anti-human QR code systems being adopted in the West, but remain absolutely silent on the implementation of digital cattle tags in Russia—a country where 90% of the population oppose these depraved “health” IDs.
There are probably several Western nations and US states where a majority of people want to be tagged. Why waste your energy on these weirdos? Why not express solidarity with those who overwhelmingly don’t want to be digitally enslaved? You can do both, of course.
Incredibly, there are some who condemn QR codes in the West while simultaneously insisting there are certain conditions that would justify their use in Russia. This is really sad. And also makes zero sense.
Do the Russian people want Sputnik V? Yes or no?
The myth that Sputnik V is a magical anti-Big Pharma potion is beyond our comprehension. Anyone who seriously studies this issue will immediately understand why it is absurd to attack AstraZeneca’s clot-shot while shilling Sputnik V. For starters, the Russian government is financially invested in both “vaccines.”
But let’s approach this question from a different angle. Is shilling Sputnik V on Facebook a good way to show “solidarity” with the Russian people? No, it is not.
Russians don’t want the shot. Around six months after the Russian government began offering Sputnik V, less than 15% of Moscow had voluntarily received at least one dose. Why are people on the internet peddling an unproven, experimental drug that the Russian people don’t want? That makes zero sense.
The coercive measures are only getting worse—which means Russians have not changed their minds about Sputnik V. Perhaps it would be appropriate to consider why that might be? Or at the very least, respect their wishes?
Alexander Gintsburg—the head scientist behind Sputnik V—is working tirelessly to make vaccination mandatory for all aspects of life. Do you know about this guy? He is not a good guy.
Should the Russian government be held to the same standards as all other governments? Yes or no?
There is widespread and very legitimate disgust with US health authorities who continue to ignore the shocking number of deaths and serious adverse events recorded on VAERS.
There is no VAERS in Russia. The Russian government refuses to release data on post-vaccination complications—assuming this information is collected at all.
There is a global scam afoot. The Russian government has actively participated in this scam. In fact, the scam has arguably been more blatant and absurd in Russia than almost anywhere else—mostly because the Russian people never bought into the scam and just wanted to continue living as normal.
The scam is so stupid and mind-melting in Russia that authorities even invented their own non-existent COVID mutation in an attempt to scare people into getting vaccinated.
So why are so many people giving the Russian government a free pass? Every day we browse Twitter and see reams of messages about how, one day, people will open their eyes and understand what is happening. That’s already the case in Russia—it has been since the very first days of the “pandemic.”
Why are people who speak out against coercive and destructive COVID policies cheering for a government that is actively curb-stomping a population overwhelmingly opposed to these same “public health” measures? That makes zero sense.
Let’s return to the basics
What is the purpose of Internet Politics? Why do people watch YouTube videos discussing geopolitical issues?
We assume because people want to better understand the world. Probably many people are suspicious of approved narratives and are searching for the truth.
Searching for the truth: that’s a tough one. It’s no easy task. It’s a long journey with many twists and turns.
But this endeavor—the search for truth—is totally futile and pointless if we lose touch with the basics. And what are the basics?
In our humble opinion, standing up for the most rudimentary human rights—the right to free movement, free association, free commerce, the right to decline medical experiments, the right to not be constantly harassed and abused by moronic, suicidal “public health” measures—all of these things, and many other things, are included in the basics.
Just like every other government on earth, the Russian government is trying to deep-fry the basics.
If you think we’re wrong, let’s start a discussion. Let’s start a discussion either way, actually. Probably there should be more discussion. If you read other Russia-related blogs or whatever, you should encourage these internet destinations to start a discussion, too.
Sorry for being a stick in the mud but seriously. It’s time.
Back to the basics, friends.
One thing I hold true is that there is a deal of epic attribution to the Russian situation at the moment. After all, we in the Netherlands are in our 4th lockdown at the moment, 4 weeks until the 14th, and with the option to extend on the 12th. We have mask mandates, social distancing, you need a QR code to visit a restaurant, bar, cinema, museum, theatre or an indoor sports venue. We even need a QR code if we want to stand by the line at your son's or daugters saturday amateur football match, outside. Want to visit your grandmother in the elderly home? You can see them on appointment trough a glass door. Jab mandates are openly discussed here.
In comparison, the Russian situation seems to be quite good, viewed from the outside. Not a lot of people have taken the jab. A "stronk leader" instead of the wet newspapers we call politicians. Growing geopolitical relevance. Something to point to and sympathise with, in spite of being called the eternal baddie in our MSM.
In the absence of Edward Slavsquat and friends in our lives, and the unwillingness to look beyond the 8 o'clock news for information, Russia is quite the El Dorado for some. And I had to warn plenty of people in comment sections who uttered the wish to emigrate to Russia to avoid the totalitarian blanket of our local societies.
The red line is personal. I drew it for myself a long time ago. I refuse the wear masks and get tested, let alone vaccinated. Please continue to be a stick in the mud, like I am. It's important, because sticks cause drag. Every time people see me without a mask in the supermarket, they are confronted with another way of leading your life. And it works. There are 15-20% jab refusers in my country, but the percentage of people refusing to take the booster will be greater. We just have to stick with it (see what I did there?).
I think some people, seeing how globalist, corrupt and woke the "west" has become, want to believe that there is a meaningful alternative, or at least counterweight (and the Chicoms certainly ain't it). They aren't ready to accept that ALL major governments are essentially partners, factions, subsidiaries or junior apprentices of merging global elite (WEF, CCP, WHO, etc.). It's too depressing, I guess.